Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 118 Something Happened to Murao!

Chapter 118 Something Happened to Murao!
"In my previous home, there were a few books, "Hundred Surnames", "Thousand Characters", and the Four Books and Five Classics. When the time comes, find a time to bring them back to your brother."

Ye Han's voice suddenly came from behind.

Shen Qiqiao was taken aback, she never expected that this Orion's house would have a collection of books?
Is he literate?Sure enough, the real person does not show his face!
"These books are not something my younger brother can use at this age. Is there the Three Character Classic?"

"The Three Character Classic? What kind of book is that?"

Ye Han stared, unable to understand.

Shen Qiqiao was dumbfounded, there was the Thousand Character Classic and the Four Books and Five Classics, but no Three Character Classic?

She suddenly remembered that the Three Character Classic was not written until the end of the Southern Song Dynasty. In other words, the dynasty she traveled through was an unknown dynasty before the Southern Song Dynasty?

But there is no record in history.

Well, she read a fake history book while she was at school.

As the night grew darker, the few of them chatted for a while, and then went back to their rooms to sleep.

In the middle of the night, Shen Qiqiao tried to enter the space again and succeeded!
She finally understood that her own space can only be entered at night, and it seems that it does not work during the day.

In the space, the small tree has grown to a height of two meters, lush and vibrant, and the land area has expanded to a full 25 square meters.

Shen Qiqiao still didn't dare to touch it, wanting to see how far it could grow?
In order to prevent the "disappearance" incident from happening again, Shen Qiqiao stayed in the space for a short time before coming out to continue sleeping.

One night, good dreams.

Early the next morning, the small mountain village, which had always been quiet, suddenly became restless.

There are tigers on the mountain, and the news spread in the village overnight.

Before, the old Zhang was scratched by a tiger, and later, the third son of the Wang family was scratched by a tiger. All of a sudden, the village became pale when they heard the tiger, and some even threatened: If the tiger comes down the mountain, the village will be destroyed!

Then there were rumors that many people wanted to move their families.

All of a sudden, things were raging, and the whole village was in chaos.

In the end, Wang Lizheng had no choice but to come forward and tell him solemnly that within three days, Ye Han would deal with the tiger.

One stone caused a thousand waves. No one thought that this broom star, who was always spurned and abused by others, would actually come forward to help the village get rid of tigers?

Some people were pleasantly surprised, thinking that Ye Han had finally done something decent for the villagers.

There are also people who are skeptical. How the people in the village have treated him these years is obvious to all. Will he really let go of the past and help fight tigers wholeheartedly?

"Hmph, let me see, this stinky brat is just talking about it and trying to gain everyone's favor. How could he really fight a tiger? How dangerous is that!"

Zheng's head was tied with gauze, and there was faint blood oozing from it when he was arguing with Widow Liu yesterday.

Thinking of what happened yesterday, Zheng became furious. After returning home, she thought about it and figured out that Shen Qiqiao deliberately caused her to fight with Widow Liu, and she became even more angry.

She squinted in the direction of Shen Qiqiao's house, making sarcastic remarks there.

The Zhao family next to him also yelled: "That's right, who wouldn't say good things? It's just his ugly face who still beats tigers, I'm sorry!"

"What nonsense are you bastard? The Ye family boy is my savior. You are not allowed to say that about him!"

Zhao saliva spit Xingzi still in his mouth, was reprimanded by Zhang Daniu who was going to work in the fields.

"Hey, you old man, you actually attacked me because of an ugly broom star, I'm dying, I'm going to fight you!"

Zhao immediately exploded, and bumped into Zhang Daniu.

"Oh, you crazy woman, you want to kill me? Is it because I treat you too well on weekdays and my tail is up to the sky? Humph, I have to teach you a lesson today!"

"Hey, you bastard, bastard, come on?"

"Okay, noisy, noisy, why are you noisy? Something happened to Murao!"

(End of this chapter)

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