Chapter 307

"Well, I smell sweat on my body."

Hearing Xia Yuan's words, Nangong Toshihiko actually took a serious sniff, and then seriously commented.

"Ah? Please stay away from me, you are still so close, and you still come to sniff, really!"

Xia Yuan blushed and pushed him away in disgust.

"Hmph, what's the matter? It's just the sour smell of sweat. It's not like I haven't smelled it before. I also have this smell when I sweat after running!" Nangong Junyan said indifferently.

"No, you can smell the smell, go away."

Xia Yuan can't wait to push Nangong Junyan away, who doesn't want to appear delicious in front of others?What's more, you must keep a good image in front of your lover.

"Hey, what's the matter? The sweat secreted by the human body contains various components such as protein, lipid, fatty acid, cholesterol and glucose. Sweat is a thin liquid secreted by sweat glands, of which water accounts for 99%, and the rest is Sodium chloride, potassium, sulfur, urea, etc. Sweat itself has no odor, but when the sweat mixes with the bacteria on the skin surface, it will produce an odor."

Nangong Toshihiko put on a pose of a doctor of science, Xia Yuan said dumbfoundedly:

"When did you become An Yichen? It's true that those who are close to vermilion are red, and those who are close to ink are black!"

Hmph, An Yichen learned from me, okay?His skills are only four-fifths of mine, okay?

Nangong Toshihiko murmured in his heart, but he didn't say anything.He is a man who can't express himself in front of women.

"Okay, I won't sniff you, but you can't wash yourself, didn't you hear the doctor? Your hands need to rest now."

Nangong Junyan dissuaded Xia Yuan.

"What if you don't wash it? Even if you can bear my smell, I can't sleep!"

Xia Yuan was worried.

"I'll help you wash."

Nangong Toshihiko blurted out naturally.

"No, it's not that I don't have hands, I'll let you wash them, don't!"

When Xia Yuan thought that Nangong Junyan was going to help her take a bath, she immediately blushed.

"It's not like I didn't wash for you!"

Nangong Toshihiko was grinning, why was the expression on his face so malicious?
"That doesn't count, I don't remember anything."

Xia Yuan knew that what he said had helped her take a bath was the last time she was socializing with a client and ended up getting drunk.

But at that time, she was so drunk that she didn't know it, so she didn't understand how Nangong Toshihiko helped her take a bath. There was no impression in her mind, so naturally she wouldn't be embarrassed.

"I hugged you last time in the hospital, why are you embarrassed?"

Toshihiko Nangong put on a party for old couples.

"You also said that last time I couldn't move my legs, you bullied me badly."

Xia Yuan snorted.

However, in fact, my heart is warm and soft.

Although she and him are fiancé couples, they are much more conservative than the people nowadays who don't even have boyfriends and girlfriends and just have sex with each other. So far, they haven't broken through the last bottom line.

And a man doesn't care about anything, but takes care of you wholeheartedly...

This kind of thought warmed Xia Yuan's heart. Although she said she was attacking Nangong Junyan, her tone of voice was as soft as Wu Nong's, and she couldn't be hard-pressed.

Nangong Toshihiko smiled:

"Washing once is also washing, washing twice is also washing, what are you afraid of? I haven't seen you before?"

Seeing that Xia Yuan was so entangled, Nangong Toshihiko couldn't help blurting out.

But as soon as he said those words, besides Xia Yuan's blushing, he also had a sudden reaction. Fortunately, he could still control it.

Nangong Toshihiko swallowed his saliva, trying to speak with difficulty, but found that his throat was hoarse with tension.

Xia Yuan didn't notice the changes in Nangong Toshihiko's body. Seeing that Nangong Toshihiko spoke so bluntly, she couldn't help but blushed and said:

"I won't give you that chance in the future!"

Doesn't this mean that he politely rejected Nangong Toshihiko's kindness?

"Hmph, opportunities are won by people themselves."

Nangong Toshiyan looked at her bright red mouth slightly opened, the tension of being hung in mid-air in the evening and the current excitement made him unable to hold back anymore, he hugged Xia Yuan, put his hand on her waist, He hugged her tightly, and pressed his lips heavily on hers.

It was a glutinous rice dessert that melted in the mouth, and Nangong Junyan tasted the warmth of Xia Yuan's mouth, wishing to eat her bite by bite.Only by eating her and turning her into a part of oneself can it be possible to carry her with me, protect her, and ensure that she is not harmed by others.

Xia Yuan was accidentally caught by Nangong Junyan, and this kiss made her ecstatic.She never thought that kissing could be so warm and beautiful, like beautiful flowers blooming suddenly in her heart, and she could hear the sound of flowers blooming.

"Ah, I can't breathe."

Xia Yuan suddenly thought of the sticky smell of sweat on her body, if Nangong Toshihiko got so close to her, it would leave a bad smell in her mind, right?So Xia Yuan tried her best to push him away.

In fact, when Nangong Junyan approached Xia Yuan, he didn't smell any strange smell. On the contrary, the breath on her body was still mysterious and intoxicating, just like a glass of fine vodka, strong and fierce, which made him relax his tense nerves immediately. .

"Xia Yuan, you are my fine wine, mellow and charming."

Nangong Toshihiko was pushed away by Xia Yuan, still out of breath, looking at her with a strange blaze of fire in his eyes.

"You are my hangover cure."

Xia Yuan smiled.When did you become an alcoholic?

However, the first priority is to solve the problem of bathing:
"How about you help me adjust the shower, and I can go in and wash?"

Xia Yuan made a concession.

"But don't you still need to wear clothes? Isn't it good to raise your hands like this? It will also involve your muscles and bones."

Nangong Toshihiko frowned, disapproving.

"Hey, I have a good idea."

Xia Yuan smiled.

Seeing Xia Yuan's eccentric smile, Nangong Toshihiko knew that she had no good idea, so he forced himself to calm down and said:

"Say, what's a good idea?"

"Blindfold your eyes, and I'll let you wash them."

"Hey, it makes sense, okay, let's do it like this."

Xia Yuan refused to let him wash it because she was embarrassed to see her naked body. Now that Nangong Junyan is willing to cover her eyes, her psychological barrier has been eliminated.

Nangong Toshihiko readily agreed.

So this problem seemed to be solved, Xia Yuan looked around, and saw a roll of medical gauze on the bedside, which the nurse had forgotten to take away just now.Then he handed the roll of gauze to Nangong Toshihiko and said:

"Just use it."

"it is good."

Nangong Toshihiko did not hesitate, he took the gauze, then walked into the bathroom, first turned on the shower, adjusted the water temperature, and then remembered the location of the things in the bathroom, then covered his eyes with the gauze, and said to Xia who was waiting outside Yuan shouted:
"You can come in."

Xia Yuan walked into the bathroom and saw that Nangong Toshihiko had already obediently blindfolded and was waiting for her to come in.

(End of this chapter)

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