Chapter 816

Shen Mu stared at the white rice paper, his eyes narrowed slightly.

In his mind, many poems came out, but he erased them one by one.

Then, another poem gradually emerged.

He shook his head and sighed in his heart, sister, I have to borrow your poems again.

Although he wrote a lot of poems himself, Xu Fuzi said that they were all excellent poems.

But every time he compares it with his sister's handwritten poems, he always feels that something is missing.

This time, he wanted to use his poems to overwhelm this little girl with a high reputation, and it seemed that this was the only way to go.

Swish, swish, he wrote a string of poems, then put down the pen and walked away.

"Hey, what are you doing, don't go, don't go, Miss, this man..."

"Bring me the poem!"

Chen Xueyun stared at Shen Mu's receding back, and finally landed on the rice paper.

Over there, several scholars had already seen it first, and when the last sentence was finished, they all praised him, secretly sighing that this son is really a rare genius!

"Last year on the first night of the Yuan Dynasty, the lights of the flower market were as bright as day.

Willow head on the moon, after dusk.

On New Year's Eve this year, the moon and the lights are still there.

I don't see the person from last year, tears wet the spring shirt...sleeves? "

"Miss, why are you crying?"

Qing Luo was very surprised, but at the same time worried, who knows who is the bastard who dared to bully her young lady and made her cry?

"Damn it, what kind of broken poem did that guy write? I tore him up!"


Chen Xueyun hurriedly stopped, and then hid the poem in her arms like a treasure: "How could he bully me? It's just the artistic conception of this poem, which is really touching..."

"Ah?" Qingluo was dumbfounded, "What's so touching about this? I think it's very ordinary..."

"Hmph, you are a slave, of course you read it normally, how can you read the deep meaning in it? Hehehe, you are just a slave after all, tsk tsk..."

"That's right, how can a short-sighted servant compare with me and other literati? Hahaha..."

"You, you..."

Qingluo was annoyed, she was defeated by them out of nowhere, and returned all the words she had humiliated them before!

Really pissed her off!

"Miss, look..."

"Okay, didn't you blame yourself for talking too much?"

Chen Xueyun glanced at Qingluo, then ignored the girl, holding the roll of rice paper on which the poems were written, and chased after Shen Mu in the direction where Shen Mu disappeared.

"Miss, wait for me!"

On the other side, across the river.

"Mu'er, why did you suddenly think of this?"

"I...I don't know..."

Shen Mu was questioned by Shen Qiqiao. It is obviously unwise to act so aggressively, not to mention he doesn't even know who the other party is or what his temper is. wonderful.

"Sister, I was very upset to see her haughty face at the time, so when my head got hot, I wanted to mention those people..."

"Is it really?"


Shen Qiqiao took another deep look at her younger brother, said nothing more, turned around and dragged him home.

"Ah, sister, what are you doing, I haven't played enough..."

"You have already caused trouble for your sister, do you want to cause trouble again?"

"No way, I'm just teaching people who look down on people! Ah, sister, let me go..."

Although Shen Mu struggled hard, it was useless, so he was dragged away by Shen Qiqiao!
(End of this chapter)

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