Chapter 301

"Nangong Toshihiko, you!"

Tang Tian let out a sharp scream. She never expected that, following Xia Yuan's slip and fall, Nangong Toshihiko would jump after Xia Yuan after staying for a second without thinking about his own safety.

God, Nangong Junyan jumped off the building with Xia Yuan?
"Xia Yuan!"

Nangong Toshihiko's voice rang in her ears, Xia Yuan thought vaguely, is she already dead?Have you reached the underworld yet?In fact, death is really painless, so why are so many people afraid of it?

I died twice without feeling any pain at all!

No, if you are in the Underworld, why did you hear Nangong Toshihiko's voice?Could it be that Toshihiko is also dead?its not right?

Xia Yuan opened her eyes, but saw Nangong Toshihiko's handsome face right in front of her eyes. At the same time, she felt her waist being hugged by him, and her figure also froze, swaying...

"Toshihiko, did we die together?"

"What the hell, stupid woman, we haven't lived enough. I haven't married you yet, and I haven't had a bunch of children with you. How can I die?"

Nangong Toshihiko held Xia Yuan's waist tightly with both hands, for fear that Xia Yuan would fall down again if he let go.Hearing what Xia Yuan said in his ear, he couldn't help being angry and funny.

"What? We're not dead yet. What's going on? Didn't I fall down the stairs and die?"

Xia Yuan's eyes widened, and her consciousness was suddenly awakened by this stimulation.

"Fool, don't move around. I don't know how long this rope can last. If you move it again, it will really fall together."

Nangong Toshihiko held Xia Yuan tightly and said slowly.

Xia Yuan hugged him tightly with her backhand, and suddenly felt a strong sense of security. Only then did she realize that there was a rope attached to the back of the man she loved. carrying the weight of two people.

Xia Yuan sorted it out a bit, and finally understood: after Manager Cai tied the rope to Nangong Toshiyan, Nangong Toshiyan saw her fall, jumped down from upstairs in desperation, and caught her.

Then the rope on his back came into play and saved both of their lives.

My God, I really can't move, the rope is so thin, if it breaks, there will be no power to recover.

Xia Yuan reminded herself to be rational, but the tears fell "swish", wet Nangong Toshihiko's white shirt.

"Fool, what's wrong with you? Does your arm hurt?"

Nangong Toshihiko's beating heart had calmed down, and his tone was calm and calm at this moment, it didn't look like they were hanging on a position as high as a six-story building.

"You are stupid, Nangong Toshihiko, you are stupid, you are a big, big, big fool. Why did you jump off? Do you know that you will die?"

Xia Yuan burst into tears.

How could there be such a stupid man in this world?
With such a tall building, you can jump if you want to jump. Are you not afraid of death at all?
Is this one of the richest and most handsome single men in the world?
Without her, what kind of woman is there?
Without this rope, he would have died with her today!
Just for her, I danced without hesitation.

Xia Yuan hugged Nangong Junyan tightly, feeling the warmth of his body through their clothes, so warm and sincere, she couldn't be happier.

"If you dance, I will dance."

Nangong Junyan felt that Xia Yuan was so active in hugging him, and a feeling of being strongly needed by her immediately made him extremely relieved.

This man is really stupid, he can't speak sweet words at all.

Words are no longer needed to prove it, though.

Xia Yuan's heart has been completely moved by Nangong Junyan.

I originally thought that even if you were tempted, it would be difficult to melt the heart that was frozen due to injury in the previous life; I thought that a good man is hard to find, and a good man with money is even an extinct animal. Unexpectedly, she actually held a heart in her arms .

Xia Yuan was enveloped by a great sense of happiness.

At this time, a gust of cross wind blew from the high-rise buildings, and the two of them couldn't help staggering due to the cross wind. Xia Yuan couldn't help but asked worriedly:

"Toshihiko, can the rope hold up?"

"Don't worry, it's me!"

Nangong Toshihiko comforts Xia Yuan.

As long as she heard what he said, Xia Yuan felt relieved, and she leaned softly in his arms.

When Nangong Toshiyan jumped, he had completely forgotten that there was a rope tied to his body, but he couldn't bear Xia Yuan disappearing before his eyes.

Seeing her falling figure, his heart suddenly felt empty.

It is impossible for him to live alone in the world with such a broken heart.He couldn't bear the feeling of losing Xia Yuan.

With almost no thought, Nangong Toshihiko jumped down.

The acceleration of gravity made him, who was taller and heavier than Xia Yuan, finally catch up with Xia Yuan.

The second he hugged her tightly, Nangong Toshihiko was suddenly not afraid of anything: This is very satisfying, enough!
Unexpectedly, the reaction force on his back jerked upwards, and he remembered that there was still a rope hanging on his back, but he didn't expect that this rope saved his and Xia Yuan's lives.

Downstairs of Shi Quan Ji has already gathered thousands of people. Everyone witnessed a man falling down the stairs, and at the same time witnessed another jumping off the stairs and embracing another faller... …

Seeing that Nangong Junyan and Xia Yuan were safe, everyone couldn't help applauding, and the clear applause reached Nangong Junyan and Xia Yuan's ears.

"Toshihiko, they are applauding you!"

Xia Yuan stuck to Nangong Junyan happily.

"No, I think we are as chic as flying immortals, so I fell for us!"

Nangong Junyan smirked, if it wasn't for holding Xia Yuan in fear that she would fall, he would have wanted to make a gesture of "You and I spread our wings and fly lightly".

"Xia Yuan, Nangong, are you alright?"

On the rooftop, Tang Tian asked loudly, she was scared out of her mind.Seeing Xia Yuan fall from the building, he thought she would not survive, and then Toshihiko Nangong jumped down again... Well, are these two Jack and Rose in the real version of "Titanic"?
"Tud thu", until this time, the damned Jiangnan police helicopter flew over, and the police dropped the rope ladder from the helicopter, approaching Xia Yuan and Nangong Junyan.

Nangong Junyan hugged Xia Yuan and sent her up the rope ladder...

Finally, the helicopter landed safely under the top floor of Jiangnan Hospital, and nurses and doctors appeared in front of Xia Yuan carrying the stretcher.

Carrying Xia Yuan onto the stretcher bed and watching her being carried away by the nurses, Nangong Junyan felt his legs go limp and sat on the ground.

He is not afraid, but afraid.

Later, I was afraid that if I had hesitated for a moment, now I would be separated from Xia Yuan forever.

It turned out that Xia Yuan had already become the lover he could not lose!

Nangong Junyan praised himself for the first time in his life. He finally saved the one he loved, and finally broke the curse that his lover would lose!It was he who saved her back with his own hands.

It turns out that he can do it too!
 The male protagonist's past experiences are gradually being revealed...why he suffers from insomnia, why he has nightmares..., so stay tuned
(End of this chapter)

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