Sky-high pillow: the chief domineering substitute bride

Chapter 310 The Warmth From the Second Life

Chapter 310 The Warmth From Two Lives

Milan is really thoughtful.

Not only the staple food, but even the fruits are prepared.

Not to mention Nangong Junyan, even Xia Yuan enjoyed the warmth from her biological mother only after two lifetimes.


Xia Yuan couldn't help muttering.

Nangong Toshihiko just came out of the bathroom, and when he heard Xia Yuan's words, he couldn't help asking:
"What did you say?"

"I said, I am so happy to have you and my mother here!"

Xia Yuan smiled, the two dimples on her cheeks lit up the whole sky.

"You will be happy forever like this!"

Nangong Toshihiko touched her forehead lightly.

Xia Yuan hugged his strong wasp waist with her backhand, and now she also had a certain sense of awakening to his body.

It doesn't matter, what Liu Wenfang, what contract... Just because of Nangong Toshiyan's action of jumping down without hesitation yesterday, she had a strong desire to make him a part of herself.

He is hers, and only hers...

Seeing Xia Yuan taking the initiative, of course Nangong Toshihiko would not be polite, he quickly counterattacked and plundered the city...

After some lingering, Xia Yuan suddenly remembered that this is a hospital where the door cannot be locked, and a nurse will come in at any time, so she woke up, and reluctantly separated from Nangong Junyan, saying:

"Be careful when the nurse barges in! How embarrassing it is for others to see?"

Nangong Toshihiko had a half-smile, and brushed her long hair again, and said with a small smile:
"It's only at this time that I know how to be afraid. Where is the aura that seemed to swallow me just now? Maybe it has been seen by others, and they are just too embarrassed to come in and disturb."

"Hmph, eat, or it will be cold."

Xia Yuanfen's face flushed slightly. Because she was young, her body recovered quickly. After a night of restful and sufficient sleep, coupled with the nourishment of love, she now looks very good. The blood color is simply a world of difference.

There was still a slight moist light on the white face, and Nangong Toshihiko was in a daze.

"Here, eat! Don't just stand there."

Xia Yuan poured soy milk for him, put the sandwich on a paper plate and handed it to him.

At this time, Xia Yuan realized that Milan was also a very careful person, and even remembered to attach the paper plate by the way.

Nangong Toshihiko smiled slightly, his snow-white teeth made him look very healthy and energetic, his eyes were not strictly guarded in the company, on the contrary, they were full of affection, this ocean of affection could completely make Xia Yuan drown in it.

"My mother-in-law's breakfast is really delicious!"

Nangong Toshihiko took the sandwich and ate it without pretense.After a while, I wiped out the sandwiches and drank up a cup of soy milk.

The same goes for Xia Yuan, she found that compared to milk, soy milk is more comfortable as a breakfast drink.

After the two finished their breakfast, they heard a knock on the door outside the ward. Xia Yuan thought it was a nurse, so she quickly answered:
"Come in."

It was Milan who came in at the sound.

She was full of smiles, and as soon as she saw Xia Yuan, she immediately stepped forward and hugged her, and said straightly:

"Mom was scared to death. Why did you make it like that without telling mom? I only found out it was you when I saw pictures on the Internet."

It turned out that the photos of Xia Yuan hanging upstairs were taken by netizens and posted on the Internet. Of course, her own children recognized her. Although the photos only showed Xia Yuan's figure and side profile, it was enough. From the pictures on the Internet, he recognized that the person in distress was his own daughter.

She was so frightened that her heart jumped wildly, but fortunately she continued to watch, and found that her daughter was finally rescued, so she sat down on the sofa clutching her heart.

Milan called Xia Yuan, but found that the phone was turned off, and later called Nangong Junyan, but found that she couldn't get through. Fortunately, she still had Tang Tian's phone number. After trying to call and ask, she found out that Xia Yuan was sent to the hospital. People are fine.

Milan got up early to make breakfast and sent it to the hospital. Unexpectedly, Xia Yuan was still sleeping, so she withdrew and went to the shopping malls around the hospital to see the time was nine o'clock. Woke up and rushed to the hospital.

"Mom, I'm fine. What happened yesterday was an accident."

Seeing that her mother was so nervous, Xia Yuan tried to comfort her.

It turns out that someone is nervous is such a good feeling?
"When I got up early in the morning, I saw the overwhelming pictures on WeChat. Fortunately, I have good eyesight. Although I don't have your frontal image, I recognized you at a glance."

Milan hugged her daughter like a lost and found treasure.

"Mom, luckily Junyan saved me."

Seeing that her mother was so excited, Xia Yuan quickly changed the subject.

"Kid Nangong should save you. A man should protect his own woman."

Who would have thought that what Milan blurted out turned out to be such words.

Xia Yuan couldn't help being embarrassed for a while, the painting style is wrong, it should be her mother expressing her gratitude.Uh, Junyan won't be angry, will he?

Who knows, Nangong Junyan is really not angry, he said solemnly:

"Yes, I did not protect Xia Yuan well, and this will not happen again in the future."

"That's right. This is the candidate for the best son-in-law in my mind."

Milan snorted, then turned around and patted Nangong Toshihiko on the shoulder, speaking earnestly.

Nangong Toshihiko raised his chest, feeling proud.

"Okay, let's not talk about anything else, how does your elbow feel now? A good girl can't be crippled."

Milan looked at Xia Yuan's arm very nervously.

"Mom, it's okay, Junyan found a good doctor, and the elbow doesn't hurt at all!"

Xia Yuan also slowly moved a few times to show Milan.

Milan said nervously:

"Don't move, just rest."

"Mom, it's okay. The doctor told me that the dislocated elbow is already healed. Apart from not being able to lift heavy objects, you should exercise properly to promote blood circulation."

"That's good, just exercise moderately, don't overdo it."

Milan explained again.

At this time, the nurse came in and asked:
"Bed 1308, have you taken your medicine?"

"Oh, not yet, I forgot to take the medicine just after eating."

Xia Yuan felt refreshed all over her body, she didn't look like she was sick, so she forgot to take her medicine, only to be reminded by the nurse that she suddenly remembered it.

In the afternoon, the doctor saw that Xia Yuan was in normal condition, and ordered her to go home to recuperate.

In the meantime, Dr. Wan came to check again and expressed his satisfaction with Xia Yuan's injury.

Of course, An Yichen also seized the opportunity to report to Nangong Junyan about Dr. Wan.

Seeing that Dr. Wan's medical skills are really good, Nangong Junyan readily agreed to hire Dr. Wan to his new hospital.

At the same time, the acquisition of the best private hospital in Weihun City quietly started.

Three days later, a private hospital was added to Nangong Junyan's assets.

Dr. Wan, the best doctor in the orthopedic hospital, also resigned when his colleagues were caught off guard, and became the director of the orthopedic center in the new hospital.

No one thought that all this happened because of Xia Yuan.

Of course, An Yichen's other promise to Dr. Wan is also being quietly fulfilled...

(End of this chapter)

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