Chapter 819

Shen Qiqiao was a little uneasy in her heart, but after thinking about it, it's just a matter of asking for a lottery for fun, if the lottery is good, she should comfort herself and look forward to it slowly, if the lottery is bad, then don't worry about it.

"Girl, please shake it!"

A young man dressed like a Taoist handed over a bamboo stick.

"it is good!"

Shen Qiqiao shook the bamboo stick, and then a stick fell out.

"Zhilong has been born, its head and horns are born, and the clouds prosper and rains, and it will benefit the common people. Well, what does this sign mean?"

Although Shen Qiqiao had heard of these Taoist cultures, she didn't understand how to solve the lottery.

"Good luck, girl. This lottery is the upper lottery. The answer is, good luck. The question is about to break through the dilemma. From now on, you can enter a smooth road."

Shen Qiqiao was confused when she heard the explanation: "Why is this lot explained in this way? But I don't have anything to ask for?"

"Girl, did you take down your wish in front of the gods and Buddhas?"

"Wish, of course there is!"

"Hehe, that's right. If you have made a wish, you will naturally seek something. Now that the girl's lottery has been fulfilled, it is estimated that what you want to obtain will be successful soon!"


Shen Qiqiao was overjoyed to hear this explanation, this was definitely the best news she got today.

"Of course it's true!"

"Thank you, Master!"

"Well, what about me, where is my signature?"

At this time, Liu Ruxue also drew a lottery and handed it to the priest.

"This is the lucky lottery for you, and it's also very good. You will make a lot of money and have a happy family!"

"Really, thank you Daoist, why are Qiaoer and your signature so good?"

"It's not good to get the lottery! If someone else draws a bad lottery, the mood will be terrible, hee hee!"

The two girls chatted with each other for a while, and then went out with their respective signatures, but when they walked outside, Shen Qiqiao suddenly remembered something and turned back.

"Didn't you say before that you wanted to ask Che'er for a peace talisman? I was so happy that I almost forgot about it!"

"Oh, yes, look at my memory!"

Liu Ruxue slapped her forehead, and then she was very annoyed, how could she even forget her own children's business, fortunately there is Qiaoer, otherwise they would have come here in vain.

Turning around and going back, he gave him 20 taels of sesame oil money, and got a safe talisman for him to take.

Shen Qiqiao thought that since she came, she would simply ask for a few more peace talismans, so she took one for everyone, and did not forget to take the one for Ye Han as well.

"Wow, there are candied haws, sister, I want to eat candied haws!"

A group of people asked for the safety talisman and walked out of the Temple of the City God. Just as they were about to look around, Shen Lanzhi pointed at a candied haws seller in front of him and yelled.

She was only ten years old after all, and she was still a child at heart. Although Shen Qiqiao felt that eating sweets would cause tooth decay, it was fine to eat it once in a while.

"You, eat less sweets, but today is special, so you are allowed to eat!"

Shen Qiqiao laughed and asked her younger brother Shen Mu to buy some bunches of candied haws.

"Sister, here it is!"

Shen Mu is very well-behaved, and bought it back in a while.

Shen Qiqiao held the candied haws and ate the taste of her childhood. This candied haws was obviously more delicious than the ones she ate when she was a child. Maybe it's because the food here is all natural, no hormones are added, and it tastes particularly moist and delicious.

"Wow, there is a cockfight ahead, I want to see it too!"

There are crowds gathering in front of you, and you can see someone playing rooster fighting there from a high place.

"If you're interested, go and have a look!"

Anyway, today is out to play, so it's time to relax.

However, just as Shen Qiqiao took her younger siblings and the others to the past, suddenly, a group of people beside her started commotion.

(End of this chapter)

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