Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 162 Eating looks too ugly!

Chapter 162 Eating looks too ugly!
This sounds logical.

But Shen Qiqiao felt weird no matter how she heard it.

You can't marry yourself for nothing, you have to give some dowry, and then take the tiger skin to Mrs. Sun to deal with it, and then use it as a dowry?

It is confirmed that this big tiger skin has entered the hands of Mrs. Sun, can I have a belt for my re-employment?

Anyway, she didn't believe it.

But in the end this is Ye Han's mother, Shen Qiqiao decided to give him the right to choose.

When Ye Han received Shen Qiqiao's begging gaze for help, he felt a sense of pride in his heart, did this little girl finally recognize him?
Ye Han was in a good mood, but he would never let Qiaoer be wronged, he shook his head and said, "I will handle it myself, so I won't bother my parents."

Sun was not happy when she heard it, and shouted loudly: "Xiaohan, what do you mean? Mother kindly helped you with this tiger skin. You should be happy. Why do you refuse? Do you think mother will take it privately?"

"It's hard to say." Ye Han rolled his eyes at her, "It's not like you haven't swallowed it privately. There is a wooden box hidden between the bricks and tiles at the head of the bed. There are at least 50 taels of silver in it, but no one knows."

"you you……"

Sun was dumbfounded, and pointed at the tip of Ye Han's nose, unable to swear a word, she felt internal injuries.

God damn it, how does this little bastard know where she hides her private money!
Sun was speechless and wanted to cry.

Ye Dahai immediately got angry, grabbed Sun's hair, slapped her across the face and cursed: "Stinky woman, you dare to hide your private money from me? Tell me, who is it for the handsome boy? Huh?"

Sun yelled at being wronged, her hair hurt from being pulled, her face was still burning, and she cried, "Who can I give it to? Isn't it for our Xiaosi, this little boy, to marry a wife in the future?
Ouch, you are heartless, I have devoted my heart and soul to this family, yet you still suspect that I am stealing men outside, this day is simply unbearable!I can't pass it! "

"Okay, you bitch, are you making fun of people who would hunt for death after being beaten? Hurry up and ask Ye Han to peel off the tiger skin so that he can make some winter jackets for Si'er."

Ye Dahai waved his hand carelessly, and directly asked Mrs. Sun to go to Ye Han to peel the tiger skin. What's even more amusing was that he even told the usefulness of the tiger skin.

On the side, Ye Han's face was instantly cold, and his pupils were covered with a layer of frost.

The couple really didn't take him seriously, Ye Han, the one who just said nicely about offering him a betrothal gift, turned around and revealed his true self.

In particular, the 50 taels of silver revealed just now was for Ye Jing to marry a wife. Did she forget that this money was earned by hunting hard in the mountains and forests all these years?

It's a little bit good for him as the rightful lord to fall, now he finally married a daughter-in-law, and they are greedy even for a tiger skin, are these their biological parents?Ye Han became more and more suspicious.

If he gets a chance, he must check it out again.

Ye Dahai wasn't in the mood to pay attention to Ye Han's thoughts, and waved his hands to urge Mrs. Sun to order Ye Han.

Before Mrs. Sun went up, Ye Jing rushed forward with a vigorous step: "Ye Han, quickly peel off this tiger skin, I'm going to make a winter jacket, I'm afraid of the cold!"

The corner of Shen Qiqiao's mouth twitched at the side, what kind of brat in this family would call his elder brother by his first name if he wanted anything, this family is by no means his relatives!

It looks so ugly!
Ye Han's face was so dark that it was about to drip ink, and his voice was very cold and straightforward: "No!"

"Why? You are my elder brother. The matter between you and Shen Qiqiao has not yet been decided. There is plenty of time to prepare the bride price, but there is only one tiger skin, and I want it!"

After speaking, he went to grab Ye Han's arm.

(End of this chapter)

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