Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 658: Latino!

Chapter 658: Latino!
Although Shen Qiqiao was not very happy about this matter, she didn't worry about it, because later Su Shi came to apologize personally, and they forgave him.

Just this bull...

Shen Qiqiao's eyes turned cold.

Although it has not been found out who did it, it is certain that it must be someone who wants to die by himself!
And in this village, there are only a few people who have a problem with him. Among them, Shen Duobao is the most suspected, because he cheated his mother to death!

Shen Qiqiao originally wanted to give him some flair, but this person has learned a lot, and he left Shen Acai and the others and ran away alone, and he didn't know where he went?

As for Shen Qiqiao, who just got married, the newlyweds had a lot of things to do, so they ignored Shen Duobao.

In the blink of an eye, three months have passed.Shen Duobao has no news, and they will not be busy paying attention to an irrelevant person.

Qiu Kao, the No. 1 scholar of Song Qingshu High School, his younger brother Shen Mu also passed the Tongsheng Examination once, and now he is less than ten years old, and he has become a Tongsheng master. When the news came back, the jaws of the villagers dropped in shock.

The business of the tea factory is booming, Shen Qiqiao teases the little white dog every day, checks on Ye Han's coquettish appearance, makes some soap, eye shadow, lipstick, facial mask, eyebrow cream when bored...

This little day is really fun.

Now that I have almost all kinds of cosmetics on hand, it's time to open a gouache beauty shop in the county.

People like Aunt Chen are reluctant to leave, but how can there be a banquet in this world that lasts forever?

People are drifting in the rivers and lakes, they always have to divide and reunite.

After persuading her aunt and a group of villagers, Shen Qiqiao began to think about moving to the county seat.

But just when Shen Qiqiao was packing up almost all the things to move to the county, Liu Ruxue suddenly ran to find her.

Shen Qiqiao didn't have much impression of Liu Ruxue, the only impression was that she was unruly and capricious, with a little princess temper, but it seemed that her heart wasn't too bad?
She didn't want to see Liu Ruxue, but he came to the door in person, and she couldn't justify not seeing him.

"Sister Liu came all the way, is there something wrong?"

Shen Qiqiao asked with a smile.

Liu Ruxue sat down, poured tea and drank saliva familiarly, and then said: "Sister Qiaoer, do you know that we are going to fight the Turks in the Northern Grassland soon!"


Shen Qiqiao responded lightly, with a blank face, and just poured tea and water for herself.

Liu Ruxue pursed her lips, and said again: "I got this from my uncle!"


"Oh, are you not in a hurry?"

"Um, why should I be anxious? Wars are the court's business, and we ordinary people should live in peace and contentment. It's good not to cause trouble for the court."

"What!" Liu Ruxue rolled her eyes, "When the court fights, it has a lot to do with our common people, so it requires conscription! Moreover, the court has issued a statement this time, and every household must recruit a strong man."

Shen Qiqiao's original indifferent attitude immediately changed.

She had forgotten, which dynasty didn't conscript soldiers when they went to war?

Daqian Dynasty is no exception.

Now, it is even more expressly stated that they want to pull strong men!
She became serious: "Sister Liu came here in person, did she just tell me this?"

"Of course not!" Liu Ruxue raised her exquisite chin, and looked at Shen Qiqiao expectantly, "Sister Qiaoer, actually I came this time to ask you something."


"Brother Ye will definitely go when the imperial court enlists troops. And I have a cousin who wanted to join the army and serve the imperial court in his early years. He will also go this time. I want to ask, can I ask Brother Ye to take care of him? he?"

(End of this chapter)

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