Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 699 This style is a bit like him!

Chapter 699 This style is a bit like him!


In the conscription camp tent, there is a large piece of swaying here and there.

Ye Han's words were really...too shocking, and he was a little too courageous. How dare he let a dignified captain listen to his orders?
do you know who you areYou are a soldier!

But then again, Captain Zhu seemed to agree just now, right?
Captain Zhu's old face was blushing at this time, and he was ashamed!
Fortunately, he was beaten into a pig's head, and his face was flushed, so it was not a big problem.

He is ashamed and angry now!
Thinking of him as a dignified school lieutenant, one can beat five in the martial arts arena, he is really majestic, but now, he can't beat a small soldier who came out of nowhere in the countryside?

What an international joke?
He really doesn't accept it, but it's useless if he refuses to accept it now.

He gritted his teeth, glared at Ye Han viciously, fell and stumbled with the support of two soldiers, and staggered away with his precious son who was as miserable as himself.

But before leaving, he did not forget to warn Ye Han: "Stinky boy, don't think you have won, just wait, wait!"

Ye Han smiled: "Lieutenant Zhu, don't forget the bet you made with me. If you lost, you must obey my orders from now on."


The corner of Captain Zhu's mouth twitched violently, and then he didn't want to say anything to Ye Han, so he quickly clamped his tail and ran away in a hurry.

If she stays any longer, she will really lose face!

Captain Zhu left, leaving Tian Shuo'an behind.

Tian Shuo'an didn't expect Ye Han to be able to play like this?Seeing Lieutenant Zhu leaving, he also hurriedly wanted to retreat.

"Wait! Deputy Captain Tian, ​​why are you leaving in such a hurry?"

"Ye Han, what do you want to do? Please calm down, this is the army, not Fenglin County, who do you think you are? A person who is regarded as a dead person by a big man, what kind of trouble can he cause?

If you dare to mess around in the army, if the current emperor finds out, your life will definitely be killed, by the way, and your family, don’t even try to run away! "

As soon as the family was mentioned, Ye Han's eyes suddenly turned cold, and he said coldly: "You dare to threaten me with my family? Very good, then I will send you to hell first!"

"Don't, don't, help, stop him, this lunatic..."

Seeing Ye Han's scarlet eyes, Tian Shuo'an jumped three feet in fright, and ran straight into the crowd, shouting as he ran.

The soldiers behind immediately went up to stop Ye Han.

"Go away!"

Ye Han shouted angrily, his arms shook, but he shook off those who came up to grab him, and then rushed towards Tian Shuo'an.

Ping ping pong pong bang bang bang, Tian Shuoan was miserable, and was beaten up by Ye Han again, counting it, this was the fourth time.

This time, six of his ribs were broken, and he probably won't be able to get out of bed for a while.

In the end, it was Zhou Daya who pulled Ye Han away, because it was really hard to cause death. After all, this Tian Shuo'an was also a deputy lieutenant, and he was an official of the eighth rank.

Little did they know that at this very moment, several tens of feet away from the conscription camp, there were two people sitting on a dirt slope, seeing all this in their eyes.

One of them showed a look of anger: "What an arrogant boy, really a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, ignorant and fearless! I'm going to take him down, so I can teach him a lesson!"

"Wait! Brother Liu, do you think this kid's temper is a bit like the prince's when he was young?"

The other person hastily grabbed him, and continued to be cautious.

Liu Duwei let out a light sigh: "Brother, don't tell me, it's really a bit similar. I remember that when the prince entered the camp, he was only 13 years old. He was small but very soft and beautiful. At that time, many people laughed at him, but he was rejected He got beat up."

(End of this chapter)

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