Chapter 817
"After the appointment at dusk... next year's Lantern Festival, can we see each other again?"

Under a willow tree, Chen Xueyun stared at the riverside full of wishing lamps, her eyes wandering.

The boy's eyes were clear, clear, clear, and pure, making it hard to forget just by looking at them.

Let alone his poems.

Although there are no gorgeous rhetoric, they are all simple words and sentences, but when they are read together, there will be more than just deep meaning, let her experience and feel.

Even, to indulge!

In February, spring is coming, which is the time for women to think about spring.

Chen Xueyun looked at the wishing river, already lost her mind.

"Miss, miss, wake up, it's getting late, we're going home!"

Luluo came over eagerly, coaxed and pulled carefully before taking Chen Xueyun away.

The Shangyuan River is still brightly lit, but the people from before have gone away.

During the holidays of the year, Shen Qiqiao lived a bit dull.

Although her younger siblings were all around, Luo Qingyun, Jiang Yifan and others also spent time at their house, wanting to make her more popular and lively.

But everyone could see that Shen Qiqiao was forcing a smile.

She and Ye Han are so affectionate, if they don't want to, no one will believe it.

She had made an appointment with Han Yunshuang before, and when she gave birth to a child, she would go to the northern border with her to find Feng Liuyun and Ye Han.

However, the child did not move for a long time, but Feng Liuyun came back and flew away with Han Yunshuang.

Sometimes it's just a trick of good fortune.

However, this silent atmosphere was finally broken by a clear cry.

One month after the Lantern Festival, Liu Ruxue gave birth to a fat boy.

This can be said to be the happiest news in recent days.

Su Shi and his wife have been married for more than a year, and it is normal to conceive and have children. Besides, the most important thing for ancient people is to carry on the family line, so when the couple get married, the first important thing is to have children.

"This kid is so cute, he looks like Brother Su!"

"That's right? This is the crystallization of love between me and Brother Su! Sister Qiaoer, didn't you say that before?"

"Yes, yes, the child is the crystallization of love between the two husband and wife, hehe!"

Shen Qiqiao is also very fond of children, especially newborn children.

Don't look at the newborn baby who is full of flesh, pink, tender and wrinkled, but that's how cute it is, the most primitive state, the simple and honest appearance, I can't say it.

Shen Qiqiao's stomach hadn't moved yet, so she liked Su Shi's child very much. Su Shi also saw that Shen Qiqiao liked this kid, so he simply asked his son to worship her as his godmother.

Now, Shen Qiqiao was even happier, and she refused to let go of the child no matter what.

"Ah ah ah..."

The baby is just out of the mother's womb, and the person is unknown, but when someone smiles at him, he also laughs, and when someone makes faces at him, he will jump up and down with his hands and feet.

As a result, everyone laughed out loud!

"By the way, Su Shi, does this child have a name?"

Shen Qiqiao held the child in her arms, teasing and asking questions at the same time.

"The name, yes, I have already thought of it for him. You can see how clear and bright his eyes are. He will look like a very smart person in the future, but I don't like making his life too complicated and tiring. Su Che, how about it?" ?”

"Su...Che? Well, a good name! It's refreshing, clean, and indeed a good name. The world is too complicated, and one must maintain a pure and kind heart. What a good name!"

Luo Qingyun laughed out loud.

On the side, Jiang Yifan and others also thought the name was good.

"By the way, it is said that there will be a Town God's Temple Fair tomorrow, why don't we go there to pray for Little Cheche? Brothers, what do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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