Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 801 Send troops or not?

Chapter 801 Send troops or not?

In a blink of an eye, it was already October.

Winter in the north comes very early.

It is still hot in the south, but it has begun to snow in the north.

It's not obvious, but it's definitely coming.

There is a large army stationed in the distance of a city hidden among the narrow and long cliffs on both sides.

Panlong Ridge is the most critical hurdle for Northern Turks who want to invade the northern border.

As long as you cross here, there is a flat river in front of you, and you can lead the army to kill the enemy camp.

In Marshal Yuchi's camp, a group of generals and leaders were talking and discussing major issues.

Ye Han was naturally among this group of people.

The ten-month military camp life has made him lose the original childishness and innocence, and add a bit of the maturity and wisdom unique to adult men.

And his originally suffocatingly tender face has become even more handsome now, with a bit of sharpness and depth in his richness and jade.

He sat silently in a corner without making a sound.

Yu Chiheng finally looked at him: "Ye Han, what's your opinion?"

Ye Han still didn't make a sound, but took a straw and scratched it on the ground with a layer of mud, not knowing what he was doing.

Yu Chiheng frowned, this boy was much more mature than when he first came here, logically speaking he would not express his dissatisfaction with such childish gestures as he did back then.

But today it seems...

"You don't agree to send troops?"

Ye Han finally raised his head at this time, and he said calmly: "It snows in October in the northern region, Panlong Ridge is dangerous, with cliffs on both sides, only two people are allowed to pass side by side.

Such terrain, after encountering wind and snow, marching is bound to be difficult.We have already missed the best opportunity to attack Northern Turks, now, we can only wait for the next year! "

"Nonsense, Ye Han, when did you get so greedy for life and afraid of death, huh? Before we broke through all the way, didn't you always rush to the front? Why did you go out of your way today and become a coward?"

General Ma has a fiery temper and immediately scolded Ye Han.

Ye Han's eyes flickered, he didn't make a sound, and continued to draw circles with the dog's tail.


Seeing Ye Han like this, General Ma immediately became angry.

If this kid confronts him like before, he will definitely fight him without hesitation, or he will lose in the end.

But at least vent your anger!

But now people don't want to pay attention to you at all, what's the matter?
Yu Chiheng also said: "But we've reached this point now, if we don't continue, I really feel unwilling!"

Winning Northern Turkic in one fell swoop, this is a good opportunity to make contributions, who is willing to let go of this piece of fat?
Not to mention General Ma and others, even Yu Chiheng couldn't hold back.

Besides, they have gunpowder in their hands, are they afraid that they will not be able to deal with the mere northern barbarians?
Ye Han's reluctance to speak at this critical moment obviously caused a lot of headaches for many people.

The chain is dropped at the critical moment.

"Okay, if you don't want to go, then don't go, hey, when the time comes to break through the North Turkic, the credit will not be yours!"

General Ma said angrily, got up with his sleeves flung, and bowed to Yuchiheng on one knee: "Marshal Yuchi, please allow the last general to lead an army of [-] troops as the vanguard and enter the Turkic territory in one fell swoop!"

"Marshal Yuchi, the last general is also willing to go together!"


Then, many generals jumped out and said that they would lead the army to pass through first.

You must know that the army that breaks through first is the most profitable. As long as the army is strong enough to take down the enemy's city, the treasures inside are all the soldiers' own. Who wouldn't be tempted?
Yu Chiheng glanced at the crowd with high fighting spirit, and then at Ye Han.

Finally, he nodded: "Okay, General Ma, then you will send troops!"

(End of this chapter)

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