Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 161 Just don't give it to me, I'm mad at you!

Chapter 161 Just don't give it to me, I'm mad at you!
Ye Han waited for Wang Zhihuan's words, and raised the corner of his mouth triumphantly: "Grandpa Lizheng, I have something I want to ask you to decide."

"Well, if you have something to say, just talk about it. There are so many villagers here, and they are all up to you."

"Yes, Ye boy, just say, we all support you!"

A group of villagers looked at Ye Han and Shen Qiqiao with smiles in their eyes, they had long regarded these two as a couple.

Ye Han squinted at Zheng Shi and Zhang Shi, and said, "Grandpa Lizheng, just now these two people insulted my future daughter-in-law, this matter can't be counted like this!"

Mrs. Zhang and Mrs. Zheng never expected Ye Han to come to Qiu Hou to settle accounts so soon, their hearts skipped a beat, their eyes straightened, feeling that something bad was going to happen.

Wang Zhihuan stroked his beard and smiled: "Then what do you want to do with it?"

Ye Han said: "It's easy to say, don't allow them to come to tonight's tiger meat feast, and save a bad mouth from dirtying a table of good wine and food."

"Hey, Ye Han, what do you mean? Everyone in the village can eat it, so why not give it to us?"

"That's right, you are so narrow-minded, we just said a few words casually, and you will bear a grudge? Is there any reason for this?"

"I'm still thinking about it, why, do you have an opinion?"

Ye Han raised his thick eyebrows, his eyes burst out with a cold look, quite domineering.

"you you you you……"

"What about me? What kind of onion, ginger, and garlic are you? Pointing at my nose and insulting my wife, I still have to eat and drink for you? Don't say you are an irrelevant passerby, even if you are the king of heaven. I have to get out of my way too!"

"Yes, get out, get out as far as you can! With a stinky mouth full of feces, who would dare to eat the food that she has stained?"

"The two gossiping women like to tell tales. With them at the dinner party, it's like a flower stuck in cow dung. It's ugly and smelly!"

After Ye Han finished speaking, there were many villagers who came to his aid, and they all wished to drive their two families away.

To put it bluntly, I can't blame the villagers, who let these two women have a poisonous tongue, but they are still two gluttons who love to take advantage of food, if they are really allowed to go, maybe they will be greedy for a lot of meat.

There is only so much meat, but there are so many people. If there are two fewer competitors, wouldn't it be possible to eat more meat?

This person doesn't want to kill the world for himself, who doesn't think carefully?
Therefore, Zheng and Zhang, who like to die, have tragically become thorns in the eyes of the villagers, thorns in the flesh, and they want to get rid of them!
Zhang's man, Li Dazhu, just cried and went blind. What kind of a thing is this? It's so good that he can eat and drink for free, but he was killed by the two wives in the end?
Immediately picked up Mrs. Zhang to beat and scolded: "You stinky bitch, you are more than successful than you are, and Shunzi is still counting on eating meat. It's better for you, forcefully push the meat out of your mouth, and see if I don't beat you to death!"

"Oh, don't, don't hit me, I was wrong, I'll just say it casually, that bastard Ye Han is too vengeful!"

Mrs. Zhang was beaten and scolded by her own men, and Lin Acai, the man of Mrs. Zheng, was also very depressed, but because the dirty things between him and Widow Liu were revealed before, it was a bit unreasonable, so it was not easy to start, otherwise he would be in a hurry. Mentioning Widow Liu directly made him embarrassed in the end.

As a result, Lin Acai froze there, either beating or not beating, suffering from internal injuries.

Ye Dahai winked at Mrs. Sun, since he couldn't get the meat back, he had no choice but to focus on the tiger skin.

Mrs. Sun understood, stepped forward immediately, and said with a round face coldly: "Xiao Han, the male college should be married and the female college should be married. Your parents don't object if you want to marry a daughter-in-law, but you can't marry someone for nothing, right? In this way, you put Give this tiger skin to mother, mother will take it and deal with it, and then I will make it for you as a betrothal gift."

(End of this chapter)

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