Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 1049 The Charm of Drought Comes Out, In Chidi!

Chapter 1049 Once the charm of drought emerges, the land will be covered with red land! (5)

"Bang bang bang!"



In the hazy white mist, Shen Qiqiao and her party could all hear the sound from the lake over there.

Obviously, Lingjun Qi and Yun Zhongxian had already fought Hanmei.

Here, everyone was a little anxious, and wanted to see the situation on the other side of the lake through the thick clouds and mists.

It's just that the people here, except for the old man who is a little proficient in the formation, the others are ignorant and can only stare blankly.

Time gradually passed.

The noise over there was getting louder, and the terrifying energy continued to spread, even blasting the nearby vegetation, trees, mountains and rocks into powder.

"Still can't figure it out?"

Ling Mohan stared at the old man, his eyes narrowed, he wanted to see something from his expression.

However, he was disappointed, the old man looked serious, not like Jia.

"Young master, you already have some knowledge, but it still takes time!"

He was very tired, his forehead was covered with fine sweat, and the clothes on his back were soaked in sweat and stuck to his body sticky.

The old man ignored the heavy sweat on his face, and didn't even have time to wipe it off. He was still pondering, his expression very focused.

"Xiaohan, sometimes you are too suspicious!"

Luo Qingyun knew Ling Mohan well, so he said so at this moment.

Ling Mohan glanced at him again, and said lightly: "It's not that I'm suspicious, but that I'm prejudiced against them!"


Cough, buddy, if you have prejudice, you can just whisper in your heart, why bother to say it?How embarrassing everyone is!

The neighborhood is so quiet, Ling Mohan didn't deliberately lower his voice, so they all heard it.

But what was surprising was that the other party was not dissatisfied with Ling Mohan's squeeze, and the young woman even came over to salute Ling Mohan.

"Little son, it was my daughter who was too playful and hurt you by mistake. Please don't mind. The grassroots have already taught her about this matter. If you are still angry, you can hit me..."

"Okay, a brat, I'm not interested!"

Ling Mohan is not the kind of person who is really small-minded, since the other party confessed his mistake so carefully this time, he can't really care about anything with a little girl.

Besides, isn't there a problem right now?
This is even more difficult to start internal strife.

The old man here is working very hard to break the formation. On the other hand, Lingjun Qi and Yun Zhongxian also fought against Hanmei dozens of times, and the water in the Changhu Lake is almost evaporated.

In the hazy water mist, a ray of spiritual light was aroused from the Xuanming Sword in Lingjun Qi's hand, and it slashed open Hanmei's back, while Yun Zhongxian held three talisman papers, opened them like a feather fan, and then slammed at Print it between the eyebrows of Han Mei!

The talisman paper was pasted on the top of Hanmei's head, and immediately released pieces of white light one after another, as if it contained the power of purification. In just a moment, a large amount of black smoke rose from the top of Hanmei's head.

As for Hanmei herself, she was roaring hysterically, waving her iron arms frantically, making clanging noises.

"Boy, hold on, hold on, it's almost there!"

"..." Lingjun Qi.



A bolt of lightning suddenly landed from a high altitude, and then slammed into the drought charm.

On the ground, a huge pit suddenly appeared, and smoke and dust billowed.


Like the roar of a wild wolf, after Han Mei made such a sound, it turned into a puff of green smoke and disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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