Chapter 700 Sudden Punch
When Xie Shaojun yelled, the security guards who were pulling his hand couldn't help but froze slightly at the same time.

Maybe it's because everyone has a bit of gossip in their hearts?
He couldn't hear anything clearly, so he stopped at the same time, and this moment of distraction also gave Xie Shaojun a chance. He struggled hard, and unexpectedly broke free from the restraints of several people, and then ran through the crowd to Xia Yuan. before.

The security guard watched him let go, and was about to rush forward, but saw him rushing up to Xia Yuan and standing still, fists clenched, with a look of rage on his face.

Xia Yuan calmly waved her hand and said:
"Get out of the way, this is between us."

Hearing what Xia Yuan said, everyone couldn't help but think that family scandals should not be publicized.

"Xia Yuan, since you are saying that this is a matter between the two of us, shouldn't it be up to us to solve it ourselves? Then let me ask you, why did you expel me from the Xia family?"

Xie Shaojun almost pointed at Xia Yuan's nose and cursed.

"Isn't the notice of dismissal given to you by the company's legal affairs clear? You have been absent from work for a long time, ignored company affairs, and failed to fulfill your duties as a logistics manager. If you don't fire, who will you fire? As a manager, don't you know? Does the company not support idlers?"

Xia Yuan said loudly and authentically.

Xie Shaojun was wronged for a while.

From a rational standpoint, he was untenable, but from a standpoint of affection, he deeply felt that he had been abandoned by the Xia family, so he snorted coldly:

"When the Xia family accepted our mother and son, how nice was it to say? We treat everyone equally and treat them as having been born. Now that it's all over, your wings are hardened, and you are worried that we will affect your inheritance of the family business, so you want to find an excuse to throw me away."

Some employees didn't know that Xie Shaojun was the stepson of the chief executive of the Xia family before, but now they discovered the clue after hearing what he said, and everyone couldn't help talking:
"So Manager Xie is Mr. Xia's son? He usually keeps a low profile, and he didn't show off his identity, nor did he use his identity to bully his colleagues."

"Mr. Xie is still a good person, but it's a pity that when two tigers fight, one must be injured."

"Mr. Xie is so handsome. I said he has a noble temperament, but he turned out to be Mr. Xia's stepson? No wonder, this kind of grievances between wealthy families is the most difficult to explain."

Xia Yuan couldn't help but grit her teeth when she heard these discussions.

She knew in her heart how Xie Shaojun managed every step of the way in his last life, and finally seized the power of the company.Looking at it now, Xie Shaojun's initial performance in this life was also good, and under such circumstances, he could still win the praise of some colleagues in the company.

Xia Yuan smiled calmly:
"Xie Shaojun, you know in your heart whether your father treats your mother and child equally. You refused to change your surname because you said you wanted to remember your biological father. Everyone knows that the Xia family does not have a son, but The Xia family has never forced you to change your surname to Xia because of this. Isn't this a manifestation of treating people equally and treating them as done?
If you were from another family, with your surname Xie, would you still be able to wield power and dictate in the company?Don't even think about it?

Did the company not give you a chance?It's because you don't cherish your position, taking drugs, absenteeism, and other companies that won't hire you again if you put these bad deeds!"

"What? Mr. Xie still takes drugs? I really can't tell, he's a gentle man, once he becomes addicted to drugs, everything will be ruined."

"It's such a pity, you're so young, why don't you learn? He even learned to take drugs?"

When they heard that Xie Shaojun had taken drugs, everyone immediately regarded him as a firestorm, and even the crowd took a few steps back.

Nowadays, drug abuse and AIDS and other infectious diseases are often equated. A drug addict, in the eyes of these white-collar workers with serious jobs and higher education, is a symbol of depravity and hopelessness.

Anyway, Xia Yuan also broke skin with him, since he is shameless, let him be even more shameless.

When Xie Shaojun was exposed by Xia Yuan, he was speechless.

If he defends himself, everything Xia Yuan said is true.Including drug use, he has been detained by the police station. If someone wants to investigate, he will definitely find out.

Seeing Xie Shaojun's expression, the employees of Xia's suddenly became clearer.

The most important thing is that the grievances and grievances in the wealthy family have nothing to do with them, but Xie Shaojun's drug use is a great shame as an employee of the Xia family.

Who would want to be equated with a drug addict for a person of serious background?

Seeing the disdainful looks from the people around him, Xie Shaojun couldn't help being so angry that he wanted to take another step forward, wanting to punch Xia Yuan.

At this time, Lao Yan, the security guard, had already had sharp eyesight and quick hands. Regardless of his age, but because Xia Yuan was kind to him, he had been paying attention to protecting Xia Yuan.

Seeing Xie Shaojun swinging his fist, he immediately rushed forward and stopped in front of Xie Shaojun.

With a heavy muffled sound of "Bang", Xie Shaojun's punch just hit Lao Yan's chest.

Unaware of his strength, Lao Yan groaned suddenly, his face turned pale, and then he fell softly to the ground.

"Lao Yan, what's the matter with you? Come on, call 120."

Xia Yuan exclaimed, at this time, several security guards stepped forward to support Lao Yan, and some people hurriedly called 120 for emergency services.

When Xie Shaojun saw that he had caused trouble, he was so frightened that he ran away.

Everyone took good care of Lao Yan and didn't guard against him, so he slipped away.

Seeing Lao Yan's pale face, Xia Yuan was afraid for a while, she was too careless, if this punch landed on her, it would definitely be much worse than Lao Yan.

At this time, Xia Yuan's two bodyguards rushed over. Seeing Xia Yuan's stern expression, they felt guilty:
"Miss Xia, I'm sorry, we didn't do a good job of security."

"It happened suddenly, no wonder you guys."

Xia Yuan didn't blame them.

Because for the sake of normal work, Xia Yuan didn't like them to be with her everywhere, so she asked them to stay a hundred meters away from her, and don't make a move unless it is absolutely necessary.

The two of them thought it was a dispute between siblings at first, but they didn't expect Xie Shaojun to make a sudden move, so they kept Xia Yuan's words in mind, kept a certain distance from her, and did not make a move.

But it never occurred to him that Xie Shaojun suddenly launched an attack. If it wasn't for the old security guard, Xia Yuan would have been injured, so he felt greatly dereliction of duty.

Fortunately, Xia Yuan didn't blame them.

At this time, one of them squatted down, looked at Lao Yan's injury and said:

"This punch just hit the center of the mouth, and the blood was stagnant, so he suddenly fainted. You all get out of the way, and I will deal with it."

While speaking, Xia's employees really stepped aside.

She lifted Lao Yan up, just like what is often seen in martial arts movies, and suddenly slapped Lao Yan hard on the back.

After being hit by this blow, Lao Yan rushed forward, and then suddenly opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood.

"It's not good, the old man vomited blood, is his life in danger?"

(End of this chapter)

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