Chapter 916 Successful Invitation

Even ghosts can be attracted, and with her mother's proud beauty as her confidence, Xia Qian doesn't think it is difficult for her parents to get back together.

She was far away from Chongyang, and she didn't know that Qin Rui's actions and feet had aroused Xia Zhaoyang's instinctive disgust. She just felt that the reason why her father could not get back with her mother now was that the old woman in Milan was staring at her father so closely that he didn't Chance renews their old relationship with their mother.

If she can take this opportunity to get her father out of the clutches of that old woman, I believe there is a great chance that her parents can get back together.

Therefore, Xia Qian hung up her father's phone and called her mother happily without giving him a chance to refute.

Unexpectedly, calling my father's phone went smoothly, but calling my mother's phone didn't go smoothly, and no one answered for a long time.

Xia Qian endured the embarrassment and called again and again. It was not until the fifth time that her mother answered the phone:

"Hey, Qianqian, what are you doing? Long story short, I'm very busy right now, so I don't have time!"

She was full of joy, but was hit by her mother's indifference. Xia Qian endured the grievance and said:
"Mom, I'm going to attend the graduation ceremony in one and a half months, so I'll let you know in advance so that you can prepare, and I'll come over then!"

"Hey, I'm not free, so I won't go. If you're short of money, just tell me, and I'll transfer the money to you later."

Qin Rui's impatient voice was like a splash of cold water hitting Xia Qian's hot heart, it's really a hot face with a cold butt.

At this time, Xia Qian heard a few faint meowing sounds from her mother's mobile phone, and she couldn't help being surprised. My mother hated small animals the most. Did she even raise a cat?
Uh, it seems to be a kitten. Doesn't the mother seem to be such a caring person?

Did she become bored after divorcing her father?
Xia Qian was so angry that she wanted to hang up the phone when she had time to take care of the cat but not to me. On second thought, if she didn't seize this opportunity to get her parents back together, she would be the one who would be affected in the future!

Father and Xia Yuan's mother are together, and they are sure that after a hundred years, most of the property will be given to Xia Yuan, and I will mix up some funds to make a living at most.

If her parents get back together again, she can also be like Xia Yuan, be a good daughter, pretend to be motivated and work, and after deceiving her father's assets, hmph...

Thinking of this in her heart, Xia Qian encouraged herself that those who become masters don't care about small things.

During these days abroad, her family left her outside and ignored her. She went from being unfamiliar to being familiar, from being lonely to now having her own circle of friends, and she has also successfully integrated into the circle of ghosts. Not even a worthless person.

Compared with the former Xia Qian who was young in China, she is now worthy of confronting Xia Yuan.

"Mom, don't worry, listen to me slowly, it's not about money. I just invited Dad to my graduation ceremony, and he agreed."

At this point, Xia Qian interrupted the conversation to observe her mother's reaction.

However, if the mother is not sensitive to this matter at all and does not respond in any way, it means that the mother does not care about the father at all, and the plan of reuniting the parents she wants will be useless.

However, things were better than she expected. She only heard the impatient mother's voice on the opposite side, and suddenly her breathing became a little short.

Xia Qian smiled. She won the bet.

Sure enough, being able to act like a baby, be patient, and plan is the kingly way.Pretend to be crazy and cute, Xia Yuan, you can do it, and I can do it too.

And some of the resources I have, you don't have.As long as my parents get back together, I can definitely beat you.

Let you become penniless, from the Xia family to a pauper and get out.

Xia Qian cursed fiercely in her heart.In his mouth, he said sweetly to Qin Rui:
"Mom, Dad also knows that you are going to attend my graduation ceremony."

When saying this sentence, Xia Qian made full use of her language skills.It made Qin Rui feel that Xia Zhaoyang seemed to go only after hearing that he was going, or that Xia Zhaoyang knew that he was going too and didn't mind going.

This shows that Xia Zhaoyang still has room in his heart to accommodate her, and he doesn't mind being alone with her.

These words really played a decisive role for Qin Rui, she said:
"Your dad really knows I'm going?"

"Of course, I just called him and called you right away."

Xia Qian spoke confidently, as if she didn't know anything about Qin Rui and Xia Zhaoyang's festivities, as if they were still a loving couple.

When Qin Rui heard it, her heart suddenly became active.

As long as he arrives in America, Xia Zhaoyang will have the opportunity to be alone with her...

Although Milan has been well maintained, after all, she has been in prison for the past ten years. Regardless of her temperament and appearance, she is not the same as her. In addition, Xia Zhaoyang and her husband and wife have accumulated more than ten years of love. She does not believe that Xia Zhaoyang is in prison. Wouldn't her heart be moved under her full power?

Moreover, there is the big killer of the daughter's graduation ceremony.

Qianqian seems to have improved in terms of speaking and doing things now. Xia Qian, who used to attract Xia Zhaoyang's slap, can now convince him to go to the graduation ceremony knowing that she is going too.

Qin Rui suddenly had unprecedented confidence in her daughter. It seemed that this daughter was planning something?Perhaps, she really contributed to the restoration of her relationship with Xia Zhaoyang?

What is the occasion of the graduation ceremony in the United States?When Xie Shaojun graduated, she went there with Xia Zhaoyang. The children laughed and cried, and it was a moment to show their family affection with their parents. At that time, the relationship between both parties will be sublimated, and the feeling of family affection between graduation will be stronger .

"Okay, then I'll go."

Qin Rui immediately agreed. Although she has important things to do now, if she can capture Xia Zhaoyang's heart again, it is more important than anything else.

Seeing her mother agreeing, Xia Qian finally put her heart back in place.Haha, God bless, after a small test, it turned out to be a success.

Xia Qian's confidence in her return to China to control the overall situation suddenly increased greatly.

"Mom, thank you. Being able to attend the graduation ceremony is very important to me. By the way, Mom, do you have small animals at home?"

Xia Qian said something casually.

"Huh? Raising small animals? No, I hate small animals the most."

Qin Rui replied without hesitation.

As soon as she heard her mother's tone, Xia Qian knew that there must be no small animals, so she said:
"Then why do I seem to hear a cat meowing over there?"

"The cat is meowing? Did you hear me wrong? Well, I'm going to hang up, I have something to go out."

Qin Rui didn't seem to want to talk to her daughter, so she hung up the phone hastily.

Xia Qian was at a loss, did she hear it wrong?Or maybe the tenant next door has a new cat?

Oops, I hate cat poop!
Xia Qian, like Qin Rui, hates keeping small animals. As soon as she put down her phone, she hurried to the apartment next door, planning to tell the other party if she really found out that she had a cat. .

(End of this chapter)

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