Chapter 312 Take your life to gamble
The past that was brought up by Brother Bao seemed to be the past.

Wan Yao couldn't help but think of the fragrance of medicine in the hospital, and those days when he treated patients' measles in a white coat and was respected by the patients.

At that time, he was full of heroism, had a beloved woman, a career as brilliant as the rising sun, and a father who could help him grow up...

But all this was shattered with his addiction to gambling.

One more game...the next game will break the bank...we will definitely win...

Driven by such lucky thoughts one after another, he gradually became what Brother Bao called "a mouse in the gutter".

"Is there any help for this child?"

Doctor Wan in the monitoring room couldn't help being shocked when he saw Brother Bao come up with such an agreement.The son wouldn't be so stupid as to really sign the agreement, would he?
Just when Dr. Wan was worried, Wan Yao on the screen raised his head to the ceiling and thought for a while, then suddenly wiped his eyes with the back of his hand, as if he was crying, and then made a move that surprised everyone.

Wan Yao grabbed the pen on the table and signed his name on the agreement on donating human organs with a "swish".

"Beast, why did I give birth to such a beast, he is hopeless, I don't want to see him."

Seeing that his son had actually signed the agreement, Dr. Wan knew that his son had sold his soul and body to the devil, and he couldn't help clutching his heart in pain.

"I have practiced medicine all my life and saved countless lives, but I never thought that I would not be able to save my own son."

"Don't be impatient."

In the monitoring room, Nangong Junyan patted Dr. Wan on the shoulder to comfort him.

"Hey, Xiao Wan, your reaction is really fast. You signed the agreement so easily? You signed it without looking at it carefully?"

Brother Bao picked up the agreement on the table, and blew on the place where Xiao Wan just wrote his name, as if to dry the ink stains on it. In fact, the black water stains dried up as soon as they were sucked into the paper, but Brother Bao's action, But it seems that this agreement is very strangely heavy.

"What? Isn't it an agreement to donate body organs? What else is there?"

Being reminded by Brother Leopard, Xiao Wan felt a little bad.

"Haha, look, it scares you. Do you think Brother Bao likes to mess with bloody human organs? This agreement is just to preserve the value of my assets. Of course, Brother Bao would like to see you win the bet successfully.

However, you really should take a good look at this agreement, because there is a subsidiary clause under it, called the clause on the disposal of see. "

As he said that, Brother Bao took out another unsigned agreement from his bag. It seemed that he was afraid that Xiaowan would go back on his word and destroy the signed agreement.

"Anything else? Where?"

Xiao Wan picked up the agreement hesitantly, and looked at it carefully. It was related to his body worth millions, so he couldn't help but not take it seriously.

"What? Leave the body at your disposal? Does this mean that you don't have to sell your organs?"

Although Xiaowan felt that if he died, he would sell it if he had to. He was a medical student, so he signed it without hesitation, but the sentence added later to let them dispose of the body seemed a bit eerie.

As the owner of this body that is still alive at this moment, he must of course ask clearly.

Although he used to be a doctor, but for some reason at this time, holding this agreement, Xiao Wan suddenly felt like he had sold his body to the devil. His back was dripping with sweat, and the air conditioner in the room was very low, but he drenched.

"Well, anyway, this body is yours, so I'll let you know all about it. Hehe, organ donation, we have our own channel to sell it, but it's too complicated and risky to disassemble and sell it. If the law enforcement agencies stop it, it will be lost.

So recently we have developed another business, which is imported from abroad, called human body physiological sculpture art. "

Brother Bao said every word very clearly. Although he always had a calm smile on his face, it gave Xiaowan an extremely gloomy feeling.

The underground trafficking of human organs, as a doctor, he has heard of some cases in this regard.

Domestic patients urgently need human organs, such as corneas, livers, kidneys, etc., but Chinese people have the traditional thinking of parents who receive their body, hair and skin, and die with a whole body, so the donation of human organs is a minority behavior in China , far from keeping up with medical needs.

Moreover, with the improvement of relevant legislation, death row inmates executed in prisons that used to be the main source of human organ transplants are now prohibited from being used as human organ donors.

Therefore, some patients try to obtain human organs from the black market at high prices.The source is not clear, so Xiaowan has no in-depth contact with this aspect, but only heard it a little bit.

Now in this predicament, he finally understands that a gambler like him can also become a donor of human organs in the underground black market.

But what is the art of human physiological sculpture mentioned by Brother Leopard?He had never heard the term before?

Brother Bao sat quietly at the other end of the table and looked at Xiao Wan. Suddenly, a strange smile appeared on his face, and he said with a smile:
"In fact, besides being a large-scale underground casino, the Kowloon Casino has also been operated by us as an important production plant for human physiological sculpture art. Anyway, it's still early for Russian roulette, and the other guests haven't got together yet. Might as well open your eyes, you are a doctor, you shouldn't be scared to pee, right?"

There was a smile on Brother Bao's face that made Xiao Wan extremely uncomfortable, and Xiao Wan felt that the places on his body touched by Brother Bao's eyes seemed to be itching everywhere.

"Okay, then let me open my eyes!"

Xiao Wan wants to say that he is a doctor, so he is not afraid.But now he understands that as a doctor, whether it is about the patient or himself is a completely different feeling.

His throat was dry and hard, and the words he spoke were hoarse and forbearing, and the sound echoed back into his ears, making him feel that it didn't sound like his own.

"Hehe, come with me."

Brother Bao got up, walked to another wall in the clean room, groped for a while, and seemed to find an opening in the dark, and saw that when he pulled it, the whole wall rose slowly, and in front of Xiaowan's eyes, there appeared A transparent wall.

It turned out that behind this house was a huge human body processing plant.

It is really a human body processing factory.

There are dozens of people in white chemical protective suits and protective masks busy. Under their hands, there are finished products and semi-finished products.

With bone saws or medical electric drills in their hands, they cut and beat these finished and semi-finished products.

What surprised Xiao Wan the most was that the finished and semi-finished products in the hands of these people were not ordinary objects, but people.

Yes, they are people, bloody people...

 Everyone, remember to read a good book: Shui Wuxia "Nongmen Yixiang: Emperor Uncle Please Respect Yourself"

(End of this chapter)

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