Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 832 How is the battle going?

Chapter 832 How is the battle going?

Shen Qiqiao's small face was very tangled, she must have encountered such a thing, after all, it often appeared in scripts, novels, TV dramas, and so on.

She rested her forehead with her hands, and felt a headache.

"Lv Haoran looks quite upright, shouldn't he do such a shameful villain's thing?"

"Hmph, not sure about that one. Girl, do you want me to follow him and keep an eye on him for you?"

Luo Qingyun raised his eyebrows suddenly, and said contemptuously.

Shen Qiqiao glared at him: "Niu'er? Did you call that word? Do you want to come back and be beaten by Ye Han?"

"Ahem, brother and sister, I was wrong, oops, don't hit him, don't hit him! I'll catch up with him and see!"

"No need!" Shen Qiqiao grabbed Luo Qingyun who was about to run away, a firm expression appeared on her delicate face, "I believe him, Mr. Lu is not that kind of sinister villain! He won't do that Something happened!"

"What's your name? You trust him so much?"

"Although I haven't known him for long, as a person who used to live under the same roof, I can tell that he is not that kind of treacherous villain!"

"All right, all right, you always have your reasons, how about this, I'll go find him, don't let him do anything stupid!"

After finishing speaking, regardless of whether Shen Qiqiao agreed or not, Luo Qingyun quickly performed lightness kung fu and ran away.

"Hehe, this guy, if you haven't seen him for a few days, you'll see him with admiration, he's good at light work!"

Shen Qiqiao smiled with her little cheeks on her back.

Luo Qingyun left, Shen Mu and the others entered the examination room again, Shen Qiqiao seemed bored by herself, wandering around and came to a teahouse, it happened that someone was telling a story in the teahouse.

"Let's talk about the enemy's clever tricks, taking advantage of the terrain of Panlong Ridge, rolling rocks from the cliffs on both sides to seal the mountain, trapping our [-] troops in the valley, trying to drag them to death without water or food!

Unexpectedly, my army was protected by gods, and someone in the army came up with a brilliant idea, using heat as a guide, made a hot air balloon, went up to the sky and dropped the rope, and rescued fifty thousand soldiers who were trapped, tsk tsk, this is What a credit to Deli..."

"Hey storyteller, do you know who the guy who invented the hot air balloon is?"

"Hey, I don't know, I also heard this news from other people..."


There was laughter in the teahouse.

Shen Qiqiao smiled slightly, sat down with her chin resting, and asked Xiao Er to bring a pot of good green tea to drink.

Speaking of which, since she brought out the roasted tea, the tea-making skills seem to have gradually decreased, and more and more people drink brewed tea directly in teahouses. Firstly, it is convenient and quick, and secondly, brewing tea can better reflect the fragrance of green tea. People who eat it for the first time will not get used to it, but after eating it a few times, they will fall in love with making tea.

Shen Qiqiao naturally knew who they were talking about, the hot air balloon was written on Ye Han by her.

Actually, Shen Qiqiao didn't know why she wrote the hot air balloon on her forehead?Maybe it's because I think it's most convenient to stand tall and see far away. It's most convenient to launch a hot air balloon into the sky to scout the enemy's situation.

"Hey, I don't know how long the Northern Turks will fight with us? My son has gone to join the army, and I don't know if he can come back alive..."

"Me too, I'm so worried about my husband!"

"It's probably coming soon. According to the latest battle report, Panlong Ridge has already been invaded! That place is a vital point, a dangerous location, and is called a natural defensive barrier.

In the past, the Northern Turks relied on Panlong Ridge to be confident, and invaded our territory several times to burn, kill and loot, but we did nothing to them, but now it’s better, the situation is reversed, hahaha! "

(End of this chapter)

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