Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 698 You beat me, I listen to you, I beat you, you listen to me!

Chapter 698 You beat me, I listen to you, I beat you, you listen to me!
"You, you, you... Presumptuous! How dare you openly insult the chief, you must be punished by death, death! Come, give me a black iron BMW, and cut my body into pieces!"

Zhou Daya opened his mouth in horror, mourning for Ye Han in silence.

Among the other new soldiers in the barracks, some were fearful, some sat and watched, and some gloated...

Ye Han's expression was calm, and he saw the facial expressions of these people in his eyes.

He looked at the soldiers who brought their horses in, and suddenly asked, "Why do you listen to him so much?"

"Uh, this..."

Everyone didn't expect Ye Han to ask such a question suddenly, and they didn't know how to answer for a while?
Even Colonel Zhu was stunned, and after a long time, he laughed loudly: "Idiot, that's because I am the captain, the officer, and I am in charge of your life and death and your future glory and wealth!"

"Oh." Ye Han responded, turned his eyes slightly, and said again, "Why did you become our chief? Is it because you are very good?"

There are traps in these words, but unfortunately most of the people here are warriors or rough people, so they didn't think deeply at all.

Captain Zhu is a face-saving person, so he naturally hopes to hear that he is good, so when Ye Han finished speaking, he couldn't wait to reply without thinking: "Nonsense, I am stronger than you, a bitch!" too much!"

so gay?

Ye Han glared at him with a black line on his forehead.

Anything can be tolerated, but being pointed at by someone and scolded by others is absolutely unbearable!

Could it be that just because I don't have a full beard, I'm being called a sissy?


Ye Han squinted his eyes, exuding a dangerous aura around him, and said with a smirk: "Since Lieutenant Zhu said he is very good, well, you fight me, if you win, I will listen to you, you lose Now, listen to me!"


Everyone present was dumbfounded.

This logic... you are amazing!
Captain Zhu was obviously taken aback, he never expected that Ye Han would say that!
Immediately, he laughed loudly, and said to a colleague next to him: "Brother, this kid said he wanted to fight with me, this guy must have lost his mind, isn't he looking for abuse?"

"Haha, brother, then you should fight him! Give him a good meal, and vent your anger for your son by the way."

"Yes, father, beat him, beat him to death, woo woo woo..."

"Okay, let's see how I fix him!"

Captain Zhu rolled up his sleeves and wanted to go up, but Tian Shuoan opened his mouth to stop him, but it was too late, Captain Zhu had already come in front of Ye Han.

He looked at Ye Han with contempt, twisted his wrist, and then, there was nothing else...

bang bang bang!Ye Han was beaten again, Captain Zhu was repaired miserably, and turned into a pig's head.


Everyone sucked in air-conditioning, this style of painting is wrong!Who is this kid, he has no temper for repairing Xiaowei Zhu?
You must know that Captain Zhu is really capable of overcoming five or six strong men by himself in the martial arts field!
Although this kid looks white and clean, soft and weak, but when he fights, it seems... is he really evil?
Many people began to calculate Ye Han's force value, thinking about whether they could resist his move after they went up.
Then, many people shook their heads desperately, they couldn't stop it, they couldn't stop it at all!

Ye Han didn't care to pay attention to everyone's shocked and astonished expressions. He leisurely walked up to Colonel Zhu and looked down at him: "Captain Zhu, you lost, so from now on, you have to listen to me!"

(End of this chapter)

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