Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 833 Longyang's addiction is incurable!

Chapter 833 Longyang's addiction is incurable!
Shen Qiqiao was sitting in the teahouse, sipping tea, her eyes were constantly moving, looking at the people in the teahouse, when she heard two tea guests chatting, she was overjoyed.

"The army has captured Panlong Ridge, and the destruction of Northern Turks is just around the corner. So, Ye Han will be able to go home soon? Ha, that's great!"

Shen Qiqiao crossed her fingers, nervous and excited.

But in a blink of an eye, I became worried again. After all, no one saw it, and no one could guarantee that there would be any accidents in the middle?
Shen Qiqiao was terrified and restless, she knew it was because she cared too much about him.

"It's okay, he will come back safely!"

"Haha, of course I will come back safely!"

A grinning voice suddenly came to her ears, Shen Qiqiao turned around and stared at her immediately, and said, "It's none of my business whether you come back or not? You're just being sentimental!"

"Oh, brother and sister, aren't you thinking of me?"

Luo Qingyun drooped her head and drooped her ears, with a look of disappointment on her face.

Shen Qiqiao rolled her eyes and said angrily, "You don't know how to listen to yourself?"

As he spoke, he pointed to the storyteller and some tea drinkers not far away.

"It's strange to say that our Lord God of War didn't go out this time, otherwise, he would have taken Panlong Ridge long ago!"

"Hey, don't you understand? I've heard that the lord has given up on affairs of state since he lost his beloved son 20 years ago, and he has stayed in the fief Yongling County all these years and never left."

"Ah? I really don't know that!"

"Hey, otherwise, why do you think the Northern Turks have the guts to go south to harass me on the border? It's because the God of War doesn't fight! Let me tell you, don't spread the word. It is said that the prince lost his son and returned to the palace. It's related to the people in it, ahem..."

Several tea guests chatted with each other, but suddenly stopped, because the news was too cryptic, and it was unknown whether it was true or not, if it spread, it would be a crime of spreading rumors, and their heads would be beheaded!
Shen Qiqiao and Luo Qingyun sat close to each other, and their ears were sharp, so they heard it.

"Did the King of Yongling never leave Yongling County? Hehe... I think he has other plans!"

Looking at Shen Qiqiao's gritted teeth with hatred, Luo Qingyun couldn't help being surprised and said: "Sister and sister, why do I feel that you have a deep resentment towards that God of War prince?"

Shen Qiqiao stared at him coldly, and gave him a look of "you are an idiot".

Nonsense, whoever is being targeted by him inexplicably will lose his temper?You are not a person who kneads mud, so you can knead it as you like?

"I just don't like him, do you have an opinion? Huh?"

"No, no comment..."

Luo Qingyun shrinks her neck, this aunt is very fierce when she gets angry, Luo Qingyun can't afford to offend him!
Shen Qiqiao got angry for no reason, which made her feel better, and then asked Luo Qingyun: "Have you caught up with anyone?"

"Catch up!"

"Is there anything you can't think about?"

"I saw him at the end of the bridge, thoughtful, and thought he was going to commit suicide by jumping into the river. I was so scared at the time, I rushed up and hugged him. The result was too strong, and we rolled on the bridge several times. People passing by along the way pointed at us and said that Longyang's addiction is incurable!"

"Pfft, hahaha..."

"Brother and sister, don't laugh, he and I are innocent!"

Seeing that Shen Qiqiao was laughing too, Luo Qingyun was impatient and annoyed.

Shen Qiqiao asked again: "Then, what about Mr. Lu? How did he react?"

"He..." Luo Qingyun said this, pretending to be mysterious, "Guess?"

(End of this chapter)

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