Splendid peasant girl

802 - I watch the sky at night

802 - I watch the sky at night

"The last general takes orders!"

"Ye Han, are you really not going?"

Yu Chiheng still didn't give up, looked at Ye Han who was drawing circles in the corner, and reminded him again.

"Yeah, Ye boy, are you really not going? This battle can be said to be the final battle that will determine the outcome. If you are absent, it will be a credit..."

Liu Duwei kindly reminded Ye Han that during the few months in this barracks, he and Ye Han had gotten to know each other quite well, and now he was addressing him affectionately, hoping that he would not miss such a good opportunity to make contributions.

Ye Han raised his head, glanced at everyone, finally threw away the straw in his hand, and stood up leisurely.

"I don't care about credit or anything. I want to do everything according to my heart! If you want to go, then go, I won't go!"

After Ye Han finished speaking, he ignored the few people in the camp whose faces were livid with anger, and left.

After he left, with a bang, General Ma slapped his palm on the table and said angrily, "Bastard, this brat is too arrogant and rude? I really thought we couldn't win without him, huh!"

"Actually, I don't think what he said is unreasonable..."

"Old Deng, when did you become so greedy for life and afraid of death? Which of our brothers didn't follow the prince to fight in the battlefield and go through life and death? When did you frown once?"

"But at that time, we were only obeying the orders of the prince. The prince would send troops when he said he would, and he would not send troops if he said he would not send troops. Whenever he saw the right time, sending troops would definitely not fail. Over time, we got used to fighting with him..."

"Hmph, what do you mean, this brat has the prestige of a prince back then? Are we veterans still listening to his orders?"

"Hey, old horse, that's not what I meant..."

General Ma and General Deng started arguing, and General Li, General Wang and others kept shaking their heads.

This well-endowed discussion camp suddenly looks like a vegetable market.

In the end, it was Yu Chiheng who came forward: "Shut up! Now that the appointment has been issued, General Ma, you lead an army all the way to Panlong Ridge and hit Huanglong directly, understand?"

"I will understand at the end!"

"Okay, everyone else is yours, don't say don't do meaningless things!"

This is a disguised form of reprimanding General Ma and General Deng.

General Ma was so angry that he let out a cold snort and flung his sleeves out of the tent.

Liu Duwei followed, but he went straight to Ye Han's tent.

"Boy Ye, did you make a mistake today, why did you contradict the generals and marshals?"

Liu Duwei opened the curtain and entered, and when he saw Ye Han leaning on the bed with his eyes closed, he was inexplicably angry and wanted to rush up and beat this brat up.

For more than half a year, he thought that the iron-blooded battlefield and life-and-death fighting had made him grow a lot, and the childishness in his body had lost seven or eight points, but who knew that he fell ill again at a critical moment.

Ye Han raised his eyes. This time Captain Liu came in person, and there were no more people talking, so he said calmly: "I watch the sky at night, and there will be a heavy snowstorm in a few days. It is tantamount to a big army entering Panlong Ridge at this time." Go to die!"


Liu Duwei hadn't touched a drop of water since the meeting. At this time, he came to Ye Han's camp and wanted to take a sip of water. He didn't know that the water he had just brought into his mouth was pulled by him and he sprayed it directly.

Still watching the sky at night, why do you think you are a mage?
However, Ye Han said with a serious face as before: "It's true! Believe it or not, Lieutenant Liu, you don't have much to lose with me anyway."

"Oh, you kid...forget it, I'll go talk to Marshal Yuchi again!"

Liu Duwei also knew that this was a big deal, so he decided to follow suit.

(End of this chapter)

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