Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 1048 The Charm of Drought Comes Out, In Chidi!

Chapter 1048 Once the charm of drought emerges, the land will be covered with red land! (4)

The two had just finished their deal, on the water over there.


This time, the sound was deafening, and huge waves rolled up on the surface of the water, shaking the ground in this area trembling for a while.

Then, at the end of the horizon, a figure slowly emerged from the water.

It was a ghoul.

From the outside, they were similar to the zombies I saw last night, all with white hair, green flames beating in their eye sockets, and blue-faced fangs.

The only difference is that this zombie has a bald head.

On the top of the head, there is a patch of red, which seems to be branded with blood.After careful identification, it looks like a ghostly talisman, and at this moment, it is flashing red blood.

"Hey, it's amazing! There are runes on this Hanmei's head that stimulate power, little baby, you have to be careful."

"You don't need to remind me!"

Ling Jun Qi glanced at him, if it wasn't for the sudden appearance of Han Mei, he couldn't help but slap this bastard old fritter away.

The little boy who opens his mouth all day long and keeps his mouth shut, he is already a father, no matter how young his face is, he is still a father.

Who has no temper after being called out like that?What's more, Lingjun Qi's status is still so noble.

"You are in front, I am behind!"

After Lingjun Qi finished speaking, a golden light condensed in his palm, and a long sword gleaming with cold light appeared in his palm, exuding a severe chill.

"Xuanming Sword? Tsk tsk, good stuff, there are indeed many good treasures of the Spirit Race. Once this sword is released, the surrounding heat will be reduced a lot."

Yun Zhongxian sighed while watching.

What he said was not wrong. After Lingjun Qi swung the sword, the originally dry and hot air gradually returned to normal.

This space seems to have become a small world, isolated from the outside world.

However, Yun Zhongxian muttered for a while, and the next second, his whole body was not well.

He jumped three feet high, and said angrily: "Little devil, you are so insidious, you stab someone in the back, and then let me go face to face with Han Meigang? You think it's too beautiful, right? No way!" , re-divided!"

"It's already been divided!"

"Then I'll be with you!"


"This young master is not interested in you!"


"Pfft, haha—"

At this moment, not to mention Shen Qiqiao, everyone present was amused by this scene.

It is also rare that in such a tense atmosphere, there is such a funny scene.

But in the next second, everyone stopped laughing.

Because, Lingjun Qi and Yun Zhongxian had already turned into two beams of light, rushing towards the drought charm.

All around, hazy white mist rises.

"What's going on here?" Shen Qiqiao was stunned, and immediately grabbed Ling Mohan's hand, "Xiaohan, I'm afraid!"

"Qiaoer, I'm here!"

Ling Mohan suddenly grasped Shen Qiqiao's slightly cold little hand.

He looked at the old man: "What's going on?"

"It's foggy, maybe some formation has been activated here."

"Formation?" Ling Mohan looked at him with weird eyes, "Oh, aren't you the former guardian of this place? Then you should be able to break the formation here, right?"

Don't blame Ling Mohan for being unfriendly to the three old men, after all, he wanted to trick them at the beginning.

"Young master, you don't know. Although we are the guardians of this place, we have been away from home for a long time. This place has been transformed by others, and we are powerless."


Ling Mohan stared at them, and did not relax his vigilance towards the three of them, "Then will you crack it?"

"Let the old man try it!"

(End of this chapter)

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