Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 806 Reinforcements are here!

Chapter 806 Reinforcements are here!

Ye Han explained the real method of using the hot air balloon, which immediately drew applause from countless people.

"Okay, okay, you brat, why did you think of this move?"

Liu Duwei slammed the table and almost jumped up. How can he have the posture of a general?
In fact, not to mention Liu Duwei, Yu Chiheng was too surprised at the moment.

He stared at the hot air balloon and asked in amazement, "Why does this burning charcoal make this balloon fly?"

"Hot air is lighter than cold air. When a large amount of hot air is condensed in a sphere, it can be lifted into the air. Well, I guess you don't understand it. Why don't you do an experiment."

Ye Han pointed to a hot air balloon over there.

At this time, the charcoal fire had burned a lot, and half of the sphere gradually formed, and then everyone saw that the small half of the sphere was slowly rising.

Ye Han immediately fetched a very long rope, tied one end to a small ring under the bamboo basket of the hot air balloon, and tied the other end to another big tree.

Everyone just watched Ye Han's performance in a daze.

Gradually, the hot air in the hot air balloon became more and more hot, and the tent became more and more inflated. Finally, the ball slowly lifted into the sky!

"Wow, I really flew into the sky. I always thought that only cowhide can be blown into the sky. I didn't expect that tents can be blown into the sky now, haha..."

Some soldiers were laughing. The barracks, which was originally lifeless, had a little vitality because of Ye Han, the hot air balloon.

"Haha, Ye boy, you can do it, you have made another contribution!"

Liu Duwei patted Ye Han on the shoulder and said.

Now, in fact, many people who were not convinced by Ye Han's achievements were convinced.

Because this "invention" he made for him is about to save the lives of [-] soldiers, what kind of fearlessness is this?Big contribution?

At that moment, Yu Chiheng ordered the lieutenant to sew up all the remaining tents, and then made an identical hot air balloon model, preparing to fly to Panlongling to rescue people.

Time is pressing.

Because of the heavy snow, the weather was too cold, and one more person would die if it was longer.

So Yu Chiheng urged everyone to work overtime to make ten hot air balloons, and then set off on the road with two thick and long ropes to rescue the [-] troops trapped in Panlongling.

Panlong Ridge, when the Turkic soldiers blocked the entrance and exit here, they withdrew.

After all, it was too cold here, and they didn't want to stay for a while.

It is much easier and more comfortable to kill the enemy in the first place than to let them die slowly in desperation.

So they chose a very aggrieved and painful way to make the enemy die—wait for death!
At this moment, in Panlongling valley.

The [-] soldiers had no logistical supplies because they were the vanguard, not to mention sleeping and heating places, and even food.

Trapped here right now, only waiting to die!

General Ma's guts are green with regret now, and he is grieving and blaming himself.

It was his carelessness, and he was about to ruin the lives of fifty thousand soldiers!

It was all because he was too arrogant and headstrong. If he could listen to Ye Han's words, perhaps, such irreparable consequences would not have been caused.

At this moment, he really knew that he was wrong!
"Soldiers, it's me, Ma Yuan, I'm sorry!"

General Ma roared angrily, he was so sad that he wanted to draw his sword and kill himself to make atonement!

"General, don't, look!"

Just when Ma Yuan was about to swing his sword to decapitate, suddenly, a soldier beside him shouted loudly and pointed to the sky at the same time.

"what is that??"

"It's reinforcements, it must be reinforcements!"

(End of this chapter)

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