Chapter 971 He's an Enemy Too

"Well, this is the result of your own efforts."

Long Zhen didn't take the credit for himself.

In fact, Chengye Venture Capital also took a share of Zhang Chengchen's company, and even took [-]% of the shares.

And Zhang Chengchen's background was just a smoke bomb he released.In fact, Zhang Chengchen's background is not that prominent, but his personal business ability is indeed very strong. Since Chengye Company injected a large amount of cash, Zhang Chengchen's company immediately revived and became a new force that cannot be underestimated in Jiangnan.

Chengye Venture Capital's investment in this company has once again verified their characteristics of fast, ruthless, accurate, and stable investment.

Xia Yuan's primary task of attending the banquet tonight was completed, and she felt extremely relaxed.

However, maybe her aura is too strong, no matter where she goes, that lingering impostor reappears.

Seeing Nangong Junyan walking in from the door with Shu Zihan on his arm, Xia Yuan couldn't help but frowned slightly, and asked Long Zhen:

"He was invited too?"

Seeing Xia Yuan's genuine dislike for Nangong Junyan flashed in Xia Yuan's eyes, Long Zhen couldn't help but feel happy. It seems that Xia Yuan really forgot about her ex.

He immediately replied:
"I don't know, this is an open banquet, and the guests are all high-end business elites, so it may not be certain that he will be invited."

But in fact, this banquet was initiated by Long Zhen, he knew that Nangong Junyan was not invited.

The reason why he didn't tell the truth was that he didn't want Xia Yuan to feel that Nangong Junyan came here on purpose, perhaps for her.

Once she feels that her ex has no more affection for her, will Xia Yuan's mentality change again?

It was really hard for Long Zhen to feel Xia Yuan's dislike for his ex. He didn't want to let Xia Yuan realize Nangong Junyan's deliberate intentions for her again.

Xia Yuan adjusted her mentality. The impostor hadn't harassed her recently. Xia Yuan didn't know that he was shocked by the evil desire in his heart, and he was trying to restrain himself from committing new crimes. So much so that now except for Shu Zihan, he dare not get close to other women.

It's just that when he heard that Xia Yuan would also attend the dinner today, when the dinner was about to start, he still couldn't restrain his desire to conquer, so he hurried over with Shu Zihan.

As for whether Shu Zihan would have a different opinion of his words and deeds when he arrived at the scene, he no longer cared.

From the incident of pinching Shu Zihan last time, he could tell that this woman with big breasts and no brains had her heart set on him all her life.

With his new sexual interest now, he also needs such a woman to cover him.

As for Xia Yuan, it was part of taking over Nangong Junyan's property, and he would not be reconciled if he hadn't tried it out.

As soon as he entered the banquet hall, he saw Xia Yuan who was so pink and tender, his eyes straightened, he left Shu Zihan behind, walked over, and said to Xia Yuan:

"Hey, what a coincidence, Mr. Xia, today is so beautiful!"

Xia Yuan smiled indifferently, as a response to him, but looked behind him and said:
"Thank you, Chief Nangong's fiancée is the most eye-catching one at this banquet!"

Nangong Junyan looked behind him, Shu Zihan's cold face was already placed behind him, he still smiled nonchalantly:

"No matter how beautiful she is, she can't compare to your breathtaking beauty. When Mr. Xia is free to come out for tea together, our two companies still have a lot of business to discuss."

"Okay, let's cooperate again when we have a chance."

Xia Yuan behaved like a normal businessman.

There are no permanent enemies, only permanent benefits.

Xia Yuan was about to leave with Long Zhen, but Nangong Junyan leaned forward again and helped Xia Yuan pull her collar. Long Zhen's face changed slightly, but Nangong Junyan immediately backed away, and said with a smile:
"Look, your collar is turned in."

Xia Yuan still kept a smile on her face, but she had goosebumps all over her back, because when the impostor helped her turn over the collar just now, his fingertips slid across the skin of her neck intentionally or unintentionally, which made her disgusted .

"No thanks." Nangong Junyan glanced at Long Zhen with a half-smile, and continued, "I used to do this for her often."

After the demonstration and display of sovereignty, Nangong Toshiyan took Shu Zihan's hand and left.

"He, is it annoying to you?"

Seeing the growing disgust in Xia Yuan's eyes, Long Zhen couldn't help stepping forward and asking.

"Hehe, it's okay, after all, we've been together for a while."

Xia Yuan didn't let Long Zhen see that her fingertips had been deeply imprinted in the palm of her hand, and a tingling pain hit her, making her more sober.

The feeling of being brushed by the fingertips of an impostor made her so disgusted, which made Xia Yuan deeply feel again that this person was indeed, definitely not the original Toshihiko.

Who on earth has such powerful power to insert this counterfeit into the Nangong Group, and it is almost seamless?
Except for myself, the closest pillow person, the people next to me seem to be unaware?

Xia Yuan couldn't help but think of An Yichen, didn't he, Nangong Junyan's best friend for more than ten years, not notice it?
There was a chill behind Xia Yuan: Could it be that An Yichen is also the counterfeit's helper?

Yes, if that's the case, it all makes sense.

Why was the counterfeit able to take over the Nangong Group so seamlessly and quickly, wouldn't An Yichen be the biggest help?

Otherwise, based on his friendship with Nangong Junyan for more than ten years, he must be very familiar with Junyan, how could he recognize the wrong person?

Xia Yuan's mind went blank. It seems that this game against counterfeit top bags probably lasted for more than a year or two. Perhaps it started when An Yichen met Nangong Junyan.

Xia Yuan suddenly had a new direction in her mind to solve the case, that is, she had to look for clues about An Yichen, how she met Nangong Junyan, how they got along, and who was behind An Yichen.

If some clues can be found, the mystery of Toshihiko Nangong's disappearance can be found out.

Because Xia Yuan suddenly thought about the joints, she couldn't help being distracted. Looking at her pale face, Long Zhen couldn't help feeling worried, and asked:
"What's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?"

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm just a little dizzy, maybe I have a cold."

Xia Yuan concealed it.

"Then let's go back, I'll see you off."

Seeing that Xia Yuan was ill, Long Zhen couldn't stay here any longer.

"It's okay, it's not serious. Anyway, I'm here, and I don't care about this."

Xia Yuan wanted to stay here and carefully observe the counterfeit's words and deeds. The more she understood, the faster and more accurately she could defeat her opponent.

However, with the addition of An Yichen's variable, Xia Yuan deeply felt uneasy that the future of the real Nangong Junyan was uncertain.

(End of this chapter)

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