Chapter 303 Injury
"How's the injury? Is it serious?"

As soon as the doctor's words came out, Nangong Toshihiko blurted out his question, his concern was palpable.

"The injury is not serious. The main reason is that her left elbow is dislocated. After the radiograph is confirmed, we need an orthopedic doctor to reset her elbow. After the operation, she will have to rest for a period of time. This is a minor operation, so don't worry."

Hearing the doctor's words, everyone felt relieved.

However, Nangong Toshihiko's face was still not good-looking, and he asked the doctor in front of him, "Who is the best orthopedic doctor in this city?"

"Dr. Wan Xiang is the best orthopedic doctor in this city, but he doesn't work in our hospital, and it's off-duty time, so I'm afraid it's not easy to invite him."

The doctor looked at his watch. It was already past eight o'clock. If it was a doctor from this hospital, he could call in urgently, but he couldn't control the doctors from other hospitals.

"Do you know his phone number or home address? Let's get him here."

Nangong Toshihiko said without hesitation.

"Dr. Wan is old, and he usually does night consultations at night. He is the number one doctor in the orthopedic hospital, so I'm afraid it's not very easy to invite."

Emergency doctors tell the truth.

"Give me your phone number and home address, and we'll get in touch."

Nangong Toshihiko said without hesitation.

That's not an ordinary person's arm, it's Xia Yuan's arm, and it's dislocated. Fortunately, she can support it for so long. Thinking of Xia Yuan's suffering, Nangong Junyan wished to chop up Li Ming who had fallen into pieces for another ten thousand. A knife still can't relieve the hatred in my heart.

The emergency doctor saw that the clothes in front of him were either rich or expensive. As an emergency doctor, he was also well-informed and knew that the families of these patients had their own solutions, so he told Nangong Dr. Wanxiang's phone number and home address Toshihiko.

"An Yichen, you know what to do."

Nangong Junyan turned around and said to An Yichen.

An Yichen nodded, took down Dr. Wan's phone number, and said to Tang Tian:

"Borrow your car."

Tang Tian thought for a while, knowing that Xia Yuan's life was not in danger, and now that Nangong Junyan was there, she said:
"I'll drive you there!"

An Yichen's eyes lit up, he nodded repeatedly and said:
"it is good!"

Seeing them leaving, Nangong Toshihiko asked the emergency doctor:

"Can I see her now?"

"Okay, there are no other open traumas, you can go in and see now."

The emergency doctor moved away, looked at his watch again, and still didn't quite believe that Nangong Junyan could invite Dr. Wan to come.

Because Dr. Wan is known as the old Wantou in their industry, and he is famously stubborn and noble. Even the rich don't look down on him, and his family background is not bad, so it is impossible for him to be persuaded for a little money. .However, the patient's family insisted, so he pushed the boat along and pushed the issue to the patient's family.

Nangong Toshihiko couldn't wait to go to the emergency room, and as soon as he entered, he saw Xia Yuan lying helplessly on the bed, her face was frighteningly pale.

Nangong Toshihiko's heart twitched. At this time, he is fine, his hands are no longer shaking, and his legs are no longer weak. He just wants to be tough in front of his own woman, so let her rely on him, right?

"Xia Yuan, go back and make a big tonic soup to drink, it seems that you are exhausted?"

Nangong Toshihiko sat beside Xia Yuan's bed, brushing the hair on her forehead with the back of his hand in distress.

"Plop," Xia Yuan laughed, and her bloodless face was flushed a little because of Nangong Junyan's arrival, "I'm still drinking, it's all caused by going to eat."

"Well, it's because I didn't take good care of you." Nangong Junyan saw Li Ming's ferocious face, and he couldn't help clenching his fists: "It's all my fault for being too soft-hearted. I would have known that I would have expelled Li Ming from Jiangnan." .”

"If he wants to take revenge, he will come back. Forget it, don't think about the past, it doesn't matter if I die, but why are you so stupid today? How many girls' hearts should be broken by this jump?"

There were tears in Xia Yuan's eyes.

Watching "Titanic" before, Jack said to Ruth: If you dance, I will too!
Xia Yuan thought it was a love fairy tale, how can there be such a man who loves Jin Jian?But I didn't expect that she was so lucky to meet her.

It must be that God saw that she was too unlucky in her previous life, so he blessed her with the luck of the two lives, right?
"Fool, don't cry, it's my fault that made you cry." Nangong Junyan took out a tissue, wiped away Xia Yuan's tears, and said, "The doctor said you are fine, but your left elbow is dislocated, and you will be called later." It would be nice if a very good doctor came to help you connect."

Xia Yuan nodded, compared to the moment when she was hanging in mid-air in shock just now, no matter how painful it is now, it is a kind of happiness.


"An Yichen, when I was out just now, I heard a little nurse say that Dr. Wan is very difficult to recruit. He is very senior and has excellent medical skills. Even ordinary officials would not dare to offend him."

Tang Tian said to An Yichen while driving.

"That's why Junyan sent me out!"

An Yichen laughed.That means: Otherwise, why do you think Nangong Junyan called me?
"Hey, you're really conceited!"

Tang Tian said disapprovingly.

Although she is not a doctor, she also understands, who in this world is not sick?One day they will be asked to come to the doctor's door, so doctors with excellent medical skills are also very detached when they see officials, and it is not enough to use force.

"It's not about being conceited. It's because everyone has flaws. If you have flaws, you can take advantage of them." An Yichen said, and then took out his tablet that he always carried with him to point his finger like flying. After a while, he laughed, "Doctor Wan is also a human being, isn't he god."

"What? Have you found his shortcoming?"

Tang Tian asked curiously.

"Yes, don't worry, he will definitely agree to treat Xia Yuan."

An Yichen was completely authentic.

Seeing that he was unwilling to solve the mystery right now, Tang Tian didn't force him, anyway, she knew An Yichen's hole cards when she arrived at Dr. Wan's house.

Dr. Wan's home is in a high-end community. An Yichen and Tang Tian took the elevator to the door of his house. After ringing the doorbell, an old woman opened the door:

"Who are you looking for?"

"Oh, we're here to see Dr. Wan."

An Yichen tried his best to put on a friendly expression.

"I'm sorry, Dr. Wan doesn't see patients at night. If you have anything to do, please go to work tomorrow."

The old woman was about to close the door.

"Please inform Dr. Wan, I know the whereabouts of his son."

"What? Really?"

The old lady didn't know her identity, but she was still very excited when she heard the news, and she didn't close the inner door again, but turned around and went in to report.

"Doctor Wan's son is missing? How do you know?"

Tang Tian asked curiously.

"Hey, everything is under control, and I don't even think about what era it is now."

An Yichen waved the computer in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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