Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 827 A slap in the face on purpose?

Chapter 827 A slap in the face on purpose?
At night, the starry sky is bright.

The coach's camp is brightly lit with candles.

Yu Chiheng summoned all the generals, and placed a bamboo tube, a bowl, and a pile of snow on the table.

When everyone saw this battle, they looked at each other, wondering what the marshal wanted to do?

Seeing everyone gathered, Yu Chiheng pointed at Ye Han: "You, come up, and demonstrate what you did during the day just now."

Ye Han missed Qiao'er during the day, and went to drink when he had nothing to do. Now he was slightly drunk, but he was more obedient than usual, so he obediently went up and did the day's things again.

"What... what is this thing for?"

"It looks like..."

"Ye Han, explain to them."

Ye Han explained obediently.

Yu Chiheng was very satisfied, this kid became much more peaceful after drinking, and sure enough he had to drink more in the future.

Then, the generals were shocked and surprised.

"Binoculars, how far can you see?"

"It's far away, I tried it before! Come on, come on, you all try!"

Immediately, General Li, General Deng, General Ma and others stepped forward and tried one by one.

Although Ma Yuan is a big-bodied guy, he is not stupid. In addition, he has lived in the army all year round and has an extremely sensitive perception of vision. He immediately shouted: "This...this is against the sky!"

Then, General Deng also excitedly said: "It is indeed against the sky. If we can put our field of vision so far, then we don't have to worry about any enemy attack at all, and we can even seize the opportunity!"

Perceive the latest developments of the enemy army, and then make the most accurate judgment, this is destined to be a heaven-defying skill in ancient wars!
"Hey, unfortunately, this thing is made of ice, so it won't last long!"

Someone sighed.

"That's not necessarily the case. In fact, there are things that can replace it, such as water jade."

Ye Han said lightly.

"Water jade? That thing is very precious. Even if we report to the imperial court that we need water jade to make telescopes, it is estimated that there are very few approved by Nen. It would be good if there are two or three for a large army."

General Deng shook his head. Shuiyu is actually the crystal of later generations. This thing is inherently precious. It is unrealistic to take such a large piece to make the lens in the bamboo tube. A small amount is fine.

Ye Han put his arms around his shoulders, thought for a while, and said, "I remember that among the goods from the Western Regions, there is a kind of colored glaze. The price is not particularly expensive, and it can be replaced."

"Liuli? Is it the usual glass cup?"


Liuli is the glass of later generations. In ancient times, productivity was backward, and there were few places where glass was made in the Central Plains. They were all sent from the Western Regions. Compared with crystal, the price is much cheaper.

"Yes, this is fine! Old Deng, hurry up and talk to the logistics team behind and ask them to deliver some colored glaze."

"Yes, the commander-in-chief is in command!"

"Marshal Yuchi, there is one more thing."

"Oh? What's the matter? You have a lot of tricks, do you have any novel tricks to show the big guys? Ah? Haha!"

Yu Chiheng saw Ye Han more and more pleasing to his eyes.

"The final general feels that when the glazed telescope is finished this time, it is time to attack!"


Everyone's faces became serious, and they stared at him, especially Ma Yuan. He wanted to destroy the Northern Turks in one fell swoop before, but he insisted on rushing into Panlong Ridge in the ice and snow, and ended up trapping himself in it. , but thousands of soldiers were killed or injured.

Now, Han Dong's attack has almost become his stalk, Ye Han suddenly said that he wants to attack, is this a slap in the face on purpose?
(End of this chapter)

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