Chapter 313
Wan Yao's head "boomed" to the ground.

Although he is a doctor, he is a Chinese medicine doctor after all. Although he has seen the human body in the school teaching room, he has never seen such a scene of drilling, sawing, and cutting the human body as an object, especially in another corner of the factory. , someone even poured a smoking liquid on those cut human bodies...

This is a scene that only exists in the [-]th floor of hell, right?

In a blink of an eye, Wan Yao felt as if there were countless ghosts screaming in his ears, and all the human bodies inside seemed to be begging:
Let me go, I don't want to be cut into pieces like pork!
Brother Leopard seemed to be used to such scenes, pointing to the scene in the factory with no surprises and said:
"Look, that's the final product."

Looking in the direction of Brother Bao's finger in a daze, Wan Yao suddenly understood why the word "sculpture" was added after it.

Because those cut and processed human bodies were poured with smoking liquid, and quickly became the shape of human sculptures in the park, and they were erected stiffly one by one.

At this time, Wan Yao knew why these human bodies had to be cut up before.

Because those cut sections, after being poured with that special liquid and turned into stiff sculptures, present the intuitive appearance of human organs.

Some look normal from one side, and still have the appearance of a human face, but when you turn the other side, you will find that only half of the head is left in the sculpture, and the brain is completely displayed in the other piece;

Some bodies were cut open from the chest, exposing the lungs, liver, stomach, intestines and other organs inside;

Some of the skin has been peeled off, and the direction of all the muscles on the skinned body can be clearly seen...

It's not that Wan Yao has never seen human organs, but when he thought that these were all shaped by a single body just now, and that he might become one of them, he couldn't help feeling sick and wanted to vomit.

"This is the art of human physiological sculpture you mentioned? What kind of evil art is this? This is clearly a living person!"

Wan Yao pressed his stomach. As a doctor, he shouldn't feel sick when he sees the human body, but this time, his stomach and intestines were really upset. He resisted it and accused Brother Bao.

"I don't know what people are different from people. I only know that foreign bosses call it art. It is said that whether they are sold to medical schools as specimens or exhibited in public exhibition halls, they can make a lot of money. "

Brother Leopard said indifferently.


Wan Yao finally couldn't restrain the nausea in his stomach, and vomited out all the dinner he ate tonight in a few strokes.

Brother Bao didn't feel disgusted when he saw a room full of human bodies, but he was disgusted when he saw Wan Yao vomit.He frowned and said:
"Fortunately, you have been a doctor!"

"I, I don't want to sign the agreement anymore, I don't want to gamble anymore! Return the agreement to me."

Wan Yao's part about the gambler dissipated, and his sanity finally recovered, so he had no choice but to plead with Brother Bao.

"Impossible, after signing this agreement, you can't do without gambling. Believe it or not, I will kill you with a gun right now, and you will also be sold by me?"

Brother Leopard grinned.A gleam of determination flashed in his eyes.And he actually took out a gun from his bag and pointed it at Wan Yao's temple.

"No, no, I, I'll gamble."

Wan Yao panicked.

If he gambled, there was at least a glimmer of hope, but if he didn't gamble, he would die.Who told him to sign that agreement without looking at it?

Now his life is completely in Brother Bao's hands.

It was only then that Wan Yao regretted it. When his father taught him how to be a man, he said: There is no free lunch in the world.Now he finally knows that his father's words are really the motto of life.

But it's too late to regret.

"God, he won't really kill my son, will he? Go and save him!"

Dr. Wan was in the monitoring room, only seeing his son and Brother Leopard looking at something against the wall. Suddenly, his son said he refused to participate in the game, and Brother Leopard pulled out a pistol at his son. Doctor Wan couldn't help but screamed out.

"No, don't worry, Xiao Wan won't understand if he doesn't experience a big desperation."

Nangong Toshihiko said calmly.

In the surveillance screen, Xiao Wanyi in the clean room was numbly held by his collar by Brother Bao, and he followed him to another closed room like a walking dead.

This room covers more than 30 square meters, with bright incandescent lamps overhead, a table covered with a green carpet in the middle, and a colorful roulette on the table. The most eye-catching thing is that the center of the roulette There was a revolver.

There were no seats beside the table, and there were three people standing numbly, including Xiao Wan, now there were four gamblers in total.

These three people must have had similar experiences to Xiao Wan before, and all of them looked gray and defeated. Only when they looked at the revolver in the middle of the roulette wheel did they have a glimmer of life after despair in their eyes.

And when their eyes glanced at the other people, there was a look of hatred in their eyes, because they knew that among the four people, only one could live, and the other three people were the biggest obstacles to their own survival.

Who doesn't want to live?

Even the craziest gambler wants to.

Therefore, at this moment, everyone's eyes are full of undisguised hatred for others.

"Cough, everyone must be mentally prepared to come here." Brother Leopard coughed dryly, cleared his throat and said, "Then, let me explain the rules of the game."

The rules of the game that Brother Bao said were the same as what Xiao Wan had in mind, and everyone knew it well. However, the rules in the casino are like this, so everyone still quietly listened to Brother Bao. The pale face became even more bloodless.

"The number will be drawn first, from one to four, and the one who draws one will shoot first."

Brother Leopard announced the start of the game, and some people began to shake.

These people are the most desperate and gamblers who have lost the most money. If they don't come to participate in the roulette tonight, all their property will be wiped out at dawn. Instead of doing this, it is better to give up their lives Cut, make one last effort for yourself.

If you win, never gamble again.

Everyone has this idea in their minds.

In a situation where they could die at any time, they have no experience of the intoxicating joy of gambling.

If someone said to them at this time: Return all the property you lost in the bet, will you still gamble in the future?

It is estimated that these four people will say no to gambling with one voice!

Xiao Wan thought to himself.

If he could choose again, he would never gamble again.

If he is unlucky today and loses the bet, and the probability of losing is actually very high, because only 20.00% of five hopes can survive, then he will not gamble again in the next life.

I just don't know that the body is made into a sculpture, so his soul cannot be reincarnated?

If so, wouldn't it be miserable?

Xiao Wan wants to cry but has no tears.

But the game has been played out without mercy.

(End of this chapter)

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