Chapter 941

Shu Zihan took the elevator downstairs, which was the chief elevator for VIPs.

In the past, Shu Zihan was very envious of Xia Yuan being able to enjoy this privilege like Nangong Junyan. The elevator dedicated to the chief VIP was not only clean, but also very luxuriously decorated with an elegant smell.No matter what Nangong Toshihiko uses, it is of first-class quality.

But at this time, Shu Zihan, who already had this privilege, suddenly felt that this elevator was like an iron cage, and she was the prisoner in this cage.

She suddenly missed the days when she squeezed the elevator with everyone in the past. Although the breath was different, the elevator was even filled with the smell of colleagues bringing cheap breakfast every morning, but it was full of the smell of human fireworks.

That kind of fireworks is real and warm.

No one would have thought that the most enviable woman in the company, the woman full of material desires, would be thinking about these things in her heart at this moment.

Sure enough, marriage is like shoes. Only the person who wears the shoes knows whether they fit or not.


"Xia Yuan, why don't you participate? I don't think it's necessary."

Wang Xiang looked at Xia Yuan holding the invitation card and looked it over and over again, as if he was having fun, he was genuinely worried.

"All the high society and business people in the south of the Yangtze River will go. If our Xia family doesn't go, wouldn't it be even more controversial?"

"Anyway, I still don't think it's necessary. Why give Nangong Junyan a chance to demonstrate? I can just go. I can also represent the Xia family."

"But people pay more attention to me. If I don't go, maybe Xia's business will be even more unfavorable in the future. People nowadays, seeing wind is rain, I don't know what it will be said to be! Moreover, this request I am the one who posted the invitation."

Shaking her head helplessly, Xia Yuan made up her mind, and then put the official invitation of Nangong Toshiyan and Shu Ziyan's engagement on the desk.

To be honest, she was also somewhat curious in her heart, wanting to know why Nangong Toshihiko would invite her by name, and what kind of heart did she have?

Maybe it's because of seeing Nangong Toshihiko's misdeeds a few times, Xia Yuan's heart is not as uncomfortable as in the past, and the pain of being broken up in her body is not obvious.

Because, the current Nangong Toshihiko and the Nangong Toshihiko she loved in the past are completely two people.

Nangong Junyan and Shu Zihan's engagement banquet was held on this Saturday night. Surprisingly, the engagement banquet this time was not as grand as last time. It just covered the top floor of the Dorsett Hotel and set up a relaxed buffet-style venue .

Xia Yuan was wearing a black thin mud jacket, an off-white cashmere sweater inside, pencil pants with long legs to look taller, and a pair of mid-heel short boots, which matched the scene of the engagement banquet very well. .

Xia Yuan and Wang Xiang came to the Dorsett Hotel and looked at this place where she and Nangong Toshiyan had been to countless times in the past, but now, this place has become a place where he and other women have been together for a hundred years.

Xia Yuan felt sad for a while, she just felt that the world was changing too fast, when did she become the forgotten party?
Thinking back to when I met Shu Zihan in the elevator at Nangong Group, I only treated her as a stranger, but who knows, this stranger will take her place now.

Now that she's here, Xia Yuan doesn't intend to just reminisce about the past, she puts her hand in Wang Xiang's arm and walks calmly towards the elevator.

Some people around her saw her, maybe they knew her, and they couldn't help showing surprised expressions.

Maybe it's strange that she can still appear so indifferently when her ex-fiancé is engaged?
"Wang Xiang, are you Wang Xiang?"

At this moment, in the lobby of the Dorsett Hotel, a tall and elegant looking girl suddenly called Wang Xiang to her side.

Looking back, Wang Xiang couldn't help showing a knowing smile on his face:
"Wang Xiaotu, are you working as a waiter here?"

Because the girl who called Wang Xiang was wearing the unique uniform of the Dorsett Hotel. However, she was not wearing the light pink of ordinary waiters, but a darker and more delicate uniform, which looked quite seductive.

"Yes, I am the manager of the catering department here. Here, here is my business card. I will contact you later. It is working hours now, so I can't chat with you. Our management here is very strict. Chatting, that would be miserable."

The girl quickly handed a business card to Wang Xiang, then bowed slightly to him, as if she happened to receive an ordinary visitor asking for directions, and disappeared deep into the countless hidden corners of the Dorsett Hotel.

However, before disappearing, she suddenly looked back at Wang Xiang, and looked at Xia Yuan beside Wang Xiang, her eyes were full of doubts.

Holding the business card, Wang Xiang lost his mind for a moment.

"Brother, who is she? Where did you meet?"

Seeing that Wang Xiang was obviously losing his composure, Xia Yuan couldn't help being very interested.

"Uh, she was my classmate in junior high school. Later, she went out to work without going to high school. After leaving school, I also went out to work, and gradually lost contact. I didn't expect to meet here."

"Hey, brother, is it your goddess from the past? It's not easy for her to be the manager of the catering department in Emgrand!"

Xia Yuan didn't have the slightest intention of looking down on Wang Xiaotu, because a self-improvement girl is the most respectable.

In the past, didn't Wang Xiang also hang out at the bottom of society?But this did not affect his character.

Based on Xia Yuan's understanding of the past management of the Dorsett Hotel, it is impossible for a person without strength to achieve Wang Xiaotu's position.

A girl who can achieve this position from scratch must be quite capable and dedicated.

"To be honest, Wang Xiaotu was really close to me in junior high school. She worked very hard, but her family was not well off. Her father was seriously ill, and her mother was illiterate and could only do rough work. At that time, the school organized everyone to give her family donations.

However, this is only a drop in the bucket.

Later, after her father died of illness, she dropped out of school to work. "

Wang Xiang squeezed the business card in his hand, feeling mixed emotions.

"Brother, what do you feel? You can keep in touch when you have time, and you will get together again if you have a destiny! Isn't it true that you have been separated for so many years, and you still meet again?"

Xia Yuan teases Wang Xiang.

Wang Xiang chuckled, knowing that his sister was half kind and half joking, but he was very happy, considering the environment and atmosphere in which his sister lived since childhood, he did not mean to look down on Wang Xiaotu, which made him feel relaxed and natural when interacting with his former classmates. too much.

Wang Xiang carefully put Wang Xiaotu's business card into the pocket of his suit, planning to find time to contact her later.

No matter what, Wang Xiang couldn't help being excited to see his old classmates who had been separated for many years, and they had a vague affection for each other in junior high school.

The elevator arrived, and Wang Xiang and Xia Yuan took each other into the elevator. At this moment, the elevator next to it opened, and a person came out of it. While walking, he said angrily:

"I'm not engaged anymore, why is it me who is unlucky every time, marry whoever you like!"

Isn't this voice Shu Zihan's?Is she going to be a runaway bride again?

(End of this chapter)

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