Chapter 942
"How old are you? Can you say such things casually? It's not about you alone, it's about the whole family."

The one who ran out right behind Shu Zihan was a person who couldn't see his face clearly, because after hearing what they said, the elevator door had already closed, and it was slowly ascending according to the established procedure.

Xia Yuan and Wang Xiang couldn't help but look at each other, what's going on?Why does it feel so familiar?

It seems to be a repeat of Xia Yuan's visit to Nangong Junyan's villa that day.

On the same day, Shu Zihan also suddenly disappeared at the engagement ceremony, so that Nangong Junyan had no choice but to temporarily catch Xia Yuan as a substitute, and a vigorous and passionate love began from then on.

Could it be that the situation of that day will be repeated today?

The corners of Xia Yuan's lips raised ironically. This time, even if Nangong Toshihiko clings to her, she would not agree. Back then, she was too young.

Now, after this period of experience, Xia Yuan has gradually become mature and more assertive, unless she wants to, otherwise it is impossible.

"Could it be that the engagement ceremony can't be held? From Shu Zihan's point of view, she doesn't really want to marry Nangong Junyan?"

Wang Xiang couldn't help but feel a sense of joy.

"It's none of our business. Nangong Toshihiko will take care of it. It's not Shu Zihan, Zhang Zihan, Wang Zihan, there are always girls who fly to the flame."

Xia Yuan said silently in her heart: But it will never be me.

Wang Xiang looked at his younger sister in puzzlement, and saw that her face was indifferent, as if she was not affected by this episode, Wang Xiang was relieved a lot.

The elevator door opened, and the scene of the entire banquet hall appeared in everyone's eyes.

Contrary to what Xia Yuan and Wang Xiang imagined, although Shu Zihan ran away, it had no effect on the entire banquet scene.

The whole hall was still full of people, very lively.Everyone held wine glasses and chatted with the person they were interested in from time to time. Relaxed and cheerful music was played in the hall, and lights and festoons were decorated everywhere. There was still an atmosphere of engagement.

It's just that compared to the previous engagement ceremony, this engagement ceremony is still much more casual and simple, which seems to reflect Nangong Toshihiko's carelessness towards this engagement ceremony from a certain angle.

Xia Yuan's appearance caused a small commotion.

Maybe everyone didn't expect that Xia Yuan would appear so calmly at the scene of her ex-fiancé's engagement, right?
Therefore, some looked at Xia Yuan curiously, some mockingly, and some thoughtfully.

Of course, the truly treacherous businessmen look at Xia Yuan with appreciation, because they know that only such persevering people who can face all difficulties calmly can become great talents.

And after Xia Yuan passed through tonight, her calmness left a deep impression in their hearts, and their invisible evaluation of Xia Yuan increased a little.

"Hey, Xia Yuan, you are still so beautiful and charming, I can't wait to let you wear the crown of heroine tonight."

Seeing Xia Yuan appearing, Nangong Toshihiko walked over excitedly, his face was full of abnormal blush, that kind of blush only appeared under certain circumstances and after doing certain things.

Xia Yuan hated his lustful eyes so much, she just nodded to him slightly sideways, and continued to chat with the people around her as if nothing had happened.

Seeing Xia Yuan's indifference, Nangong Toshihiko was not discouraged, but continued to walk to Xia Yuan's side, and skillfully snatched the wine glass from her hand and said:

"Drink less alcohol, it's not good for your skin? I have someone specially adjust the cocktail for you."

The tone was extremely ambiguous, and the concern was undisguised.

It made the people standing and talking with Xia Yuan extremely embarrassed.

This pair is the most watched couple at the engagement banquet tonight: the ex and the present.

And Nangong Toshihiko was able to talk to Xia Yuan so nonchalantly?

Xia Yuan is also very calm?
What the hell is this playing?

"Uh, Chief Nangong, Mr. Xia, I have a friend over there, go over and say hello."

The person who talked to Xia Yuan walked away in embarrassment.

So, at the scene, everyone saw Nangong Toshiyan and Xia Yuan standing together, serving her a cocktail graciously.

If it weren't for the words Nangong Junyan and Shu Zihan's engagement scene written in the hall, it would really make people suspect that this is a special dance party for Nangong Junyan and Xia Yuan.

"You don't need to treat me like this, and I won't be fooled by you again. Does Shu Zihan run away, and you need a replacement fiancee again?"

Xia Yuan looked at everyone's guessing eyes, and couldn't help giving Nangong Junyan a blank look.

"Hehe, you misunderstood. Just seeing you, I couldn't help being nice to you. You know, between the two of us, you were the one who broke up first. I was the one who got hurt.

Therefore, it is you who are unfeeling to me, but I am still interested in you.

As for Shu Zihan, she ran once and would never run a second time. "

Nangong Toshihiko spread his hands indifferently, and stared at Xia Yuan affectionately.

"Then you are wrong. We saw Shu Zihan running down the stairs just now. I thought, since you are going to be engaged to him, treat him well and stop talking about our past."

Xia Yuan wanted to leave Nangong Toshiyan's side, but he grabbed his wrist:

"Xia Yuan, no one else can get a woman I can't get. You are among these women."

This is a blatant threat.

Xia Yuan was annoyed, she shook it hard, trying to shake off Nangong Toshiyan's hand, although his words pierced her chest like an arrow, but the sting revived Xia Yuan's spirits, she put the cocktail in her hand It splashed on Nangong Toshihiko's face violently, and said angrily:
"Go away, I am not your woman! I will never be your woman again!"

Xia Yuan didn't take a sip of this cocktail, so the whole glass was poured on Nangong Junyan's face, it was full of weight!
Nangong Toshihiko wiped his face with the sleeve of his white suit in embarrassment, and the red cocktail immediately soaked his sleeve, turning it into a patch of red and white.

Xia Yuan's actions surprised everyone present, no one thought that Xia Yuan would make such a move.

For a while, except for the still soft and cheerful music, the room was silent, and everyone stared at the ex-lovers.

"Hmph, just wait, sooner or later I will let you beg me, and when the time comes, you will not be able to survive or die!"

Nangong Toshihiko suddenly said these words in a hideous manner, and stepped forward to grab Xia Yuan's shoulder, shaking it vigorously.

In front of the muscular him, the tall Xia Yuan still looked petite, but when he shook her, her face turned pale.

However, when he approached her so closely and uttered these threatening words, Xia Yuan looked at him fixedly, and suddenly a strange expression crossed her face.

(End of this chapter)

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