Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 834 People in Tianyi Pavilion know her!

Chapter 834 People in Tianyi Pavilion know her!

Shen Qiqiao directly rolled her eyes at him: "If you love to talk, don't talk, don't talk about falling down!"

"Oh, brothers and sisters, don't be angry, I'll just say it! That... At that time, that Mr. Lu was very excited, pushed me away, blushed, pointed at me and said, 'You, you, you, you don't know how to be polite and shameless, I, I, I...', then angrily shook off my sleeves and left!"



"Then I don't worry, he will definitely not commit suicide in this situation!"

"Cough... this, maybe..."

Shen Qiqiao suddenly thought, Lu Haoran ran to the bridge in a daze, so didn't he miss the time of the scientific examination?

Alas, did I hurt him?
"The rankings will be announced on the [-]th day after the scientific examination. I hope everyone can go to high school!"

"Haha, Brother Wang is so talented, he will definitely be on the list!"

"Praise and praise, brother Qian is full of knowledge, so it's no problem!"

In a blink of an eye, the exam is over.

The examination room opposite the teahouse was wide open, and the examinees came out one by one, some with joyful faces, some with dejected looks, who looked like they had failed in the examination room, and some were panicked, wondering whether they did well or not?

Listening to the movement, Shen Qiqiao didn't bother to drink tea right now, and went down the teahouse with Luo Qingyun.

Shen Mu and Song Qingshu came out.

"younger brother!"


"Qing Shu, how do you rely on it?"

"Doctor Luo, the test is not bad, I can do a lot of questions."

"Haha, that's good, I wish you a try and become famous, high school graduate!"


"Brother Li, what's wrong with you?"

There was joy and worry, but Li Zhiqing was obviously depressed, and it seemed that he did not do well in the exam.

"It's nothing, I'm a little dizzy, I want to go back and rest..."

"Zhiqing, don't worry too much, the results haven't been announced yet, maybe you can get in?"

"Qing Shu, you don't need to comfort me, I know how I did in the exam, alas!"

Li Zhiqing shook his head, didn't want to say anything more, turned around and left disappointed.

"This kid is just too lacking in confidence. In fact, his talent is not bad!"

Song Qingshu smiled wryly, quite speechless to this classmate friend, in fact, they got together before because of a dispute, who would have thought that if they didn't fight, they wouldn't know each other, but now they have become very close friends.

After getting along with Li Zhiqing for a long time, Song Qingshu also knew his details and the ink in his stomach, so he felt that Li Zhiqing had a high probability of being admitted to Juren!

"Okay, okay, no matter how you do in the exam, since it's over, don't think about it anymore! It's almost evening, and you are hungry after a day of exams, how about we go to Tianyi Pavilion to have a good meal?"

"Okay, okay, sister, I like to eat Tianyi Pavilion's dishes the most, ah, it's too expensive!"

"Well, then shall we come to eat once in a while?"

"Okay, okay!"


Tianyi Pavilion is the most upscale restaurant in Jincheng, and a meal costs hundreds of taels of silver, which is simply unaffordable for ordinary people.

But Shen Qiqiao has money in hand, and the twelve shops that Feng Liuyun gave her under her name, there is no shortage of funds, so she can still come to have a meal occasionally.

But what surprised Shen Qiqiao was that as soon as they stepped into Tianyi Pavilion, someone came out to greet them.

It was a maid with bright eyes and bright teeth, and beside her was a middle-aged man in gorgeous clothes, who seemed to be in charge.

This made her very puzzled.I am not a frequent visitor, it seems that I only come here once in a while?

"It turns out that Mrs. Ye is here, everyone, please come in!"

Shen Qiqiao became more and more suspicious: "Wait! Are you the manager here?"


"Why are you being so polite to me?"

(End of this chapter)

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