Chapter 308 Release Full Elasticity
"So nice."

Xia Yuan praised Nangong Toshiyan, and she was about to take off her clothes after groping.

It is late autumn now, and the temperature is often below twelve degrees, so today she put on a thin black cotton jacket, a thin plush sweater inside, and a pair of jeans underneath.

It's not difficult to take off the jacket, but it's difficult to take off the sweater and underwear, because these require large movements of the arms.

Nangong Toshihiko stretched out his hand to stop her and said:
"I'll help you take it off."

Xia Yuan hesitated for a while, and glanced at him, knowing that he really couldn't see it, so she nodded helplessly and said:

After finishing speaking, she obediently stood beside Nangong Toshihiko, letting his outstretched hand grope to help her take off her coat.

When taking off the woolen sweater, Nangong Toshihiko asked her to lift up her intact right hand, and the woolen sweater went around her neck and then around her arm, and then the injured left hand just hung down without moving, and the woolen pullover easily slipped off Xia Yuan Stripped.

The final undergarment is much simpler. Of course, this is Xia Yuan's idea.Nangong Toshihiko fumbled for the back button of her underwear, but couldn't untie it for a long time, and broke out in a sweat.

"I said, haven't you solved other people's before?"

Seeing that he was so clumsy, Xia Yuan couldn't help but ask.

"What do you think?" Nangong Junyan grinned, even though his eyes were entangled, his smile was still so handsome and charming, "They all took the initiative to untie it and send it up."

Why is the following sentence so offensive?

Xia Yuan snorted.

Nangong Toshihiko twitched his nose and said with a smile:

"Oh, what a sour smell, it almost choked me over."

After speaking, I really sneezed a few times.

Xia Yuan was taken aback, and asked nervously:
"An allergy attack again? Do you want to call a doctor?"

"How can I be so fragile? Fool, it's okay."

While speaking, Nangong Toshihiko finally unbuttoned Xia Yuan's underwear with difficulty.

Nangong Toshihiko was blindfolded and didn't recover for a while.

Xia Yuan spat, and quickly moved away a little.

Xia Yuan's hand accidentally touched his face. After a day of running around, short stubble grew out of the beard that was just shaved in the morning, which made her palm itchy. It was a strange and fresh touch.

Nangong Toshihiko understood what he touched just now, he couldn't help but chuckled, and then lowered his hands to untie Xia Yuan's pants.

Unfastening the pants is much easier than taking off the sweater, as long as Xia Yuan's legs cooperate with Nangong Toshihiko's movements.

Nangong Toshihiko took off Xia Yuan's jeans smoothly, and it was easier to leave the little underwear inside.

After finally stripping Xia Yuan clean, Nangong Toshihiko asked her to stand under the shower, then took a towel, poured shower gel on it, and helped her scrub her body while flushing.

Through the towel, Nangong Toshihiko was able to hold back the strange feeling on his body. He didn't dare to imagine what would happen if he used his hands to take a bath for Xia Yuan at this time.

He will desperately devour Xia Yuan alive, right?

But now that Xia Yuan is physically injured, and her spirit has not fully recovered from Li Ming's shock of falling from the building, he can't do this to her.

Xia Yuan's face was slightly hot. Although there was warm water hitting her face, if Nangong Toshihiko tore off the gauze, she would see it. In fact, she had been restraining herself.

Even if it is not a hand, there is still a special touch through the bath towel...

A difficult bath is finally over.

Nangong Toshihiko took another dry towel, dried Xia Yuan, and coaxed her:
"Go out and get dressed."

After Xia Yuan left, Nangong Toshihiko tore off the gauze covering his eyes, locked the door behind him, and turned on the water...

Half an hour later, Nangong Toshihiko came out of the bathroom. He also took a shower, his hair was wet, and he was sober with body wash.

Xia Yuan has already changed into the pajamas of the hospital gown. The blue and white stripes have a different taste on her body.Nangong Toshihiko swallowed again with difficulty, and found that his thoughts about this woman were not diminished by the release just now...

"Xia Yuan, when your hand is healed, I will punish you properly!"

Nangong Toshihiko's hoarse voice was full of warmth, making Xia Yuan almost irresistible.

Hmph, it's really not as good as a beast.

Xia Yuan remembered what she had scolded him when they first met, and couldn't help but smile on her face.

"How to punish?"

She asked knowingly.

The hair of the man in front of him was wet all over, but the expression on his face was restrained, with a cold aura, which was extraordinarily charming.

"Hmph, bite your ear."

Nangong Toshihiko snorted, stepped forward and hugged Xia Yuan, saying:


Xia Yuan looked at the clock hanging on the wall. Sure enough, it was getting late. It was already eleven o'clock. Today, especially in the evening, I was exhausted from tossing around.

Not only was I exhausted, but I was frightened to death.

Xia Yuan felt extremely comfortable after taking a shower, and was carried to the bed by Nangong Junyan, her body completely relaxed.

The muscles that were stretched all over the body due to being suspended in the air also completely relaxed.

Xia Yuan will never forget that terrible experience in her life.Of course, because of Nangong Toshihiko's participation in this terrifying experience, it also became one of her most memorable memories to another extent.

Nangong Toshiyan pulled away a corner of the quilt, got into her bed, and held her in his arms.

Since there was no skin trauma, Xia Yuan didn't need an IV. She only needed to take anti-inflammatory drugs. The emergency doctor also said that she would stay in the hospital for observation tonight, and she could be discharged tomorrow if there was no abnormality.

Therefore, the two rested very easily, not as if they were hospitalized, but as if they were at home.

Nangong Toshihiko was also surprised. He used to recognize his bed very much, but lying on the narrow hospital bed was more comfortable than any big bed room.

By the way, the key is to have Xia Yuan nestled in her arms.

Smelling the familiar and reassuring scent on Xia Yuan, Nangong Toshihiko fell into a deep sleep.

Both of them exhausted their physical strength during Li Ming's falling from the building. As soon as they lay down on the bed, they hugged each other and soon fell asleep.

Of course, Nangong Toshihiko didn't forget to let Xia Yuan sleep on his right side, so that at night Xia Yuan could lie on the right side comfortably without pressing on her left hand, and at the same time, she could nestle in his arms.

The embrace of a lover is a paradise on earth.

Xia Yuan thought of what an unknown writer said, and he felt the same way now.In Nangong Junyan's caring arms, she completely forgot about the thrill of the evening and fell into a deep sleep.

At dawn, the nurse came to round the ward and do corresponding treatment.

However, Xia Yuan was only given a thermometer and a small packet of anti-inflammatory medicine that was required to be taken after meals, so after taking her temperature and handing it over to the nurse, Xia Yuan continued to sleep in Nangong Toshihiko's arms.

The doors of the hospital wards cannot be locked. However, except for the nurses, other people generally do not easily enter and leave the wards.

After the nurse left, the door of Xia Yuan's ward was quietly opened...

(End of this chapter)

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