Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 831 Be careful that he takes revenge on you!

Chapter 831 Be careful that he takes revenge on you!
Shen Qiqiao smiled and pointed to the gate of the examination room.

However, Lu Haoran was unmoved, and just stared at her so tightly that Shen Qiqiao was terrified.

"Master Lu, you are..."

"Miss Shen." Lu Haoran suddenly said in a deep voice, "I want to ask you a question, can Miss Shen answer me truthfully?"

"Mr. Shen, if you have any questions, just ask, and the little girl will know everything."

Lu Haoran took a deep look at her, his expression suddenly softened, and there was a little tenderness in his eyes: "If we met before you met him, would you...would you fall in love with me?"

Although Shen Qiqiao had been prepared for a long time, when he asked this question, she was still taken aback, fell in love with him?I have only met him a few times, how can I rise to such a height?
"Mr. Lu, are you joking? We haven't known each other for long..."

"Although we only met each other on a few occasions, doesn't Miss Shen feel that we have a sense of sympathy for each other? You and I are both talented people, and we made a mysterious pair at the same time. We..."

"Mr. Lu, I think you misunderstood something?"

Shen Qiqiao saw that the other party was getting more and more excited and getting closer, she was so frightened that she hurriedly took a step back, and said with an ugly face: "Mr. Lu was only discussing the couplet with me that day, it seems that there is nothing else."

Lu Haoran was pleasantly surprised: "Are you admitting that you are Mr. Shen?"

Shen Qiqiao nodded, and did not hide anymore, after all, she couldn't hide anymore.

"Indeed, I am Mr. Shen. Because my daughter is not well enough to travel, I changed into men's clothing. It was just a fluke to meet Mr. Lu that day, and then I made a match on a whim. There is no doubt about everything. Please, Mr. Lu, don't Misunderstand."


Thump, thud, after hearing Shen Qiqiao's words, Lu Haoran took several steps back, his face turned pale.

This answer was too cruel, it was telling him that Shen Qiqiao didn't have any feelings for him!
But he has been thinking about it day and night!

He turned out to be unrequited love, unrequited love!
But he still didn't give up: "Since Mrs. Shen has no intentions for me, why did she praise me so much that day..."

"Hey, don't you want to make Mr. Lu happy? If you have caused trouble to Mr. Lu because of what you said that day, then I am here to apologize to you!"

"I don't want to apologize!" Suddenly, Lu Haoran became agitated, waved his sleeves and roared, "I don't need to apologize either, I don't need it, I don't need it!"

"Oh, Mr. Lu?"

Shen Qiqiao wanted to chase, but thought that doing so would make the other party misunderstand even more, so she didn't chase.

Perhaps it is the most important thing for him to find a place to think carefully now.

"Oh, I'm sorry, but... I really don't have any feelings for you... I hope this guy doesn't think too hard?"

Shen Qiqiao was a little worried for a while.

"It's impossible to think about it. I'm worried that he will be born out of love and take revenge on you?"

At this moment, Luo Qingyun appeared out of nowhere, making Shen Qiqiao jump in fright.

"What are you doing, didn't you go to the medicine hall early in the morning? Why are you behind me, you are a fox tail?"

"Tch, isn't this worried about you?"

Luo Qingyun rolled her eyes angrily.

Shen Qiqiao was about to attack him, but when she thought of what she said just now, her face changed. Not to mention, Luo Qingyun's words also had some truth.

This guy wouldn't really be born out of love, would he do something unfavorable to them, such as... the imperial examination?

(End of this chapter)

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