Chapter 702

Just when the timer on the mobile phone jumped to 3 minutes, there was a beep, and a text message flew into the mobile phone.

A satisfied smile suddenly appeared on Xia Yuan's face, hehe, the trump card is still useful!

Opening the screen of the phone, it turned out to be an MMS message from Nangong Toshihiko.

As the picture slowly appeared on the phone screen, the smile on Xia Yuan's face became fuller.

Yes, she is a beautiful foreign girl with long legs, but the beautiful foreign girl with silver hair and professional black suit is at least 50 years old.

Really, at a young age, the voice is still so sweet?
Xia Yuan has no doubts at all that Nangong Toshihiko just photographed an old employee of the company to fool her, anyway, she just believed him.

Xia Yuan didn't know that at this moment, Chief Nangong was in another corner of the earth, and he was also quietly looking at his mobile phone. What was displayed on it was: Your MMS has been received by the other party.

Nangong Toshihiko raised the corner of his mouth.

It feels so good to bicker with Xia Yuan and see her sour and jealous.

No wonder people get weird and silly when they're in love.

Now people see his appearance, just like he saw An Yichen's appearance, right?
I often look at my phone and giggle.

People who don't know think that there is a **** living in the phone!
But, it's true, the phone is a message from ****...

Xia Yuan replied Nangong Junyan with a smiling face, and said: I'm going to the hospital to see my old face.

Nangong Toshihiko also replied with a smiling face, saying: Drive slowly on the road.

Xia Yuan put away her mobile phone, called the driver, and asked the driver to drive her to the hospital.

With her current state of mind, she really can't drive by herself.

Although her mood had calmed down, thinking of Xie Shaojun's insolent face, Xia Yuan still couldn't help feeling sick.

After being reminded by Nangong Junyan, Xia Yuan also felt that she should not drive.

When the car arrived at Xinyang Hospital, Xia Yuan called Zhao Xiaohua and said that Lao Yan had already checked into the ward. Xia Yuan asked about the floor, and then bought some nutritional supplements and fruits at the canteen downstairs in the hospital. Big bag, came to Lao Yan's ward.

Zhao Xiaohua was quite neat in handling affairs, and arranged for Lao Yan to be in a single ward, which looked clean and bright.

Lao Yan had already changed into a hospital gown, and her complexion looked much better than when she was beaten by Xie Shaojun.

Seeing Xia Yuan coming in, Lao Yan couldn't help struggling to get up from the bed.

"Don't move, old Yan, don't hurt the wound."

Xia Yuan hurriedly stopped it.

"Mr. Xia, you are so busy with work, you still come to see me."

The simple and honest old Yan was so moved that he couldn't speak for a moment.

"You were injured to save me. I should come to see you."

Xia Yuan stepped forward to inspect Lao Yan's injury, and Zhao Xiaohua introduced:
"The hospital did a full-body examination on Lao Yan. Now he is mainly injured in the chest, muscle contusion, and some internal injuries, but no internal organs are injured. There is nothing wrong with him. Just take some anti-inflammatory drips and rest."

After Zhao Xiaohua introduced the situation, Xia Yuan was relieved.

She asked the hospital to arrange two special nurses to take care of Lao Yan before she left with Zhao Xiaohua.

However, thinking that since she was here, she would stop by to see her father and ask Zhao Xiaohua to go back to the company first.

In the VIP ward, Xia Zhaoyang and Milan were not there. Xia Yuan checked the time and knew that her father should be going for rehabilitation, so she walked to the rehabilitation room.

Walking up the stairs on the second floor, Xia Yuan suddenly saw her mother walking towards the end of the corridor on the second floor in a panic.

Xia Yuan was about to call her, but Milan disappeared around the corner.


Xia Yuan called out, but Milan didn't hear it.

Xia Yuan was curious for a moment, so she followed.

At the corner of the corridor, it was written impressively: Paternity Test Section.

Then, Xia Yuan saw Milan taking the order at a window.

Well?No way?Is the mother here for an appraisal?

Who do you identify?
Xia Yuan saw her mother take out a list from the window, and then put her hands on her heart, as if she wanted to calm down. After dozens of seconds, she opened the list and quickly checked the contents on it.

Then, on the mother's face, there was an expression of sadness and joy, as if a certain result had been clarified.

"God, it turned out to be him!"

Milan murmured.

Paternity testing room?
Who did the mother do the appraisal with?Or who are you helping to identify?
Xia Yuan's heart skipped a beat. Seeing her mother walking in a daze, Xia Yuan didn't know why, so she hid in the bathroom.

With Milan's current state of mind, he would never notice that there was a daughter beside him. She hurried past the bathroom and disappeared at the end of the corridor.

Xia Yuan walked to the place where her mother left just now, and looked at the window where the form was taken, it was clearly written: paternity test form.

Uh, as far as she knew, her mother didn't have many friends after she got out of prison, so no one should ask her to do such a thing.

That is, the mother herself did the paternity test?with who?
Could it be that the mother had an illegitimate child outside?
Thinking of this topic, Xia Yuan's heart couldn't help beating wildly.

Now the father's situation is complicated, if he finds out that the mother has an illegitimate child, how will he react?

Thinking of her moody father, and thinking of her father's behavior of leaving the hospital alone in order to divorce Qin Rui last rainy night, Xia Yuan couldn't help but have a headache.

Now if he let his father know about it, he would definitely react very badly.

He is a patient who can't control his emotions. If he has an overreaction, it is really impossible to guard against.

Xia Yuan couldn't help telling herself in her heart that she must never tell her father about this matter now.

Perhaps, one day father's mind will return to normal, and then he will forget the rekindled feelings for his mother, let's talk about it at that time...

Xia Yuan was thinking about it, but when she encountered this incident suddenly, she was bewildered.

It's really unimaginable that the mother will have an illegitimate child outside?
The mother came to do the appraisal, could it be that she found the illegitimate child?
Will I have a half-brother or sister?

Xia Yuan was shocked by this fact and couldn't be calm for a long time.

However, mother and father have been divorced for more than ten years, even if there is someone who is like-minded, it is normal.

Now that he even has a child, it is wishful thinking for the father to reunite with the mother. No wonder the mother refuses so resolutely every time.

Xia Yuan was helpless, in this special situation, she could only force herself to remain calm.

When I walked to the rehabilitation room, only my father was doing rehabilitation training under the guidance of the rehabilitation doctor, and my mother was not there.

Just as Xia Yuan was about to ask, she saw her mother hastily walked in.

Although her mother covered it up a bit, Xia Yuan could still tell that her mother must have cried, because her eyes were red and there were some water marks on her face. She must have washed her face after crying.

It seems that mother doesn't want everyone to know now, does she?

Seeing Xia Yuan, Milan had a forced smile on his face...

(End of this chapter)

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