Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 820 Almost sure to cure him!

Chapter 820 Almost sure to cure him!
"What's going on? Why do I smell a bloody smell?"

Luo Qingyun frowned, looking at the chaotic crowd not far away.


A man with a sallow complexion and festering skin suddenly ran out from behind a wall, stretched out his dry hand with only a piece of skin left, and asked for help from everyone along the way.


There was a little girl screaming, crying and yelling to avoid it, which caused a commotion on this side, and people on the other side also screamed miserably, causing confusion among the crowd.

"Save...save me, please, save me...vomit..."

The man staggered over while leaning on the wall, calling for help constantly along the way, but his skinny appearance like a zombie really scared many people, so no one was willing to help him.

Firstly, I was afraid and felt disgusted, and secondly, I was worried that if the other party became like this, would he be punished by God for doing something bad?

Anyway, no one cares, just run by yourself.

Shen Qiqiao and Luo Qingyun looked at each other and saw the doorway: "Is this person poisoned?"

"Yes, and the poison is very strange, I'm sure, there are definitely more than three kinds, and they are all highly poisonous!"

Luo Qingyun stared at the man and said cautiously.

"Save me... Let me tell you, one thing..."

The people around all ran away, but Shen Qiqiao and the others didn't leave immediately. Although this person looked disgusting, they were all brave people with high skills, and with Luo Qingyun around, naturally they didn't need to be afraid of each other.

"Why should we save you? Maybe you were caught and punished for doing something bad?"

Shen Qiqiao took a step back, since this person survived the poison, it proved that although the poison was powerful, it might not kill the person.

It's just that Shen Qiqiao has a child in her womb, she can take risks by herself, but she can't let the child follow her into trouble.

"I... let me tell you something..."

"We are not interested in anything, you can talk about it first, and I will consider whether to save you or not!"

Shen Qiqiao is very shrewd, she won't promise others easily,
That man also seemed to be in a desperate situation, with a look of despair and helplessness in his eyes, he kept beckoning to Shen Qiqiao, but Shen Qiqiao insisted that he must speak first.

Maybe he was overwhelmed by the pain, or maybe he knew he was going to die but didn't feel like taking the secret into his coffin, so he said it.

"I came from...Changhu County. There are people over there who make highly poisonous drugs to manipulate people's hearts. I am their experimental product. I must report...this matter to the government. I can't let their tricks succeed... Well……"

With a bang, the man fell to the ground after saying the last word.

"Changhu County? This seems to be very far away. According to the map, it is a county near the east coast. He actually came here all the way? Why is he still alive?"

Shen Qiqiao didn't reduce her grievances because of his confession, on the contrary she felt that the matter was strange and she couldn't be easily fooled.

In fact, not only Shen Qiqiao thought so, but other people also thought similarly.

"Mrs. Ye, do we want to save this person?"

Although Shen Qiqiao didn't want to meddle in other people's business, but everything happened, especially what the other party said, it was shocking.

Want to use poison to control people's hearts, to put it bluntly, isn't this similar to black technology?Or in modern terms, want to play "Resident Evil"?
"Qingyun, can you cure this person? How sure are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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