970 Carefully arranged
Hearing Xia Yuan's agreement, Long Zhen knew that his strategy had worked, and couldn't help but feel joy in his heart.

He has always acted concisely and neatly, so even if he wanted to get close to Xia Yuan, he still reported using ulterior motives.

It seems that his "Yangmou" is quite to Xia Yuan's appetite, because even though she knew that this was Long Zhen's plan to get close to her, she didn't show any displeasure.

Long Zhen happily put the fresh flowers in his hand into the crystal vase in a familiar way, and put the slightly withered flowers from yesterday on the side, ready to throw them away later.

Xia Yuan asked him:

"How is the filming of the new movie going? I heard it's about to wrap up?"

"Yeah, the last shot was shot yesterday, and the rest is going to Hollywood for editing and post-production special effects. In fact, this is where the most money is spent."

"With such a large investment, it seems that you are really planning to compete for this year's Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film?"

Xia Yuan also admired Long Zhen's professional actor spirit, this guy has the demeanor of doing things seriously.

This kind of demeanor is a fatal temptation for a woman like her who lives a serious life.

However, it's just admiring his work attitude...

At night, Long Zhen came to pick Xia Yuan to the banquet as scheduled.

Xia Yuan chose a light blue Chanel suit, because she really couldn't bring herself to dress herself up carefully, so she chose a versatile suit, which is neither rude nor perfunctory.

In Long Zhen's eyes, since Xia Yuan appeared, she has been the only one.

Because it is inevitable to drink at the banquet, Long Zhen did not drive by himself. When he saw Xia Yuan appearing at the door of his house, Long Zhen got out of the car immediately and opened the car door for her graciously.

What made Xia Yuan curious was that Long Zhen drove a Rolls-Royce to pick her up tonight, and the driver, who was hired temporarily, was actually wearing a formal driver's uniform with a Wearing white gloves, Long Zhen, who complemented the black tuxedo beside him, was also full of aristocratic style.

Seeing that Xia Yuan was a little embarrassed, Long Zhen smiled slightly, spread his palm on his lap and said:
"Don't worry, I will always be with you. Although you may not know many people at this banquet, they will definitely be impressed by you when they see such an amazing you, because you are not the only one who amazes them. Your appearance, your talent, will also impress them."

"You have so much confidence in me?"

Xia Yuan did not put her palm in Long Zhen's open invitation, but remained calm and authentic.

Seeing that Xia Yuan did not make any further intimacy with him, Long Zhen could only put away his palms in a little disappointment, but still said in a calm manner:

"Of course, you have understood that your Xia family has more than doubled its profit since you took charge. Although a lot of business came from the Nangong Group before, the influence of the Nangong Group has gradually faded away. This can only show that it is Your extraordinary leadership has made everything possible today."

Xia Yuan was slightly taken aback when she heard this. She never expected that Long Zhen, as an actor, would know her business background.

At this time, Long Zhen, in her opinion, had some complicated background colors, Xia Yuan couldn't help asking curiously:

"So listen, you also have a lot of research on business?"

"It's more than just research. Now I'm managing two venture capital companies of Chengye. The main business is to study the potential of the company and judge when to intervene to maximize the benefits."

Long Zhen smiled comfortably.

"Chengye Ventures is actually yours?"

Only now did Xia Yuan understand why Long Zhen knew so much about herself.

The money in the hands of Chengye Venture Capital is in the hundreds of millions. They are like lurking crocodiles, operating in a very high-profile manner in the Jiangnan business world with ruthlessness, but it is never expected that Chengye The investor behind the company turned out to be the national idol Long Zhen.

It's no wonder that Long really has the money to invest in making movies by himself, and he can willfully say that he will retire bravely at the peak of his acting career.

It turned out that Long Zhen had already planned his retreat.

"Don't look at me with this kind of eyes. In fact, acting in movies was just a hobby of mine when I was a teenager. When I was an adult, since I had such an opportunity, I just gave it a try. Unexpectedly, after a try, it turned out to be pretty good. It was successful, so I just made do and continued to work.”

Long Zhen saw that Xia Yuan finally widened his eyes and looked at him with disbelief, a comfortable smile appeared on his face.

"Well, you are the kind of born lucky person who will succeed in whatever you do."

Xia Yuan smiled, and for a moment, the starlight flowed and the butterflies danced, making Long Zhen seem to see a wonderful scenery, which made him crazy.

"Young Master Long, we're here."

At this moment, the driver parked the car slowly and reminded Long Zhen.

"Get out of the car!"

Long Zhen stepped out of the car first, then walked to the side of the car, and helped Xia Yuan open the door.

Under his care, Xia Yuan got out of the car a little bit awkwardly.

Suddenly, Xia Yuan felt as if someone was peeping at her from the dark. She looked around but saw nothing.

This is their own illusion, right?

Xia Yuan thought to herself, and followed Long Zhen to the banquet hall.

However, what Xia Yuan didn't see was that there was a tall figure standing behind the big pillar outside the hotel. When Xia Yuan's eyes swept over him, he hid in time...

To Xia Yuan's surprise, the specification of this banquet was unexpectedly high.

Not only did she see Zhang Chengchen, but she also saw the chairman of the city's chamber of commerce and other romantic figures.

To Xia Yuan's surprise, Zhang Chengchen, who had been avoiding her until now, saw her and took the initiative to greet her.

Long Zhen stepped aside silently, giving space to Xia Yuan and Zhang Chengchen.

After a few conversations, Zhang Chengchen verbally agreed to hand over the parts of their company to Xia Shi, which brought Xia Yuan a pleasant surprise.

After talking about the matter, Zhang Chengchen went to other places to socialize again, but Xia Yuan didn't notice that before Zhang Chengchen left, he glanced at Long Zhen with inquiring and seeking opinions.

Long Zhen nodded imperceptibly, and Zhang Chengchen felt relieved. Knowing that Long Zhen was satisfied with his performance, he left Xia Yuan's side with confidence.

It's not good to stay too long, did you see an impatient expression appearing on Young Master Long's face?
If he didn't want to make Long Shao's woman happy and behaved more naturally, Zhang Chengchen would have signed the contract with Xia Yuan immediately, turned around and left.

It's really because Long Shao's doting eyes are too hot.

Xia Yuan didn't know about Zhang Chengchen's thoughts, but the business accident was successfully negotiated, Xia Yuan was very happy, and when she returned to Long Zhen, she couldn't help but thank her:
"That's great. If you hadn't brought me here, I'm afraid I might not be able to meet Mr. Zhang in a month."

(End of this chapter)

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