Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 779 Waiting for an Opportunity

Chapter 779 Waiting for an Opportunity

"Hehe, it's not enough to believe it!"

That's what Shen Qiqiao said, but she murmured in her heart, thinking that the last time the King of Yongling made trouble for him out of nowhere and asked Ye Han to leave him, could it be that there is really some connection between this?
No, she needs to investigate carefully.

"1 taels of silver, isn't it?" Shen Qiqiao changed the topic to silver again, "Then just wait, I'll collect enough silver for you then!"

"You..." Feng Liuyun clicked his tongue, a little surprised, "Is it really for me?"

"Otherwise?" Shen Qiqiao rolled his eyes at him, and said a little annoyed, "Could it be that in your eyes, I am the kind of person who loves money as much as his life? When a friend is in trouble, he should use a knife!"

Feng Liuyun smiled and said: "But you are a little money fan!"


Shen Qiqiao stared and didn't want to pay attention to him. She snorted softly and looked at Han Yunshuang again: "Sister Yunshuang, are you really going to leave?"

"Of course, I've already made an agreement with Liu Yun."

"Then... your father's side..."


When Han Yunshuang mentioned her father, her eyebrows frowned slightly. After all, the last time she sneaked out of the house, she was severely taught by her father, and she faced the wall and thought for a month before letting go.

Han Yunshuang also hesitated for a moment, and then burst into a bright smile: "In life, you always have to give up something and give something. Dad has brothers and sisters to take care of him, so I don't need me. I'd better follow Liuyun! "

"That's what I said, but if you suddenly disappeared, then your father will definitely search you all over the city, and even go to Shengjing City. If this is the case, if Feng Liuyun's whereabouts are found out, it will be troublesome."

As soon as Shen Qiqiao said this, she reminded Han Yunshuang that indeed, if she disappeared inexplicably, a large number of officers and soldiers would surely be attracted to hunt them down.

Feng Liuyun was already a dead person in the northern border, if he suddenly appeared, wouldn't it be a crime of deceiving the emperor?
"Sister Qiaoer, you are willing to remind me like this, is there any way to solve this problem?"

Han Yunshuang looked at Shen Qiqiao with bright eyes, expecting something.

Shen Qiqiao nodded, took a sip of her fragrant tea, and said with a smile: "I have an idea, just be careful if you don't agree!"

"How could I not agree? Sister Qiao'er, tell me, what can I do?"

When Han Yunshuang thought of staying and flying with Fengliuyun, how could he care about other things?
Sometimes love is enough to drive you crazy!
Shen Qiqiao said: "Fake death!"

"Ah? Feign death?"

"Yes, you can only escape from this place by feigning death now. Although it will make your parents sad in the short term, in the long run, it is the best strategy."

"It is indeed the best policy!"

Han Yunshuang thought about it carefully, and felt that what Shen Qiqiao said was right. If she suddenly disappeared, her parents would worry and look for her everywhere, but what if she died?The parents were sad for a while at most.

"Okay, Qiaoer is gone, do you have arrangements? Tell me, how can I cooperate with you?"

"Sister Yunshuang, this matter needs a long-term plan. I only have an idea now. When it is actually implemented, I still need to plan carefully. You go back first, and when the time is right, I will find someone to come to you!"

"Okay, Qiaoer, then I'll wait for your news!"

Shen Qiqiao, Han Yunshuang, and Feng Liuyun made some plans, and then brought up the poisoning incident in the medicine hall. Han Yunshuang said that her father would handle it personally.

Shen Qiqiao's eyes lit up, she already had a plan.

(End of this chapter)

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