Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 818 Is it possible to ask for a signature?

Chapter 818 Is it possible to ask for a signature?

Town God's Temple, originally originated from the ancient sacrifices to Shuiyong (Huangcheng), is one of the eight gods in "Zhou Gong".

"City" originally referred to a high wall built by digging soil, and "Huang" originally referred to a moat without water.The ancient man-made city was to protect the safety of the people in the city, so tall walls, towers, gates, moats and moats were built.

They believe that there are gods in things closely related to people's life and production safety, so the city and the god are deified as the city's protectors.Taoism includes it into its own gods, calling it the god of cutting off evil, protecting the country, and leading the dead souls in the underworld.

Therefore, in ancient times, many large, medium and small cities and counties would have Town God's Temples, and then hold sacrificial activities at fixed times.

Like a smaller city, maybe once a year.

And Jincheng is a very prosperous city. Every season on the [-]th of a month, there will be a City God Temple Fair. There will be many people coming and going, which is very lively.

Outside the City God Temple is a moat, and outside the wall is another moat. Many vendors will set up stalls near the moat, selling various things, such as small sugar figurines, small windmills for children, clay figurines, candied haws, etc.

In the Town God's Temple, a large sacrificial platform was built, with the statue of God City on it, a large piece of steamed buns and steamed buns under the seat, bright red candles on both sides, and futons for pilgrims to come and go. Kneel to petition.

And at the entrance of this temple, there is a fortune teller, holding a flag with the words "One Gua Qian Jin" written on it, whistling with the wind.

"Wow, so many people!"

Shen Lanzhi has been to the Town God's Temple Fair several times, but every time he comes, it's as if he has never been here before, jumping in, and then coming out from the side, having a good time.

Shen Mu was already 13 years old, young and mature, with his hands behind his back, he walked in slowly like an old man.

Su Shi and Liu Ruxue also came, Liu Ruxue held Su Che in her hands, Su Shi was worried that she had just given birth and her body would not be able to bear it, so he supported her, very considerate.

As a matter of fact, love develops over time, two people get along for a long time, and they will develop feelings, not to mention that the ancients valued the succession of the family, Liu Ruxue's stomach is full of strength, and she gave birth to a fat boy, the Su family is so happy, it hurts love It's too late.

As the child's father, Su Shi was naturally considerate of the child's mother.

Seeing this, Shen Qiqiao showed a gratified smile.

"Go, go in and make a wish, and then ask for a lottery, sister, what do you think?"

When Shen Mu said this, he kept blinking at Shen Qiqiao.

Shen Qiqiao understood what he meant, but she was a little flustered, what if she signed a lottery?
Hey bah bah bah, what are you thinking, naturally you have to think in a good place!
Shen Qiqiao went with her heart, felt that she was too worried about gains and losses these few days, what the hell did it matter, soldiers came to cover up the water and earth, who would be afraid of my old lady?
"Let's go, let's ask for a lottery. By the way, please ask for a peace talisman for Little Cheche, so that he can grow up safely and without any disasters since he was a child!"

"Haha, yes, peace talisman, this one is good!"

The group immediately entered the main temple, found two unused futons, knelt on them, closed eyes to each other, and made a wish.

Shen Qiqiao kneaded her hands and fingers, calmly said, "Ye Han, if you can come back safely, our family can be together happily."

Her request is not high, as long as her husband is well!
"Girls, can I ask for an autograph?"

"Yes, give me one!"

Shen Qiqiao said.

(End of this chapter)

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