Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 778 They Are All Freaks!

Chapter 778 They Are All Freaks!

"The most important point, what is it?"

Both Han Yunshuang and Shen Qiqiao were curious.

"That's right, he retired. When the emperor came to the great treasure, he resigned and left, returned to the fiefdom Yongling County, and never went to Shengjing City again. The emperor wanted to move, but he couldn't do anything."

Feng Liuyun sighed, "As for my father, he came back in the past five years. It can be said that he is not as far-sighted as King Yongling. No, it should be said that he does not have the kind of integrity and mind that looks down on everything!"

"Hey, from this point of view, this Yongling King is a very smart person?"

Although King Yongling was very rude to him and wanted to break up her family even more, Shen Qiqiao didn't care about this popularity, but hearing what Feng Liuyun said, she had a bit of respect for this person.

There is no doubt that King Yongling has such a strong prestige, and he is the one who helped the new emperor ascend the throne. If he wants to, he can become the regent king under one person and above tens of thousands, controlling the government and calling the wind and rain!
But he actually gave up the position he could get so easily in the end, what a strong man cut his wrists, very bold!
"This King of Yongling seems to be a worldly expert!"

Shen Qiqiao felt a little guilty when she thought that the other party had seen through her own nature at a glance.

I don't know if this person belongs to the kind of people who would draw their swords when encountering demons and ghosts, saying things like "killing demons and eliminating demons" and "supporting justice"?
Hope it's not so bloody!

"Sister Qiaoer, why are you distracted again?"


Shen Qiqiao was embarrassed, and she thought about self-gratification again, completely ignoring the two of them.

At this time, Feng Liuyun suddenly stared at Shen Qiqiao's stomach and said: "Sister Qiaoer, did you give birth?
Alas, this day should be less than a month?Well, are you a premature baby?Alas, it must be due to missing your husband-in-law during this period of time, resulting in a haggard body..."


Shen Qiqiao's face turned red, she smiled embarrassingly, and quickly covered her stomach, she really didn't know how to explain this matter?
Han Yunshuang quickly poked at the other party secretly: "Don't talk nonsense, little sister Qiao'er...that child is still in her stomach!"


Feng Liuyun spouted another sip of tea, no matter how good her temperament and demeanor was, she was completely useless!

He stared at Shen Qiqiao with disbelieving eyes: "You you you..."

"What am I? Don't look at me with those eyes that look like a thief! This girl is sitting upright. Let me tell you, this child is seven months old!"

"Pfft! Seven months... this belly is too..." small, right?Not at all!

"What are you doing? I'm going to conceive a Nezha in my stomach, do you know? What's the point of being silent for seven months? Nezha stayed in the mother's womb for three years and six months before he was born, huh!"

Shen Qiqiao was so angry that she slapped the table, it was so disgusting, Feng Liuyun's eyes were clearly saying, whose family is your child from?
Then, Feng Liuyun smiled and said: "What a freak! Well, it's okay, I heard the gossip that the prince is also a freak, haha!
He stayed in the mother's womb for two full years before coming out. His son is said to have stayed in the mother's womb for a year and ten months, but he was born prematurely in the end.

Alas, it's a pity that the child died in the sea of ​​fire, otherwise we can see what kind of freak it is? "


Shen Qiqiao was about to drink tea, when she heard Feng Liuyun's teasing, the teacup in her hand dropped.

"You... what you said is...really?"

"Fake, I'm just kidding you! This is all gossip, it's unbelievable!"

(End of this chapter)

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