Chapter 311 Good health is valuable
Wan Yao feels that his gambling luck has gradually improved recently. He played slot machines in the largest underground casino in the south of the Yangtze River "Kowloon", and he won 15 on the first day, [-] on the second day, and [-] on the third day. Ten thousand……

Good luck.

No wonder it's called gambling luck. I've been in decline for three years, but this time I'm finally going to turn around, right?

After Wan Yao got the cash, he immediately handed a thick stack to a stout man beside him without looking at how many points, smiled like a chrysanthemum and said:

"Thank you Brother Bao, if you hadn't brought me in here, how could I have won so much money? Please accept this little thing."

Brother Leopard, who wore a thick gold necklace around his neck, was not polite at all. He reached out to take the wad of money and stuffed it into his pocket, snorting:

"Xiao Wan, is it enough to earn such a small amount of money? Do you want to play something more exciting and get quick money? Gambling luck is not so easy to come by. If you don't take advantage of your luck and earn more, you will never be able to turn around in your life."

Brother Bao was a spectator Wan Yao met at the casino when he was in the past. After his downfall, everyone betrayed his relatives. Wan Yao only made a living by playing "iron armor", pushing Pai Gow, mahjong and other small bets. The wins and losses were not big, and he barely made ends meet.

Unexpectedly, the night before yesterday, I happened to meet Brother Bao at the "Iron Armor" field opened by a brother. Seeing Wan Yao's desperation, he said that he would take him to the Kowloon Casino to try his luck.

When entering the Kowloon Casino, at least one hundred thousand cash must be brought with you, otherwise the doorkeeper will lock you out.

As a professional gambler, the Kowloon Casino is the temple in Wan Yao's heart, similar to how an athlete watches the Olympics.

So when Brother Bao said he could take him into the Kowloon Casino, he agreed without hesitation.

Sure enough, with more than 1 yuan in his pocket, he entered Kowloon City under the leadership of Brother Bao. He started playing slot machines, and the big casinos had great luck, and his net worth doubled by more than ten times.

However, to a professional gambler like him, hundreds of thousands are just a drizzle. After being excited by Brother Bao, the heart that always wants to make money immediately became active. Wan Yao resolutely said:

"Brother Leopard, what are you playing? I'll listen to you."

"Okay, I'll take you inside to play Russian roulette, do you dare?"

Brother Bao had a half-smile smile on his face, as if Xiao Wan would just walk away if he dared not say so, treating him like dust.

"If you come in well-dressed, you will take off a layer of skin when you go out. This silly boy, do you understand this truth?"

Wan Yao certainly did not expect that as he entered the Kowloon Casino, his father, Dr. Wan, would already see his image through the surveillance cameras in the casino.

At this time, seeing his son hesitate in front of Brother Bao's temptation, Dr. Wan couldn't help but slapped the table angrily, shaking his head again and again.

"Doctor Wan, don't be angry. The psychology of gamblers is like this. As long as there is a chance, they will gamble. However, I believe that after today, Xiao Wan will definitely get rid of his gambling addiction."

Standing next to Dr. Wan was the handsome Nangong Toshihiko.

Xia Yuan was not by his side, a dark place like an underground casino was not something she should come to as a woman.Naturally, Nangong Toshihiko would not take her with him.

Dr. Wan kept his promise, healed Xia Yuan, and devoted himself to the newly purchased hospital. Naturally, Nangong Junyan would not break his promise.

The expression on Xiao Wan's face in the picture is unpredictable. He knows that Russian roulette is a suicide game.Participants place one or more bullets in the cylinder of a revolver, then spin the bullet disc, and then close it.

Participants take turns pointing the pistol at their own heads and pressing the trigger until someone is shot or dare not press the trigger.

Legend has it that this "game" originated in Russia in the nineteenth century and was forced by prison guards to be played by prisoners as a means of gambling.

It is also said that this is a method derived from dueling.It is also said that it is used as a competition of courage among desperadoes.

As a professional gambler, Wan Yao has heard of this desperate gambling method, but he has not tried it yet.

Gamble your life?

He hesitated.

"Bet 100 million at a time. If you have no money, I can guarantee it for you. Kowloon recognizes me. But if you win, I will draw ten points."

Brother Bao's indifferent voice rang in Wan Yao's ears.

At this moment, Wan Yao's whole heart was ready to move.

If he still had some doubts about Brother Bao suddenly kindly bringing him into Kowloon City before, what Brother Bao said now has given him the answer.

That's right, Brother Leopard's ultimate goal is to want him to gamble with his life. If he loses, he will die anyway, and Brother Leopard will have his own benefits if he wins.

However, Wan Yao did not expect that if he lost, not only would he die, but [-]% would also come to naught.

Of course, Wan Yao is not a fool, he immediately thought of this question and said:
"Brother Leopard, if I lose, it doesn't matter if I lose my life, but your 100 million is also in vain. This, you can't say it's a good deal?"

"Haha, brother, is your mind still quite active? Ming people don't say dark words, that's right. I can provide you with funds, but you must sign a contract with me before you can participate in gambling."

When Brother Leopard said this, he raised his eyes, revealing a sharp and dangerous light.

"Huh? What contract?"

Wan Yao pulled himself together, knowing that this was the point.

After going around for a long time, Brother Bao finally returned to the topic.

Brother Bao led Wan Yao to a clean room, then took out an agreement from his purse, and threw it in front of Wan Yao.

"What is this? Huh? Human organ donation agreement?"

As the son of a doctor, Wan Yao naturally knew what this agreement meant, which meant that after his death, his body and organs would be disposed of by the man in front of him.

In fact, everyone is a mobile treasure house of wealth.On the black market, human organs are clearly priced: 20 pairs of corneas; 50 kidneys; 50 livers...

Wan Yao was shocked, brother Bao really did a good job.It turned out that he was not worthless, even if he was killed by a roulette bullet, his organs could still be dismantled and sold by Brother Bao.

He is a healthy big man, once the available organs in his body are sold, there will be far more than 100 million.

Wan Yao trembled for a while, at this moment he really wanted to give up.

Brother Leopard seemed to see through his heart, and suddenly sneered and said:
"Xiao Wan, I heard that you owed 200 million gambling debts and fled? I heard that your father hasn't seen you for three years? I heard that you have been huddled in the basement alone. Running around like a mouse in a small casino to make a living?

Don't you think, what I'm giving you is a chance for a new life?

As long as you win this gamble, you can pay off your gambling debts, and you will be an upright person from now on, and you don't have to hide like a mouse in the gutter anymore XZ?

I heard that you used to be a very promising acupuncturist! "

(End of this chapter)

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