Chapter 701
"It doesn't matter, he is congested, he will be fine if he spits it out, and the blood has been drained."

After the female bodyguard finished speaking, Lao Yan's originally pale face gradually turned red, and she no longer looked lifeless.

At this time, the ambulance also rushed all the way screaming. When they arrived at the scene, doctors and nurses urgently performed a physical examination on Lao Yan.

"How is the old face?"

Xia Yuan was still worried.

"There is no serious problem for the time being. Go to the hospital for the corresponding examination first, and then stay in the hospital for observation."

After the doctor finished speaking, he directed two nurses to carry Lao Yan into the ambulance.

"President Xia, don't worry, I'm fine, you can go to work! But be careful of that bad guy, that kid has a dark heart, if this punch hits you, you might be disabled."

Lao Yan lay on the stretcher, clutching his chest and said to Xia Yuan.

Lao Yan's words immediately moved the onlookers.

Anyway, it's never right for a big man to want violence against a woman.

Everyone is afraid of domestic violence, which woman would have a good impression of a man who can use violence?
Now, the tide of public opinion has completely changed.The women who praised Shaojun for being handsome and gentle just now couldn't help but gasped and said:
"It's terrible. I really don't feel safe with this kind of man! How dare you hit a woman?"

"He's still at Harvard. He doesn't have any gentlemanly demeanor at all. A man mainly depends on his character. Don't be fascinated by his academic qualifications."

Xia Yuan saw that Lao Yan was so strong, she nodded and told Zhao Xiaohua who came over:
"Secretary Zhao, you go to the hospital with Lao Yan. I will cover all of Lao Yan's medical expenses privately, and let the doctor treat him well, and he will be discharged after he recovers. The salary and nutrition expenses during the period will also be paid by my private account. make up."

Zhao Xiaohua nodded and quickly followed Lao Yan into the ambulance.

"Okay, everyone is gone, go to work, there is nothing to see."

At this time, the Minister of Security came out to disperse the crowd.

Seeing that the parties had left, the employees and passers-by also dispersed.

At this time, the two bodyguards who followed Xia Yuan all the way up the elevator hurriedly apologized to Xia Yuan again.

"It's none of your business. It's my request to keep your distance and not to shoot if you have to. It will still be done in the future."

Xia Yuan didn't criticize them harshly.

Seeing that Xia Yuan was fine and didn't blame them, the two felt relieved.Compared with normal office workers, this job is a little harder, but the income is also very good.If you retire in seven or eight years, the salary you earn will be enough for your retirement.

What's more, Chief Nangong also promised them that once they no longer want to be bodyguards in the future, they can be placed in the security department of Nangong Group to do easier civilian jobs.

Therefore, they do not want to lose this job unless it is absolutely necessary.

Fortunately, Xia Yuan was tolerant and generous, which made them feel sincerely fond of Xia Yuan in their hearts, and they tried their best to protect her.

Xia Yuan came upstairs, and after dealing with business for a while, she called Zhao Xiaohua to ask how Laoyan's injury was.

Zhao Xiaohua said that the hospital is going through procedures, such as CT and fluoroscopy, but from the current situation, Lao Yan is in good condition.It is estimated that it has something to do with the blood coming out of the mouth.

Xia Yuan asked Zhao Xiaohua to keep an eye on her, and if there was anything wrong with Lao Yan, call her immediately.

"Ma'am, what happened this morning?"

She put down the phone on this side, and Nangong Toshihiko's cell phone rang on the other side.

Xia Yuan frowned slightly, uh, Chief Nangong knew the news too soon, right?

But when he thought that the two female bodyguards were all recruited by him, Xia Yuan understood, and couldn't help laughing:
"It seems that I can't hide anything from you here."

"This is necessary. You are my wife. If I don't care about you, who cares about you?" Chief Nangong said domineeringly, "Hmph, if others want to care about you, they have to pass me!"

Xia Yuan knew what he meant, and she couldn't help laughing when she remembered how he was targeting Wang Xiang.

Well, it turns out that it feels good to be jealous, it's so hot and sour!
"Hehe, it's okay, it's just that Xie Shaojun came to make trouble because he was dismissed from office."

As Xia Yuan spoke, she turned on the computer and erased Xie Shaojun's name from the company's financial account from her father's joint account.

Without his father's joint account, Xie Shaojun now only has the salary card in his hand, even if he wants to overdraw it, he can't do it.

Of course, it is not ruled out that he still has a credit card in his own name, but if it is not linked to his father's card, Xie Shaojun will definitely not be able to pay the bill after swiping the card.

Be a man, have a bit of backbone, and rely on yourself!

Are you still a Harvard graduate?
Is it still possible to find a job with an annual salary of hundreds of thousands?
Xia Yuan thought it would be interesting to play cat and mouse like this, but she didn't know if Xie Shaojun's fiancée could accommodate him?

"Hey, you're distracted, what are you doing?"

On the other end of the phone, Nangong Junyan asked sourly.

"Oh, I canceled the joint account of Xie Shaojun and his father."

Xia Yuan laughed badly.

"Oh, that's a nice job."

Thinking of the fact that Xie Shaojun once had a sneak peek at Xia Yuan in the information he had collected, Nangong Junyan felt that it would be best if Xia Yuan did it himself.

He wouldn't sympathize with a guy who once wanted to marry his own woman to be superior!
"Okay, I happen to be free now, and I'm going to see the old security guard. I'll call you in the evening?"

Xia Yuan said to Nangong Junyan.

"Chief Nangong, here are the documents you want."

At this time, Xia Yuan suddenly heard such a delicate and charming female voice from Nangong Junyan's phone.

The vigilant pores of Xia Yuan's whole body were erected. Seeing that there was no sound on the phone, Nangong Toshihiko seemed to be signing on paper with a pen. After a while, Nangong Toshihiko said from the other end of the phone:

"Okay, let's talk tonight, I have a meeting now."

"Oh. Who was that next to you just now? Are there any female secretaries in Italy?"

Xia Yuan pretended to ask casually.

"Well, it's still a beautiful foreign girl with long legs, blonde hair and blue eyes, I don't know how attractive it is."

Nangong Toshihiko suddenly realized that Xia Yuan was jealous, and immediately started adding green onions with great interest.

"Hmph, send me a picture of her."

Xia Yuan ordered.

"Ma'am, it's against the law to secretly take pictures."

Nangong Toshihiko pretended to refuse.

"I don't want to, anyway, you are limited to send me her photo within 3 minutes, otherwise, you won't be able to receive my call tonight."

Xia Yuan hung up Nangong Toshihiko's call domineeringly.

Then, she stared blankly at the screen of the phone, and said in her heart: From now on, the timer will be 3 minutes, and I will give you 3 minutes...

Time passed by minutes and seconds, seeing the timer on the phone jumped to 59 minutes and [-] seconds, Xia Yuan felt angry...

(End of this chapter)

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