Chapter 657
Ye Han held Shen Qiqiao in his arms and did not let go, yelling that he wanted to give birth to a fat boy. Aunt Chen couldn't help laughing at her, and also persuaded Shen Qiqiao to have a baby quickly. Everyone was very happy.

Regarding this, Shen Qiqiao was really speechless.

With his hands behind his back, Shen Mu walked out with an old look on his face: "Sister, let's have a baby, I wish I could be a brother-in-law as soon as possible, at such an age, how gratifying it is to say it!"

"Fuck off! You brat, you're embarrassed when you pass the exam? You, what kind of posture, what kind of expression on your face? You need to be beaten, don't you?"

Saying that, Shen Qiqiao rushed up and twisted his ears.

"Ah, sister, don't, don't twist my ears, it's okay if I'm wrong! Don't give birth to a fat boy, just give birth to a monkey, ah, if you don't want to give birth to a monkey, then just give birth to a turtle..."

At this time, not to mention that Shen Qiqiao wanted to beat him, Ye Han couldn't calm down anymore, who is the tortoise, and you are the f*cking tortoise, a tortoise with a shrinking head!
Ye Han immediately rushed up to help his wife twist his ears from left to right. For a while, the commotion in the yard became more and more lively.

"Sisters and sisters, this is the benefit of the tea factory this year. My daughter-in-law has already done the accounts. Take a look, right?"

Ye An came over with a big smile on his face, holding the ledger.

In the past three months, his family's life has been like riding a rocket. From a poor family who can't eat enough on weekdays, a poor family who has to save money to eat, has become a small tea village with a courtyard house. A small landlord with ten acres of fertile land.

Most of the land here is reclaimed wasteland. Because sweet potatoes do not require high soil, some dry land near the mountains has been mined to grow sweet potatoes.

Ye An is a simple-minded person, whoever treats him well will be rewarded thousands of times back. Shen Qiqiao gave their family a new life, so he naturally has to actively respond to her call.

Last time Shen Qiqiao said that he wanted to plant part of the field into sweet potatoes, but he couldn't help because he didn't have any land.

Now that he has his own land, he has planted ten acres of sweet potatoes without saying a word, which is really amazing.

Shen Qiqiao wanted to grow sweet potatoes, but it was actually just in case, she didn't say to plant all of them, otherwise eating sweet potatoes would only satisfy her hunger, and would not guarantee her nutrition!
Of course, Shen Qiqiao didn't know that this was just a random act of hers, and she made a great contribution to the situation of the entire Daqian Dynasty in the future.

Shen Qiqiao took the ledger, flipped through it, confirmed that it was correct, then handed it back to him, and encouraged him to continue working hard.

At this time, she suddenly thought of Ye Han's parents, and asked again: "Brother, recently... how are your parents doing?"

Shen Qiqiao really wanted to call her by his first name, but in the end she endured it and had to give Ye An a face.

Ye An sighed: "Let's do whatever we want, a small disturbance in three days, a big disturbance in five days, and the disturbance is only for money!

Forget it, I don't care about them, after all, I was born and raised, and I give them two taels of silver every month, which is considered filial piety. "

It has to be said that Ye Dahai and Sun's are smarter than the people in the Shen family. Knowing that they can't beat Ye Han and Shen Qiqiao, they go to trouble Ye An, cry, make trouble and hang themselves, forcing him to fight every time. The moon offered silver to them.

In the end, it was his biological parents, Ye An had no choice but to give the money out of emotion and reason.

Therefore, in the past three months, the Ye family has been calm.

Just talking about the Shen family, Shen Qiqiao frowned.

She already knew what happened to the wild boar and bull at the wedding three months ago.

The wild boar was arranged by Su Shi. The purpose was to confuse the send-off team so that he could be handed over to him. However, Su Shi still had a conscience. He didn't blow the lamp and jumped on it. Instead, he asked himself, would he just let it go?
(End of this chapter)

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