Chapter 917

"Dad, do you think this man won't die? He's had a fever for so many days, and the high fever keeps coming back and coming back up again and again. I think his brain will be burnt out?"

The sound of "crashing" waves lapped on the sandy beach of the island. In a simple stone house, a dark-clothed fisherman asked his father worriedly.

"Hey, it depends on his fate. The wind has been blowing these days, the big boat can't reach the island, our fishing boat is also broken, and there are no parts to repair, otherwise he would have been sent to the hospital in the town. Now we can only watch Can he get through it on his own?"

Oita, a fisherman in his 50s, sighed.

"Fortunately, there is a sister who takes good care of him. Otherwise, he would have died a long time ago for someone as clumsy as me."

The boy also sighed.

The young man who was rescued from the sea has been suffering from a high fever since he was rescued. This is a major event in the life of a young man, so the past few days have passed without a deep impression.

"You guys, don't gossip here, say some unlucky words, I think Haizi will wake up, now that the fever has subsided a little, you let me hear those nonsense words again, be careful that I will get angry !"

The one who came out of the stone house was the boy's elder sister, who knew that she had a violent nature as soon as she heard the words, and even her father dared to approve her together.

"Hey, Tian Niu, how do you know his name is Haizi? Did you fall in love with him because of his good looks?"

The boy laughed at his sister.

"Damn, Tian Han, you can't spit ivory out of your dog's mouth, how about I just like him?" The older sister Tian Niu, who is really not usually aggressive, was ridiculed by her younger brother in front of her father. Can be calm and composed. "He was picked up by you from the sea, why should I call him Haizi?"

Oh, it turned out that the name of the stranger was given by my sister herself.

Tian Han, a young fisherman, was a little bit dumbfounded, but after being scolded a few times by his sister, he didn't dare to answer back, just said:

"My dad and I caught some yellow croakers at sea, you can use them to make soup for your man, it will make you feel better soon!"

Tian Han hit the snake and got on the pole, and even recognized Wuming's, no, the brother-in-law status of the man who is now called Haizi.

Lao Tian shook his head helplessly, this daughter is already 23 years old, and no one knows her on the small island. If their mother hadn't died early, the daughter should have talked about marriage long ago.

There are only three households on the small island, and the young people of the right age in each household have already been married. It is very embarrassing to leave a daughter, who will become an old leftover girl, so when Lao Tian saw that his daughter liked Haizi, he didn't object in his heart.

Although his identity and origin are unknown, the man's embryo is still there. If he is willing to stay and marry his daughter, Lao Tian will not object.

What's more, isn't the most important thing for young people nowadays is to have independent marriage?As long as both parties are willing, he, the father, can't object.

"Where's the fish? Where is it? I'm going to wash and cook. He should wake up in a while."

Tian Niu stretched out her hand, and Tian Han pulled a small basket from her side. Tian Niu knew that the fish were in the basket, so she grabbed the two fish that were still alive and kicking inside, and walked towards the faucet next to it.

After unscrewing the water, Tian Niu took a fishing knife and killed the fish neatly: scraped off the fish scales, cut open the fish gills, and pulled out the fish scales. In less than 10 minutes, the two fish were killed.

"This is where?"

Just when the family was enjoying themselves, a strange voice sounded among them.Haizi, who had been worried by them all the time, appeared unsteadily at the door of the stone house. Due to a high fever for several days, his body was weak, and he leaned against the door frame at this moment.

"Hey, Haizi, are you awake? That's great! It doesn't matter where you are, what matters is that your life is saved, let me touch it, has the fever subsided?"

Tian Niu saw that Haizi was awake, still talking, and her mind was clear, she couldn't help being elated, threw the fish away, washed her hands, and rushed forward to support Haizi.

"Haizi? Who is Haizi?"

The man asked the fisherman girl beside him who was supporting her. Her face was black and red, and she still had a faint fishy smell after killing the fish.

"Haizi is you. You were picked up by my father and my younger brother when they were fishing at sea. I don't know your name, so I will call you Haizi. However, since you are awake now, you should be able to tell me your real name." right?"

"My real name?"

The man leaned on the door frame and thought for a while, but no matter what, he couldn't piece together the fragments from his past life.

"Sorry, I can't remember right now, my head hurts."

He held his head, feeling a stabbing headache.

"Hey, that's because you haven't recovered from your illness. You've had a high fever for a few days. Go and lie down in the house. I'll make fresh fish soup for you to drink later. After drinking it, you'll gain strength. By the way, let's make fish porridge Come on, put some shallots, it’s delicious.”

Tian Niu saw that this lively and lively man was much more handsome than when he was lying on the sick seedlings, and she couldn't help but burst into joy.

"Okay, I'll lie down again."

The other party also knew that his body should not be forced, so he no longer refused, but entered the room with Tian Niu's support.

Along the way, although he once wanted to push Tian Niu away and walk by himself, but his whole body was weak, so he had no choice but to let Tian Niu support him wholeheartedly.

"Thank you, you have all worked hard for my illness, right?"

Haizi reluctantly accepted his own name, and seeing Tian Niu busy, he couldn't help asking gratefully.

"Hey, don't talk about it. When you came, our house was in chaos. Recently, the big boat didn't come to the island to replenish supplies, and the fishing boat broke down. There were no parts to repair. My brother and my dad could only go to the beach to catch some fish to eat. In a ball.

The worst thing is you, the high fever persists, and there is no medicine at home, so I have to use cold water to cool you down and wipe your body. "

After Tian Niu finished speaking quickly, she flicked her big braid, only to realize that Haizi was staring at her unblinkingly, those extremely deep eyes made her heart skip a beat, and suddenly there was an electric shock, which made her never blink. Tian Niu, who is very aggressive, couldn't help but feel hot on the face.

"No way? Sister, you are blushing!"

At this time, Tian Han just sneaked in. Seeing this scene, he couldn't help making fun of Tian Niu.

"Little rascal, who's blushing? I've used too much strength to help Haizi, and I'm blushing from exhaustion."

Tian Niu flicked her braid angrily, and when she looked back, she met Hai Zi's half-smiling eyes. She felt guilty and ran out of the room.

"You rescued me at sea? I've been here for a few days? Why don't you have any impression?"

Haizi lay on the bed and asked Tian Han.

Therefore, Tian Han began to talk about what happened that day, and Haizi realized that Tian Han was also a talker. Although his personality was not as aggressive as his sister's, once he started talking, he couldn't stop. .

(End of this chapter)

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