Sky-high pillow: the chief domineering substitute bride

Chapter 302 Walking sideways in the hospital

Chapter 302 Walking sideways in the hospital

"Toshihiko, are you alright?"

An Yichen has never seen Nangong Junyan's expression like this, full of fear, fear, and even a trace of joy...

So many expressions were mixed in the expression on Nangong Toshihiko's face, it was as if he experienced a great memory in a flash.

An Yichen, who had just rushed out of Shiquanji restaurant, asked worriedly when he saw Nangong Junyan's expression.

An Yichen knew that Nangong Junyan's insomnia was not without cause and help, he had a major knot in his heart.

Even if he was as close as An Yichen, he never dared to take the initiative to touch Nangong Junyan's heart knot.

"I'm fine, Xia Yuan is fine, I'm fine."

Nangong Toshihiko raised his head and smiled tiredly, this kind of exhaustion An Yichen had never seen before.

Nangong Toshihiko has always been clean-clothed and personable, but has he ever been so embarrassed sitting on the ground with dust on his hands and body like now?
"Are you injured?"

An Yichen was worried, Nangong Junyan's jumping down from the rooftop was beyond his expectation, to be honest, thinking about it now, it was An Yichen's turn to be weak and frightened.

If it weren't for the rope tied to Toshihiko Nangong's body, if it weren't for the quality of the rope, what would Toshihiko Nangong be like now?
Even if he is extremely skilled and can try his best to dissipate the potential energy of the fall in the air, if he jumps from such a high place, there is no place to borrow strength, and he must be missing an arm or a broken leg.

" are too careless! You are too rash!"

An Yichen couldn't help criticizing Nangong Junyan.

"It's a bit rash, but fortunately my rashness, otherwise, now I don't know how to face what happened next."

Nangong Junyan struggled to get up, patted the dust off his buttocks, and said to An Yichen with a smile.

" this woman so important to you?"

An Yichen shook his head speechlessly.

"You'll know when you have a woman you're interested in." Nangong Junyan pouted at An Yichen's back, and An Yichen turned around to find that Tang Tian was coming out of Shiquanji, "You drive, take I'm going to the hospital."

Seeing that Nangong Junyan's heart was completely on Xia Yuan at this moment, An Yichen had no choice but to accept his arrangement, saying:
"When you go to the hospital, remember to check yourself to see if there are any internal injuries."

While speaking, Tang Tian had already brought her own car, so the three of them made a car, with Tang Tian driving, and quickly followed the ambulance that had just left to the hospital.

"Today is a supper I will never forget in my life."

Tang Tian said while driving, her hands were still shaking due to excitement and fear, but luckily it didn't affect the driving.

"No one thought that Li Ming would suddenly break in and kidnap Xia Yuan. Otherwise, it would be fine if Xia Yuan stayed in the box with everyone."

An Yichen sighed.

On the ground not far away on the other side, Li Ming's body had been put into a black body bag, zipped up, and taken away by the funeral home's car.

Previously, Manager Cai had already reported to the police that someone had kidnapped diners, so Li Ming's fall from the building was defined as a malicious kidnapping and then fell from the building, so he only conducted a rough inspection and sent him to the funeral home.

Although Tang Tian didn't see the bloody scene, she couldn't help sighing when she saw the funeral home's car pulling the black body bag away from the rearview mirror of the car.

"Xia Yuan told me several times that this Li Ming was extremely narcissistic, but he didn't expect to end up hurting himself, even losing his life."

Hearing this, Nangong Junyan's face was calm, and he didn't have any more sighs about Li Ming's death. In fact, if Li Ming didn't die, he wouldn't make Li Ming feel better.

He dared to do something to Xia Yuan, causing his beloved woman to almost lose her life. How could he let Li Ming live a peaceful life.

"This Li Ming also killed his love partner because of his reckless abandonment. Just like him, he jumped from the bank opposite Xia's. This Li Ming, jump after jump, is considered to be returned to that girl. .”

Nangong Toshihiko's words immediately relieved everyone a lot.

This Li Ming deserves what he deserves.

The three followed closely behind the ambulance. When they arrived at the hospital, Nangong Junyan jumped out of the car and saw the stretcher being lifted from the car. Two nurses skillfully carried Xia Yuan onto the movable bed. Xia Yuan saw Nangong Junyan, His eyes lit up immediately.

"Where did you go just now? I'm worried to death."

"It's my fault. The stretcher carried you away just now. When my legs gave way, I fell to the ground. When I got up to chase, the ambulance had already driven away."

Nanzhong Toshihiko said guiltily.

It was really unexpected that her legs would go weak, but Xia Yuan spent a lonely 10 minutes alone in the ambulance because of this.

"I'm worried about whether you are injured, and you should check it out."

It turned out that Xia Yuan meant this.

"The patient's family members are waiting outside, and the doctor will give the patient a comprehensive examination."

At this time, the nurse stopped Nangong Junyan from continuing to walk in.

"I have to go in and stay with her, otherwise, she will be afraid."

Nangong Toshihiko was in a hurry. Seeing the nurse blocking him, he couldn't help saying that he was going to follow after pushing the nurse away.

"Hey, you, don't know how to get in, it's a disinfection room, if you go in like this rashly, you will bring bacteria in."

The nurse's words were more effective than anything else. Thinking of how it would affect Xia Yuan's body, Nangong Toshihiko didn't dare to move, so he had no choice but to stop and wander outside the emergency room.

"Toshihiko, go check it out too."

An Yichen wanted to take away Nangong Junyan who was waiting outside the emergency room, but he quit:

"I know my body, I'm really fine."

"Let him check after Xia Yuan finds out. He doesn't feel at ease if he doesn't know Xia Yuan's situation."

Tang Tian was a bystander, knowing that Nangong Junyan was worried about Xia Yuan's injury, and it was impossible to leave the door of the emergency room at this time.

"Well, if you have any discomfort, just tell me right away."

Seeing Nangong Junyan nodding gratefully at Tang Tian, ​​An Yichen had no choice but to compromise.

It's really not that An Yichen is talking too much, as the leader of Nangong Group and the organization behind Nangong Group that has huge wealth and resources, An Yichen can't take responsibility for any of Nangong Junyan's mishaps.

Finally, after an hour of torment, Nangong Toshihiko saw the door of the emergency room opened, and a doctor came out and asked:

"Who is Xia Yuan's family?"

"I am, what's wrong with Xia Yuan? Is she okay?"

Nangong Toshihiko hurried forward and asked anxiously.

He thought to himself, let An Yichen go and find out which hospital in the city has the best medical skills, and the Nangong Group will immediately annex it. From then on, he will walk sideways in the hospital...

Of course, it would be best not to use this hospital in this life.

"Xia Yuan is injured."

The doctor's words lifted the hearts of the three of them.

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(End of this chapter)

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