Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 313 There's something tricky in it!

Chapter 313 There's something tricky in it!
Shen Qiqiao showed a mysterious smile: "Hey, it's not convenient to reveal this at the moment. What should Manager Su do? When the time comes, we will come naturally."

"Okay, well, I'll wait here for your good news, little one!"

After leaving Su's tea shop, Shen Qiqiao and Ye Han went to the market to purchase some goods, such as rice noodles with oil, salt, sauce and vinegar.

But just as they were packing their things and preparing to go home, Shen Qiqiao suddenly asked Ye Han to stop the car.

"Qiaoer, what's the matter?"

"Ye Han, look!"

Shen Qiqiao opened a corner of the curtain and pointed to a sycamore tree in the distance.

"Chen Xiangxiang...er, mother?"

Ye Han was taken aback, he never expected to see his mother here—Ms. Sun, the key is that she is still with Chen Xiangxiang, which is intriguing.

Ye Han's eyes flashed, and he said softly, "Come on, let's wait and see what they are going to do?"

As a result, just as Ye Han finished speaking, a tall and thick man came over there.

The man bowed his head and chatted with them for a while, then Chen Xiangxiang suddenly took out a bunch of copper coins from his bosom, the man weighed the copper coins, smiled with satisfaction, chatted with them for a while, and left.

Chen Xiangxiang and Sun also muttered a few words, then turned and left.

Ye Han and Shen Qiqiao were far apart, and because they were standing on a relatively high ground, Chen Xiangxiang and Sun didn't notice them.

After they left, Ye Han turned his face and asked: "Qiaoer, I was wondering, why did my mother get involved with that cousin of yours? Those two people don't seem to be familiar with each other, right? Also, I looked at them as if they were talking to you." People make deals."

Ye Han thought about it, and the more he thought about it, the more wrong he became: "Tell me, what kind of conspiracy are they planning? Do they want to deal with you?"

Shen Qiqiao sat in the car, leaned slightly, and supported her head with one hand: "My cousin said before that she would give me a birthday party, tell me, could it be related to this?"

She knew about Chen Xiangxiang's pissing behavior. She wanted to push her into the water to kill her before, so how could she really want to repent and make a birthday party for herself?
The sun comes out in the west.

Originally, she was still confused about why Chen Xiangxiang asked her to eat, but now she has speculated.

"Do you know the person who joined them just now?"

"I don't know you, you're new to me!"

"Since they are looking for new faces, they definitely don't want to be caught by others and follow the clues. Ye Han, I reckon this is not an easy matter! We need to investigate!"

"Go back first, I'll find someone to check in a while!"

Ye Han knew that she had already left now, so it would be difficult to catch up now, and since Qiaoer was still here, he couldn't be foolish enough to leave her here alone, right?

"Okay, let's go back and talk!"

When the two returned to the village, Ye Han removed the things from the carriage one by one and put them back into the house, Shen Qiqiao packed them up and went to the kitchen to cook.

"Sister, I want to eat the braised bamboo shoots with pork you made last time!"

In the kitchen, Shen Mu lay on the stove, staring at his sister who was busy and said.

"Come on, sister, I just bought bamboo shoots, and I'll make them for you in a while!"

Shen Qiqiao smiled, turned around and pulled out the fresh bamboo shoots that she bought at the market earlier.

"I'll peel it off!"

Shen Xiaolan came out from behind, took the bamboo shoots from her sister, turned around and peeled them off one by one.

Shen Mu was not idle, and went to the firewood room outside to bring a large pile of firewood, and put it under the stove to add firewood.

The kitchen suddenly became busy.

(End of this chapter)

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