Chapter 808
In the tent, Ye Han leaned on the bench to drink, his eyes half-closed, looking drowsy.

Suddenly, footsteps approached.

Liu Duwei came in, and when he saw Ye Han, he came up to congratulate him: "Boy, you've made another great contribution! I guess, in this Northern Turkic War, you have made the most contribution and you must have the most rewards!"

"Think too much!"

With a calm expression on Ye Han's face, he said lazily, "We failed to attack Northern Turk this time, so how can we get any rewards?"

"Hey, you don't understand now. It's normal to fight a war for three to five years. If it doesn't work this year, then next year! Anyway, His Majesty said that the meat of Northern Turks must be gnawed off!"

"Pfft!" Ye Han laughed, "You're eating beef when you're fighting? You're still eating it!"

Ye Han pursed his mouth, and his face was full of indifference.

Liu Duwei laughed, touched the back of his head and said nothing more.

At this time, another person came in from outside the tent, a small soldier, and saluted Ye Han: "Major General Ye, General Ma is here!"

"Well, him? What is he doing here?"

Ye Han was still brooding over Ma Yuan's disdainful attitude towards him, so he was unhappy at this time, and even wanted to drive him away.

It was Liu Duwei who stopped Ye Han and ordered someone to let him in.

When Ma Yuan came in, he was holding a jar of wine in his hand.

When he saw Ye Han, his face became very strange, very embarrassed, he wanted to come in and then left, but in the end he seemed to have made up his mind, he sighed, and came to Ye Han.


Ma Yuan spat out these two words from his mouth with difficulty, which was regarded as a kind of intimate address.

"That... this time, ahem, thank you very much... Well, that, this is just a little thought from my Ma, uh, don't mind, please accept it? If you don't accept it , isn’t that meaningless?”

At the beginning, he was a little cautious, but gradually Ma Yuan let go, and finally, with a bang, he smashed the wine jar on the table and asked Ye Han, do you want to drink?
Ye Han smiled, without saying anything, brought a big bowl, and started drinking with him.

Ma Yuan was defeated and almost wiped out his entire army. After returning, he was reprimanded by Yu Chiheng. In fact, he was also very bitter in his heart. Why is it on the pleasing brat?
Strange to say, he felt that every time he saw Ye Han, apart from the attitude that he didn't care much about the newcomers, or even suppressed the newcomers, he actually had a good impression of Ye Han.

This feeling is really too weird.

But at this time, he didn't want to care so much, he just wanted to get drunk.

Ye Han, on the other hand, also cooperated with him to drink.

"I'm sorry, Ye boy, before... I was too eager for quick success and quick success. I was so overjoyed that I almost caused a catastrophe. It was you who helped me make up for this catastrophe. I, Ma Yuan, give you a toast! Come on, do it!"


The crisp sound of wine jars colliding.

Ye Han looked at the dark night outside the tent, where a full moon rose into the sky, which made him miss his wife and children.

I was bored in the army, and I missed my family very much, so I could only drink away my worries...

"Qiaoer, wait for me... wait for me to make meritorious deeds, obtain meritorious service, and return to my hometown with honor. I will come to you, wait for me..."

This night, Ye Han kept complaining about not being drunk, but he was actually drunk...

(End of this chapter)

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