Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 119 Widow Liu is Missing!

Chapter 119 Widow Liu is Missing!

Just when Zhang Daniu and his mother-in-law Zhao Shi were about to fight, an angry shout sounded from the side, and even the yelling Zheng Shi shut up.

The person who came was Lizheng, Wang Zhihuan, from the small tea village.

He was supported by a middle-aged woman, who was his third daughter-in-law.

Wang Zhihuan gave the two troublesome women a hard look, and immediately rushed to the end of the village.

Widow Liu seduced | Widow Liu seduced her husband so that everyone in the village knew about it, and it spread widely. He was going to deal with Widow Liu this morning. Unexpectedly, before he went, he heard that something happened to Widow Liu’s house. Immediately depressed.

As soon as Wang Zhihuan left, Zheng and Zhao began to chatter.

"Murao? What happened to Murao?"

"Isn't Widow Liu living at the end of the village? Could it be that something happened to Widow Liu? Ouch, this is such a good relationship!"

When Mrs. Zheng heard that it was the end of the village, she immediately thought of Widow Liu, who had a "fate" with her, and said vicious words in her mouth, wishing her bad luck.

So, the two of them rushed to the end of the village immediately.

At the end of the village, a lot of people had already gathered. A house surrounded by a fence was on fire, billowing black smoke, and villagers kept carrying buckets to put out the fire. Even so, the house was completely burned down when the fire was extinguished.

"The second son of the Liang family, did you find anyone?"

"No, Widow Liu is missing!"

"Shouldn't it be burned to death?"

"Are you kidding, even if you burn to death, there will still be corpses!"


A group of people discussed, and many pointed at the burnt-out house. Of course, most of them held a sneering attitude. After all, Widow Liu's reputation in the village was too bad.

"Tsk tsk, what a crime, Widow Liu is a bad retribution, let her shamelessly seduce|seduce my man!"

Mrs. Zheng is happy now, and feels very relieved. This God is helping her. Widow Liu seduces her man with her front foot, and God puts a fire on her back foot and takes her away!
"Yes, this is called self-inflicted evil, let her seduce men all day long and fail to learn how to do it well, hum!"



Today is the opening day of the market. Shen Qiqiao and Ye Hantian arranged everything before dawn. They wanted to wait for an ox cart at the entrance of the village so that they could take them to town. Ye Han's family had an ox cart before, but now he Left, everything depends on oneself.

But I waited and waited, but no one came.

"What's going on? Is no one going to town today?"

Shen Qiqiao was holding the basket of herbs, her small face wrinkled, a little unhappy.

Ye Han frowned slightly, and said lightly: "There is indeed something wrong, huh? Look over there, there is black smoke, it's on fire!"

"Ah? Really, it's the direction of the end of the village. There are only two families of Widow Liu and the third brother of the Wang family. Whose house will be on fire?"

"I guess it's Widow Liu."

Ye Han's eyes flickered slightly, and suddenly he snorted softly: "The golden cicada just escaped its shell, who doesn't know that Widow Liu admitted yesterday that she had an affair with a man from the Zheng family?
Wang Lizheng must deal with this kind of matter that affects the atmosphere of the village. I think Widow Liu was afraid of being soaked in a pig cage, so she deliberately set a fire on her to make us think she was dead, and then left the village secretly in the morning when there were few people. "


Shen Qiqiao was taken aback, she never expected that Ye Han would have such a clear mind, he could see through the truth of the fire in Widow Liu's house at a glance!
Admire, admire!

"Anyway, it's other people's business, not our business. Well, by the way, what if there is no bullock cart?"

"Uncle Zhang has it, I'll go find him."

"Aren't you worried about being kicked out by Mrs. Zhao?"

"Just her? Not that capable!"

(End of this chapter)

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