Chapter 305 Unspoken Rules

If before An Yichen said that he could pay off the gambling debts for Dr. Wan's son, he was only a little moved, but this time when he heard what An Yichen said, Dr. Wan was shocked and pleasantly surprised:

"Mr. An, are you sure you can?"

It is no wonder that Dr. Wan was surprised and delighted, because for a gambler, he can find a way to pay off his gambling debts, but if his gambling addiction is not cured, even if his family has tens of billions of assets, it will be nothing.Because he might lose at the gambling table at any time.

As a doctor, Dr. Wan should have the benevolence of a doctor, but since he fell in love with the gambler's son, Dr. Wan's temperament has changed drastically. Hair became cloudy and uncertain.

Because of the resentment in his heart, Dr. Wan deliberately made things difficult for those who wanted him.Having an unlucky son on his own, watching others suffer unlucky because of illness, for Dr. Wan, there is also a secret pleasure in his heart.

Therefore, if An Yichen could help him quit his son's gambling addiction, this would be a chance for them both to have a new life. How could he not be surprised?

"No problem. Trust me! However, this process may have some extremes, I hope you can accept it!"

An Yichen said seriously.

He knew that Nangong Junyan needed a doctor with excellent medical skills who could ensure Xia Yuan's well-being to treat her injuries.

If you want others to treat you well, you must first treat yourself well to others.

Now, he treats Dr. Wan a hundred times better, as long as Dr. Wan treats Xia Yuan twice as good.

The logic of the rich is actually similar to that of the superior.

Those in positions of power who want to climb up often have to work a hundred times and a thousand times harder than those around them. They even have to endure the terrible loss at the beginning and follow the unspoken rules of society in exchange for the glory and success that others see on the surface. .

An Yichen's kindness to Dr. Wan was all for Nangong Junyan's beloved Xia Yuan.

Every doctor's method of diagnosing and treating patients is different, and there are differences in subtleties.

Just like caesarean section, some mothers reported that they did not feel pain at all in Xiangjiang caesarean section, and the scar on the stomach appeared smaller and more beautiful.

However, in the mainland, the pain will increase, and the surgical scar on the stomach will be longer and more ugly.

In fact, the procedure of caesarean section is the same, it's just whether the doctor thinks about the patient's vital interests.

The obstetricians and gynecologists in Xiangjiang may be more humane. It seems that every woman has a psychology of loving beauty and fearing pain, so he has worked hard on these two details; while the obstetrics and gynecology departments in the mainland put on a business-like face , can complete the operation and it will be a job.

Dr. Wan healed Xia Yuan with gratitude and joy. Naturally, there must be a huge difference in technique and attitude between him and him being forced to heal Xia Yuan. This difference determines Xia Yuan's comfort level during the healing process.

Dr. Wan's weakness is his son.

If An Yichen can properly resolve Xiao Wan's matter, Dr. Wan will naturally heal Xia Yuan with a very grateful attitude and do his best.

That's why An Yichen did his best to think about Dr. Wan, instead of resorting to violence or inviting Dr. Wan's superiors to force him to treat him.

Otherwise, if the above two methods are adopted, then as long as he makes a relevant phone call, Dr. Wan can be settled within minutes, and there is no need for him to show up in person.

Dr. Wan was naturally delighted to hear that his son's gambling addiction was cured. He said:

"Xiaowan has been addicted to gambling for five years. From slot machines to Texas Hold'em, and later to gamble in underground casinos. Don't be afraid of your jokes. He has consumed most of my family property. Fortunately, I have this medical skill, otherwise I also ended up with nothing to rely on.

Paying off the gambling debts is the second thing. The reason why I feel disheartened is mainly because Xiaowan’s gambling addiction is too deep. Every time he owes a huge amount of gambling debts, he comes to me and begs bitterly, expressing that he wants to repent. , but every time I just finished repaying the money for him, he would run to the gambling table again, and even ten cows could not be pulled back.

So three years ago, when he owed 200 million gambling debts, I ignored him, thinking that if he was scared by debt collectors and could completely repent, who knew he would disappear.I was also desperate and didn't want to go to him again.

If you can cure his gambling addiction, no matter what method you use, I will never care, of course, as long as it doesn't hurt his life. "

Dr. Wan's words were sincere and filled with a father's affection for his ineffective son.An Yichen listened, smiled slightly, and said firmly:

"No problem, we have a way to make him walk 300 meters away when he sees the gaming table. By the way, to show our sincerity, I have already transferred 200 million to your account."

An Yichen raised his mobile phone, indicating that he used the mobile bank to transfer money.

At this time, Dr. Wan heard the prompt tone of his own mobile phone text message. He opened the text message and saw that it was a reminder message from the bank, saying that a transfer of 200 million yuan had been remitted to his account.

Seeing that An Yichen remitted 200 million yuan to him so easily, Dr. Wan's strength and confidence in An Yichen were greatly enhanced.

As a result, Dr. Wan was in a good mood when he thought of his son's return and the possibility of his gambling addiction being kicked out.

While Tang Tian was driving, she could naturally hear the conversation behind her.

Although the conversation between An Yichen and Dr. Wan was very relaxed, in fact, the amount of information in his conversation was extremely large, which made Tang Tian discover that An Yichen was so precise and reliable when doing things, which was not at all like her. The tease in front of me.

The car arrived at the hospital where Xia Yuan was sent for treatment. When An Yichen and the others came to the ward, Nangong Junyan had just finished heating Xia Yuan a glass of milk for her to drink, saying that milk can replenish calcium and soothe the nerves.

Xia Yuan lay half-lying, but there was a dull pain in her arm. She was afraid that Nangong Junyan would be anxious, so she suppressed it, but the paleness of her face made her pain clearly written on her face.

Of course Nangong Toshiyan was anxious, but he was afraid that his anxious appearance would frighten Xia Yuan, so he could only endure it, his face turned black.

Fortunately, Dr. Wan came at this time.

"Doctor Wan, this is the patient, take a look."

An Yichen hurriedly introduced.

When Nangong Junyan heard that it was Dr. Wan who came, he quickly stood up and greeted him politely.

An Yichen has not reported to Nangong Junyan what he did before, but An Yichen knows that as long as everything is for Xia Yuan, Nangong Junyan will definitely have no objections.

"Doctor Wan, this is a picture taken by the patient."

When the emergency doctor heard that Dr. Wan was also here, he hurried over and handed over the X-ray film taken by Fang Zi.

Dr. Wan looked at the film and concluded:
"The left elbow was dislocated and needs to be reset immediately."

After finishing speaking, Dr. Wan turned to Xia Yuan and said:
"Although the X-ray film is accurate, it still needs to be judged by the tactile sensation after touching it. Show me your arm."

 Recommend a good book by Zixia Shengyan: "Abandoned Wives Have Happiness: The Billionaire Chief Delights to Be a Father"


(End of this chapter)

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