Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 828 My idea, I'll go!

Chapter 828 My idea, I'll go!

Yu Chiheng also couldn't figure it out, it was Ye Han who strongly opposed Dong Dong's attack at the beginning, and it turned out that his suggestion was correct.

But now, at this moment and at that moment, he actually said that he was going to attack now?

Although it is already March, March in the north is still similar to one or two months, especially now that the snow is gradually melting, and the melting snow needs to absorb heat. The weather seems to be colder than before.

It's good to attack at this time, right?
Ma Yuan blushed and had a thick neck, very annoyed, and said angrily: "Boy, you deliberately played me and exposed my scars, don't you?"

"No, General Ma, don't get me wrong!"

Ye Han explained, "In the first winter, the reason why I stopped it was because both sides were at war and their spirits were tense, and the enemy would naturally come up with various ways to deal with us.

But now, we have not had any movement for several months, and the other party also thinks that the ice and snow are still there, and we dare not attack. This is the time when they are most relaxed. If they do not attack at this time, when will we wait? "


In the camp, everyone heard something reasonable.

"But...it seems inconvenient to attack right now, and marching is also a big problem!"

"So, you can send out a small vanguard army first, plant landmines near the enemy army, and then burn their food and grass! Burning food and grass will inevitably cause confusion in the army, and triggering landmines at this moment will undoubtedly distract the enemy army. We can just take the opportunity to enter and destroy the enemy in one fell swoop!"

"Well, that's a great idea!"

Yuchiheng raised his frivolous eyebrows and nodded in agreement.

General Deng said: "Is this going to use landmines? Let me tell you, Boy Ye, the landmines you mentioned last time, although they look complicated to make, are actually made by craftsmen, but the quantity is not large, so I'm afraid it won't be effective. "

In the kit that Shen Qiqiao gave Ye Han earlier, not only did he make gunpowder, but he also gave the method of making landmines.

But it was copied exactly from an article I read before.

That is according to the "Fire Dragon Classic" written by Jiao Yu in 1413: "The frying process is made of pig iron, on an empty stomach, put the medicine and pestle into it, put it into a small bamboo tube, thread the fire line inside, and use a long line to pass through the fire groove outside, the only way to choose the enemy. Dozens of them are buried in the pit, the medicine tank is connected to the steel wheel, covered with soil, so that the thieves don't know, step on the engine, it shakes, the iron blocks fly, and the flames soar into the sky."

Shen Qiqiao didn't know if Ye Han could understand it or not, and if she could figure it out, anyway, just give him all the brains!
But I didn't expect that there were so many ancient talents. Just relying on this ancient text, someone actually developed landmines.

Ye Han raised his eyebrows, and said lightly: "It doesn't need a lot, just bury them where they are most important! When the time comes to bomb them and they mess up, we can rush in!"

"This idea is fine, but it is very difficult and dangerous to enter the enemy's hinterland. After all, the Panlongling mountain road is rugged and there are countless hidden ditches. If you don't pay attention, you will fall into a place of eternal doom..."

"I go!"

Just when everyone was discussing and all showed serious expressions, Ye Han said suddenly.

"This...not so good...you said that if the enemy finds out, it will be fatal!"

Yu Chiheng frowned, showing a reluctance. After all, this boy and the prince looked seven points alike, and it was hard for anyone to say what was the relationship between them. This made him take risks, in case something went wrong?
"Marshal Yuchi, since I came up with this idea, of course I will go!"

"Hey, Ye boy, you have to think about it? Two armies are fighting, it's not a child's play, and going deep into the enemy's camp is not a joke, think twice!"

Ma Yuan coughed and persuaded him earnestly.

(End of this chapter)

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