Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 803 The army is trapped!

Chapter 803 The army is trapped!

Liu Duwei was infected by Ye Han's steadfastness, and decided to go against Yu Chiheng as well.

But after a while, he came back, shaking his head and sighing.

"The arrow is on the string, so it has to be fired, let alone the arrow that has already been shot? Captain Liu is obviously overworked. It is unrealistic to ask him to withdraw the army."

"Hey, since you know it, why didn't you say it sooner? It's so embarrassing, it hurts me so much!"

Liu Duwei was very annoyed and blamed Ye Han.

Ye Han spread his hands: "I didn't ask you to say it, you volunteered yourself!"


For a moment, Captain Liu was defeated by that brat Ye Han.

This guy is a jerk, he can piss people off!

Ye Han closed his eyes, as if intending to alienate him, Liu Duwei didn't say anything, drank some wine, complained a few words, and left.

After Liu Duwei left, Ye Han slowly opened his eyes again. He looked up at the gray sky outside the window, and said softly, "Soon..."

Three days later, heavy snow fell suddenly in the north.

This snow came without warning.

Large pieces, like feathers, kept falling.

It snowed heavily for three days and three nights, making the northern region, which was still a bit warm, suddenly become icy cold.

Some people are tired from work, and sweat seeps from their foreheads, which will immediately condense into small ice crystals, which are quite penetrating.

There are also some rivers that have frozen into ice, and pedestrians can walk back and forth on the ice without breaking the ice.

The tree is covered with icy slags, sharp and transparent.


A shock broke the tranquility in the snow.

A sentry ran back in a hurry, passed through the camp tents that were buried for a short distance, and broke into Yu Chiheng's tent.

Yu Chiheng was also in a bad mood these past few days. He never expected that what Liu Duwei said to him that day actually came true!
It's going to snow, it's really snowing!

This is too frightening. Originally, I thought that kid could only fight, but he possessed brute force and needed someone to guide him to display light and heat, but how could he have expected that he would know the art of astrology?
A general who knows astrology, what does this mean in the army?
This will usher in a new era!

Fighting also pays attention to the right time, place and people, and this time is also a very important part.

When Yu Chiheng was shocked by Ye Han's ability, he did not forget to worry about the [-] troops he sent out, and hoped that they would feel something was wrong and come back as soon as possible.

However, a scream made his heart fall to the bottom.

"What's going on, how can you be so flustered?"

"Marshal, it's not good, something serious has happened! General Ma's [-] troops are now trapped in Panlong Ridge!"

"How can you be trapped? What happened? Tell me!"

"Marshal, the mountain is blocked by heavy snow. General Ma and the others can't get out even if they want to, because the Turkic soldiers used their geographical advantage to block the exit."

"What are you talking about? The Turkic soldiers are blocking it? Why are they blocking it?"

"Huge rocks fell from the cliffs on both sides, sealing the entire entrance. You know that the entrance to Panlong Ridge is only so small, and the stones will seal it up very quickly. Marshal, what should we do now?"

This little soldier's question is obviously presumptuous, but he is really anxious, because there is his elder brother in the [-] army led by General Ma, can he not be anxious?

Yu Chiheng didn't have the heart to reprimand the soldiers at the moment, his mind was full of thoughts, the army was trapped, trapped!

(End of this chapter)

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