Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 807 Remaining life after catastrophe

Chapter 807 Remaining life after catastrophe
"Reinforcement army? What kind of reinforcement army is this? By the way, what kind of ghost is this? It can actually fly in the sky?"

Ma Yuan really wanted to scold his mother, he knew he was wrong, and wanted to commit suicide to apologize, but you still don't agree, and you still want to play him?
When he saw that chubby thing, he felt bad all over.

Of course, he had good eyesight and saw the logo of the Great Army on the hot air balloon.

It seems that they are really their people, come... to save them?

Just when Ma Yuan was confused, the hot air balloon flew near a cliff, landed gradually, and threw a rope from above.

On these ropes, there is a dagger tied every other way, and I don't know what it is used for?
The rope fell, and a letter was mixed at the end.

A soldier rushed over curiously, reached for the rope, and then picked up the letter and opened it.

Suddenly, everyone understood!
"General, it's really great, the sky will never die for us, haha, you actually came up with such a wonderful method for the marshal!"

"What? Bring it here and show me!"

Ma Yuan was still ashamed at first, but now his eyes lit up, and he ordered someone to bring the letter over.

In an instant, Ma Yuan's whole body was shaken, and he was so excited that he died.

"Saved...haha, we are finally saved, my lord!"

"Happy event, this is really a happy event, you must thank the Marshal when you go back!"

"Yes, thanks to his life-saving and reinvented person!"

At this moment, everyone felt that Yu Chiheng had come up with the solution.

After all, Ye Han was just a major general who followed Yu Chiheng's side. Naturally, his ability could not be compared with the marshal's. How could he come up with such an ingenious plan?
A group of people cheered and cried for a while, and then began to act according to the requirements in the letter.

The first batch of people to go up naturally had to be strong and strong, because they wanted to open the way for the next accomplices.

This road is not easy to walk, because it is full of dangers. After all, it is covered with ice and snow. If you are not careful, you will slip down, and you may even be stabbed by a dagger.

Those who went up were terrified, testing the limits of their abilities, and those below were also worried, worried that they would not be able to keep up, and would end up freezing to death here due to too much cold.

Fortunately, not long after, several hot air balloons flew over and dropped ropes one by one.

"Great, the rope is coming again, this time I will go up first, I will go to explore the way first, haha!"

A powerful soldier of Kong Wu jumped out and volunteered.

Once a person sees the hope of life, he will have infinite motivation.

After a while, life paths opened up one by one, and the soldiers lined up one by one in order.

I have to say that there is still strict discipline in the barracks, and there is no jumping in line or disobeying orders because whoever falls behind may die.

Everyone is very obedient.

Although it seems that there is a way to survive, in fact, many of them failed to go up because of exhaustion, and died at the bottom of the valley, and they couldn't even take their bodies away.

Some people cried bitterly when they saw the teammates they used to get along with died here and buried their bones in a foreign country.

Finally, after three days and two nights, the soldiers were finally rescued from the valley.

Because they climbed a cliff with a height of three to 400 meters, Yu Chiheng worried that they were exhausted, so he sent 5000 people to help them.

Finally, on the evening of the third day, more than 4 of the [-] trapped troops finally returned to the barracks, and many of them smiled sadly for the rest of their lives.

(End of this chapter)

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