Sky-high pillow: the chief domineering substitute bride

Chapter 306 Talk About Love Talk About Love

Chapter 306 Talk About Love Talk About Love
Xia Yuan struggled a little, wanted to stretch out her arm but couldn't, and also felt a burst of pain.

Seeing the expression on Xia Yuan's face that could no longer be concealed, Nangong Toshihiko's complexion turned even darker. This time it wasn't the bottom of the pot, it was simply the bottom of the pot.

"Well, let me take a look."

Dr. Wan stepped forward very calmly, and took Xia Yuan's left arm to examine. I have seen tens of thousands of images of the majesty of an arm like yours.

"Okay, try moving!"

Dr. Wan fumbled for a while, then raised Xia Yuan's arm, and made a gesture for her to try to turn. Before Xia Yuan could react, suddenly, Dr. Wan moved Xia Yuan's arm with lightning speed. Arms go up.

Xia Yuan only felt a soreness in the socket of her elbow, and then she heard Dr. Wan tell her to move.

"Doctor Wan, I'm afraid I won't be able to move my hand if I dislocated it."

Xia Yuan said without confidence.

"I've reset it for you, and it can move. If you don't believe me, try it."

Doctor Wan looked indifferent.

"Ah? Is this done?" Nangong Toshihiko also had an expression of disbelief, stepped forward and put his big hand on Xia Yuan's left palm, and said, "Squeeze my hand and try."

When Xia Yuan was called out by Nangong Toshiyan, she pinched him hard. This was a subconscious action, so after pinching Xia Yuan, she came to her senses and said:

"I can move, I have strength, great!"

Before Dr. Wan came, Xia Yuan felt pain even when she moved her left hand, not to mention that she could pinch people.

Now seeing the strength in the left palm, I believe that Dr. Wan has unknowingly reset her dislocated hand.

"Thank you, Dr. Wan."

Nangong Toshiyan saw that Xia Yuan had unknowingly completed the reset of the dislocated arm, and he immediately relaxed, and the black pot on his face became polite as usual.

Dr. Wan nodded slightly, and said in a doctor's usual tone:
"I can't lift heavy objects with my left hand within three months, don't exercise excessively, and let the doctor prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs for a week. There is nothing special to pay attention to."

After speaking, Dr. Wan nodded to Xia Yuan and Nangong Junyan, and then walked out.

An Yichen and Tang Tian hurriedly chased him out to see him off.

"Doctor Wan, we will do what we promised you!"

Before leaving Dr. Wan's house, An Yichen promised again.

Dr. Wan nodded, said nothing more, resumed his usual sternness, and closed the door.

"An Yichen, how do you plan to get Xiao Wan to quit gambling? I heard that people with gambling addiction can never quit, because it is the same as drug addiction, psychological addiction cannot be eliminated, and it is easy to relapse .”

While driving, Tang Tian asked An Yichen curiously.

"Hey, how about we find a coffee shop and have a cup of coffee? I can tell you in a relaxed environment."

An Yichen saw the signboard of the coffee shop flashing by the side of the road, and he had an idea and thought about it.

This is his cheeky request, because he thinks that Tang Tian will refuse, and he is mentally prepared to be rejected by Tang Tian.

Who would have thought that Tang Tian didn't say a word, she made a direction silently, turned the car into a fork in the road, and then drove the car to a coffee shop.

An Yichen didn't expect Tang Tian to accept his unexpected and ruthless invitation, so he silently gave himself a thumbs up in his heart.

"Two cups of blended coffee, a muffin, butter cookies, and fruit steak."

An Yichen sat down and told the waiter where he wanted to go.Tang Tian didn't ask for any opinion at all, but Tang Tian also strangely didn't protest like in the past, just smiled and said:
"Aren't you afraid of getting fat after eating so many desserts at night?"

"I worry about so many things every day, no matter how big or small, and consume so much energy. Do you think I'm getting fat? Hehe, let's have a dessert to relax."

An Yichen made no secret of his love for desserts.

Tang Tian's heart moved again. She never thought that An Yichen, as a man, would like dessert so much. Maintaining a very good figure, so there is no taboo on desserts.

"Just now, how did you get the information of Dr. Wan's son in the first place?"

Tang Tian asked An Yichen while waiting for the coffee to come.It's been a long time since I've had the experience of being alone with a man at night. Fortunately, this is a coffee shop where people come and go.Lively but with alienation from the crowd, it is very suitable for their atmosphere here.Let Tang Tian talk to An Yichen calmly and at ease.

"This is a cross-comparison program written by myself. Simply put, I first found out about Dr. Wan's family members, and then searched the Internet, and found that Xiao Wan was missing. Fleeing because of gambling debts.

Xiaowan's photo was published in the newspaper by the media. I captured his appearance with a screenshot software, and compared all the portraits captured by surveillance cameras in Jiangnan today using portrait capture technology.Fortunately, Xiao Wan happened to be in Jiangnan City. If he fled to other cities, the workload would be heavy. "

An Yichen said it easily, but in fact, without his top hacking skills, it would be impossible to complete this task of finding Dr. Wan's weakness.

After Tang Tian listened, her affection for him increased a bit.

She is a technology addict, she never thought that although An Yichen's technology sounded advanced, it was so practical, so she was even more yearning for it.

"Okay, drinking coffee, eating dessert, and hearing how you deal with Dr. Wan, I really enjoyed it." Tang Tian sipped the comprehensive coffee that the waiter had just brought, and praised with a smile: "Hey, this It’s a cup of comprehensive coffee with a balanced taste.”

"That's right, your sense of smell and taste are quite good." An Yichen praised.

"Recipe: Guatemala SHB (30%), Mexico AL (30%), Brazil NO. 2 (19%), Kilimanjaro AA (20%), adjusted for the best combination of sourness, bitterness, and fragrance Top notch coffee."

Xia Yuan accurately reported the recipe for this cup of coffee, which made An Yichen's eyes light up:
"You really know a lot about coffee!"


Unknowingly, the two coffee lovers have forgotten about Xiao Wan, who is about to give up his gambling addiction, and started talking about their hobbies and hobbies starting with coffee!


After Dr. Wan left, Xia Yuan found that although her dislocated left arm was still a little sore, it didn't hurt at all. The mountains on my body are as relaxed.

"Junyan, my body is so sticky, I want to take a bath."

As soon as Xia Yuan's hands stopped hurting, she immediately felt uncomfortable in other parts of her body.

That's right, being hung in the air, my soul is almost gone from fear, and it's okay to be sweating all over my body. I didn't feel the pain in my hand just now, but now that my hand is healed, I can feel it immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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